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Wurm Online not working

Moderator: MiRai



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Joined: Tue Mar 21, 2023 4:29 am

Post Tue Mar 21, 2023 4:38 am

Wurm Online not working


Wurm Online is java based niche MMO. It uses launcher. I've configured it as follows:

1. Add game in innerspace with WurmLauncher64.exe
2. Using ISBoxer configured character sets.
3. In game graphics settings i've tried Windowed, Windowed resizable, Windowed Fullscreen (a.k.a. Border less ), fullscreen.

Launching game works. It launchers launcher, i login manually. But it does not detect that character game intance is launched. As well, none of window layouts works.

Does innerspace support java based games? Or how i can debug what is wrong?


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Post Tue Mar 21, 2023 4:57 am

Re: Wurm Online not working

It seems that in the background, launcher is launching client_live.jar with some sort of parameters which are unknown as direct launch of this jar produces an error, that it needs to be executed from launcher.


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Post Tue Mar 21, 2023 6:49 am

Re: Wurm Online not working

ISBoxer is designed for DirectX games. Specifically Dx9 - Dx212. It also has limited support for OpenGL.

JAVA games are always a bit of an unknown as they don't necessarily use either graphics API, and made somewhat more difficult because they run in a JVM so the sandbox that ISBoxer creates needs to wrap JAVA and not the game.

Basically, support for JAVA games is limited to non existent. They are more likely to work if the game implements the DirectX API, but not guaranteed as it may still require custom support for that game.


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Post Tue Mar 21, 2023 7:12 am

Re: Wurm Online not working

bob wrote:ISBoxer is designed for DirectX games. Specifically Dx9 - Dx212. It also has limited support for OpenGL.

JAVA games are always a bit of an unknown as they don't necessarily use either graphics API, and made somewhat more difficult because they run in a JVM so the sandbox that ISBoxer creates needs to wrap JAVA and not the game.

Basically, support for JAVA games is limited to non existent. They are more likely to work if the game implements the DirectX API, but not guaranteed as it may still require custom support for that game.

Thank you

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