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New multiboxer, allready discouraged - can you save me ?

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Post Wed Aug 19, 2020 6:28 am

New multiboxer, allready discouraged - can you save me ?

I have used alot of money and time to get my 8x BFA licenses, and 8x druids up and running. (2 is inactive atm)
But i went in pretty blind folded, and im discouraged AF right now, i literally feel like throwing it all in the trash and say f... this!

I dont know if anyone wanna use their time reading this, or trying to help me with a few points, but ill list what i have atm, and my thoughts.

Right, so 8x licenses, 8x druids, they all have herbalism r3 gathering. But the prices on my EU realm is shit, and i dont see how i could ever get enough gold from herbing to pay for these subsciptions.
- But if i wanted to continue herbing, i have some slight issues that it simply takes too long to gather a herb, since the mouse/characters isnt lining up correctly, and it takes anywhere from 4-10 seconds per herb.
What i do now is : keymap enabled, broadcasting disabled when flying around -> find a herb -> fly down with main and the rest follows -> press X so theyre on the ground -> press my "setview" macro -> enable broadcasting -> and then try and herb with just rightclicking the mouse..

Ive also looked at "raw gold farming". Now, my druids are all low ilvl around 360 to 410. But i have absolutely no idea on how to start this, i mean the config of "assist main" -> attack? -> looting?

I would even tip someone, if i could recieve some help that would move me out of this very disencouraging state im in.


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Post Wed Aug 19, 2020 9:11 am

Re: New multiboxer, allready discouraged - can you save me ?

I feel you. I just recently finished watching all of Mirai's videos. I watched them all first before doing anything to get an overall idea of what I was getting myself into. I then started building a non-pro config using the Wizard and built upon that a little bit, all while re-watching videos. Then I built a non-pro config from scratch without using the Wizard. Didn't have enough umph for my taste so I went to a pro config. I must have watched all the video's at least three times before I felt like I had a grasp on how to do everything I wanted. I can tell you that the gathering stuff wasn't easy to setup but once it was done, it works really well. I have a 5x mixed class set and each has their own professions. I didn't want to have to switch views all the time so I pull up along side a node, bush or mob and just "gather" it using a key bind. Occasionally I have to move the cursor up or down and hit the key again but generally it works fairly quickly. Mirai has a video on how to setup the gathering hotkeys with a few examples on how it's done.

I'm an author of several well known addons and for me what really helped was that I downloaded one of Mirai's Pro Configs and loaded it up in IsBoxer. Seeing the "code" helped me grasp how things are put together so to speak. There is more than one "right" way to do things but, the man has got over 10 years of experience with this software so doing it his way may not make sense at first, but in the long run there is a reason.

TLDR, his way is more universal/modular in the sense that you can just drag and drop characters into your set without changing any keymaps and just play. Some of his earlier non-pro videos don't really take this approach and are more or less "this is how you get this to work" and you'll notice that in his pro video series he's performing the same actions but his config is using a more virtualized approach. Just keep watching videos. Stick with it. Just keep hammering away at it. It'll click eventually...

Mirai, if you're reading this... pssst make more videos. They are entertaining as F.

P.S. Why didn't you use the 7 day free trial of Inner Space and make a bunch of starter accounts to try all this out?


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Post Wed Aug 19, 2020 9:34 am

Re: New multiboxer, allready discouraged - can you save me ?

Dyaxler wrote:I feel you. I just recently finished watching all of Mirai's videos. I watched them all first before doing anything to get an overall idea of what I was getting myself into. I then started building a non-pro config using the Wizard and built upon that a little bit, all while re-watching videos. Then I built a non-pro config from scratch without using the Wizard. Didn't have enough umph for my taste so I went to a pro config. I must have watched all the video's at least three times before I felt like I had a grasp on how to do everything I wanted. I can tell you that the gathering stuff wasn't easy to setup but once it was done, it works really well. I have a 5x mixed class set and each has their own professions. I didn't want to have to switch views all the time so I pull up along side a node, bush or mob and just "gather" it using a key bind. Occasionally I have to move the cursor up or down and hit the key again but generally it works fairly quickly. Mirai has a video on how to setup the gathering hotkeys with a few examples on how it's done.

I'm an author of several well known addons and for me what really helped was that I downloaded one of Mirai's Pro Configs and loaded it up in IsBoxer. Seeing the "code" helped me grasp how things are put together so to speak. There is more than one "right" way to do things but, the man has got over 10 years of experience with this software so doing it his way may not make sense at first, but in the long run there is a reason.

TLDR, his way is more universal/modular in the sense that you can just drag and drop characters into your set without changing any keymaps and just play. Some of his earlier non-pro videos don't really take this approach and are more or less "this is how you get this to work" and you'll notice that in his pro video series he's performing the same actions but his config is using a more virtualized approach. Just keep watching videos. Stick with it. Just keep hammering away at it. It'll click eventually...

Mirai, if you're reading this... pssst make more videos. They are entertaining as F.

P.S. Why didn't you use the 7 day free trial of Inner Space and make a bunch of starter accounts to try all this out?

But is it just me, or is there a lack of very basic guides, for example "how to setup a group for farming "x" spot for raw gold"

That was just an example, but i do miss somekind of guide for the basic. Lets say ive found a spot, that i want my druids to stay stationary.
- How would i target different stuff with the druids
- I reckon auto assist would not be good for this, because i want em to target different stuff -> more mobs -> more loot

I know i have to put some effort in, and i think i did - but i dont have the time to look at Mirai's videos 3 times each, just to understand this "world"


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Post Wed Aug 19, 2020 10:22 am

Re: New multiboxer, allready discouraged - can you save me ?

I don't mean to be discouraging, but this next couple of sentences probably will be. Based on your first post, I'd have to ask the motivation for multiboxing? It reads as, "I'm multiboxing to gather enough gold so I don't have to pay for these 8 accounts". Surely it would be easier not to have 8 accounts that require paying for?

If the reason for multiboxing is because you love a challenge, got pissed off with PUGS, live in a different timezone to the rest of your guildies, or just can't be arsed with the talking to others, but still want to do the content that requires more than one toon, then multiboxing is probably the way.

Multiboxing is hard. There are things that make it easier (like ISBoxer), but ATEOTD, it will always be harder than just playing a single toon, and it will require a shit-ton more effort to get setup, because the game is not designed to be multiboxed. You require you to learn (understand) about the indirect control methods, and how to tie them together.

In my opinion, multiboxing ends up taking out the immersive-ness of playing the game, because you are now a manager, rather than a player.

fragnot wrote: for example "how to setup a group for farming "x" spot for raw gold"

Our team have not produced a guide for this (this may change, but it is unlikely). There may be some out there on the you tube. Besides griefing, it is the probably the other most hated thing that multiboxers do from the non multiboxing community, so it is not a play sequence we encourage. We are aware many people like to farm for their "reasons", but it does get inattentive people banned, and it is controversial on both sides of the multiboxing fence.

fragnot wrote:But if i wanted to continue herbing,

There is a video on how to setup different gathering sequences in order to speed it up a little. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoG_JeuI4Fo (method 3 written out in text). If you happen to be flying around, this will be longer as you need to still do the Sit to land, and add in the take off as well, and these generally cannot be rolled into the gathering sequence.


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Post Wed Aug 19, 2020 11:01 am

Re: New multiboxer, allready discouraged - can you save me ?

bob wrote:If the reason for multiboxing is because you love a challenge, got pissed off with PUGS, live in a different timezone to the rest of your guildies, or just can't be arsed with the talking to others, but still want to do the content that requires more than one toon, then multiboxing is probably the way.

This is my primary motivation for multi-boxing. "Pissed off with PUGS" - your server has PUGS?!?! All I see is "20g per run for Mara Boosts" there is no more "community" like it was in the old days. :( At least not in Classic. Now, it's all about making money. It's ridiculous. *Off Soap Box*

bob wrote:In my opinion, multiboxing ends up taking out the immersive-ness of playing the game, because you are now a manager, rather than a player.

TOTALLY disagree. For me it's made leveling fun again. I HATE grinding but this makes it more challenging and enjoyable. Makes me feel like I'm playing Dungeon Siege or all the Forgotten Realms titles where you have multiple characters. Just breathes new life into the game. I can turn off General and LFG channels and just ignore everyone and immerse myself IN the game. I'm looking forward to running some instances...


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Post Wed Aug 19, 2020 11:14 am

Re: New multiboxer, allready discouraged - can you save me ?

Dyaxler wrote:TOTALLY disagree.
That's the thing about opinions. Everyone has one, and they're not necessarily the same.


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Post Wed Aug 19, 2020 12:24 pm

Re: New multiboxer, allready discouraged - can you save me ?

bob wrote:That's the thing about opinions. Everyone has one, and they're not necessarily the same.

Sooo very true. My only regret at this point is that I didn't dive into Multi-boxing sooner! And, in some respect I hate you all for getting me hooked.

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