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Performance Issues with 9.0.1

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Post Wed Oct 14, 2020 11:59 am

Performance Issues with 9.0.1

Hey guys!

First of all, english is not my first language, so I'll do my best.

Im having some issues trying to run more than 5 accounts at once, I usually run 10. And Im sure is an isboxer problem because I checked with only 1 screen open trying to know when stops working. With a 5 accounts set and only 1 screen open, runs perfectly fine at 60 fps, but with a 6 accounts set and even with 1 screen open runs at 10-25 fps.

As I said, I used to run 10 accounts at once with no problems at all, I have a really powerfull machine.

Any advice? am I the only one having this issue? Should I wait for a fix?

Thanks in advance and sorry for my english. Bye!


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Post Wed Oct 14, 2020 3:14 pm

Re: Performance Issues with 9.0.1

The problem with game updates is that stuff changes.
Anecdotal evidence suggests the game is requiring more resources with the latest patch. Also there was a graphics reset in there, so this will mean rechecking all the graphics settings, including the advanced settings, to make sure they are appropriate.


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Post Wed Oct 14, 2020 3:28 pm

Re: Performance Issues with 9.0.1

I experience the same problem even when i run just one wow instance on minimal graphics settings. Fps is 10. The problem is not reproducible if i run wow from within battlenet launcher.


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Post Wed Oct 14, 2020 3:38 pm

Re: Performance Issues with 9.0.1

bob wrote:The problem with game updates is that stuff changes.
Anecdotal evidence suggests the game is requiring more resources with the latest patch. Also there was a graphics reset in there, so this will mean rechecking all the graphics settings, including the advanced settings, to make sure they are appropriate.

You did not understand. I'll give you an example:

"Asd" is a character set with 5 slots, everything works fine, 5 screens running at once no problem at all. Now Im gonna create "Asd2", this character set has 6 slots, and Im going to open only the first slot, ergo only 1 screen open, and here is the issue, that screen is running at 20 fps, the other 5 screens are closed.

If it were a problem of resources, that wouldn't make any sense. A character set with 5 slots running perfectly fine with 5 screens at once, but if I create a character set with 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 slots, and I try to run only the first slot, ergo just 1 screen at once, that 1 screen runs at 20 fps... what? doesn't make any sense, 5 is bigger than 1...

Nothing to do with resources, I checked every graphics settings.

English is not my first language, so I'm doing my best to be understood.

Thank you anyway.


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Post Wed Oct 14, 2020 3:45 pm

Re: Performance Issues with 9.0.1

keergeez wrote:I experience the same problem even when i run just one wow instance on minimal graphics settings. Fps is 10. The problem is not reproducible if i run wow from within battlenet launcher.

Yes! that's the problem Im having. Character sets works fine at 5 slots, but 6 or more and even if you try to run only the first slot, that screens runs terrible bad, and of course has nothing to do with resources because is just 1 screen. Everthing works fine in a 5 charater set.

I tried everything and had no results :c


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Post Wed Oct 14, 2020 4:13 pm

Re: Performance Issues with 9.0.1

You're right, I didn't get that from the first post. But ok. If you have one character set working fine, and another not, then the only real difference is going to be either the DirectX API in use, or the game settings. If you have such a tool (or feel like googling one), it would be interesting to know what differences, if any, are present in the config-CHARNAME.wtf files between a character in a working fine set vs a character in a low FPS set.


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Post Wed Oct 14, 2020 4:18 pm

Re: Performance Issues with 9.0.1

bob wrote:You're right, I didn't get that from the first post. But ok. If you have one character set working fine, and another not, then the only real difference is going to be either the DirectX API in use, or the game settings. If you have such a tool (or feel like googling one), it would be interesting to know what differences, if any, are present in the config-CHARNAME.wtf files between a character in a working fine set vs a character in a low FPS set.

What could be the reason for the case when fps is 60 if the game is run on max graphics settings from within battlenet launcher and fps is 10 when the game is run on minimal settings from within isboxer?


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Post Wed Oct 14, 2020 4:47 pm

Re: Performance Issues with 9.0.1

bob wrote:You're right, I didn't get that from the first post. But ok. If you have one character set working fine, and another not, then the only real difference is going to be either the DirectX API in use, or the game settings. If you have such a tool (or feel like googling one), it would be interesting to know what differences, if any, are present in the config-CHARNAME.wtf files between a character in a working fine set vs a character in a low FPS set.

There is no difference between the characters. I created 9 new sets to check when stops working. Sets with 2, 3, 4 and 5 slots works perfectly fine. Sets with 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 slots runs terrible bad, even if open 1 slots set. The configuration is always the same.

It's very strange that running 5 screens in a 5 character set works perfectly fine, but running 1 screen in a character set with 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 slots runs terrible bad, doesn't have any sense. I tried and check everything, I don't know what else to do :c


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Post Wed Oct 14, 2020 4:52 pm

Re: Performance Issues with 9.0.1

keergeez wrote:What could be the reason for the case when fps is 60 if the game is run on max graphics settings from within battlenet launcher and fps is 10 when the game is run on minimal settings from within isboxer?

According to the tests I have done, probably the character set in isboxer has more than 5 slots. Try to create a new set with 5 or less slots. Good luck.


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Post Thu Oct 15, 2020 1:09 pm

Re: Performance Issues with 9.0.1

antaressoul wrote:
keergeez wrote:What could be the reason for the case when fps is 60 if the game is run on max graphics settings from within battlenet launcher and fps is 10 when the game is run on minimal settings from within isboxer?

According to the tests I have done, probably the character set in isboxer has more than 5 slots. Try to create a new set with 5 or less slots. Good luck.

I've got just 2 characters in the slot. When i run just one WoW instance controlled by isboxer, the fps drops to 10 on minimal graphics settings. When a WoW instance is not controlled by isboxer, for example, if I double click WoW.exe, the fps is 60 on maximal graphics settings. This is why we'd like to ask you to take a look at the issue.

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