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Will ISBoxer 1 be updated and supportet after ISB 2 launch?

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Post Wed Jun 12, 2019 8:13 am

Will ISBoxer 1 be updated and supportet after ISB 2 launch?

ISB 2 Looks very good but for me it seems much more complicated then ISB 1. It also took me some time to figure out how ISB 1 works, mainly becouse my bad english. :D. I watched all of your Videos regarding ISB 2 … but i understood Maybe 5% of that what you tried to explain.
Until now i have configured everything by myself in ISB 1 and i dont know if it is possible to convert it to a ISB 2 Script without errors.

So, will you suporrt ISB 1 and ISB 2 simultaneously or will ISB 2 replace ISB 1 in some time?

And thanks for your work ;)


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Post Wed Jun 12, 2019 8:39 am

Re: Will ISBoxer 1 be updated and supportet after ISB 2 launch?

ISBoxer 1 isn't going to disappear or quit working when ISBoxer 2 is released. ISBoxer 2 relies on most of the same things ISBoxer 1 relies on.

I watched all of your Videos regarding ISB 2 … but i understood Maybe 5% of that what you tried to explain.
Until now i have configured everything by myself in ISB 1 and i dont know if it is possible to convert it to a ISB 2 Script without errors.

You have yet to see the big picture...

That's the thing some people don't seem to grasp here. You had no choice but to do everything yourself in ISBoxer 1, so you think you're going to have to build everything yourself in ISBoxer 2. You're not expected to manually create everything yourself in ISBoxer 2, that's the whole point of Modules. If you're not a developer, you won't be expected to create Modules.

ISBoxer 2 is designed so that developers can make Modules that make configuration insanely easy for everyone else. So for example, with ISBoxer 1 people ask "How do I add large Character names to each window so I can tell which window is which?" and the answer is to point them at a complicated guide where they build this thing themselves (here it is: http://isboxer.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=2190). With ISBoxer 2 the answer will be "Just install the 'Large Character Names Module'". If it was possible at the time for Alge to make a Module instead of writing that guide, he would have made a Module -- and everyone would have instant access to the feature instead of having to figure out each step in the guide.

Additionally, I have to assume you're mostly referring to Hotkeys you've added in ISBoxer that you don't know how to re-create in ISBoxer 2. I've not even demonstrated anything like what you did for ISBoxer 1 hotkeys yet so you're jumping the gun a bit here, but for the most part you're just going to be setting up Modules that support the type of Hotkey you want.

I can't count the number of people who come and ask, for ISBoxer 1, "can I just download a working setup"? They don't want to build everything themselves, it's complicated to do that. With ISBoxer 1 the answer is no you can't just download a working setup. With ISBoxer 2, you really will download Modules that set things up for you. You really will have access to per-class WoW Modules that include all the WoW Macros needed, and even include DPS Rotations. And if there's optional things, you can just tell the Module what features you do/dont want -- instead of having to create each piece on your own.

And again, this is why I am producing videos both for normal folks (which show how to install and use Modules), and videos for developers (which show how to create Modules, which involves WRITING CODE). ISBoxer 1 did not have ANY options for developers to do stuff like this, so I completely understand why that is confusing you.

WoW Addons make tons of things in WoW easy. ISBoxer 2 Modules will make tons of things in ISBoxer 2 easy. I don't expect you to code WoW Addons either.


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Post Sun Jul 07, 2019 9:16 am

Re: Will ISBoxer 1 be updated and supportet after ISB 2 launch?

With "Until now i have configured everything by myself in ISB 1" i mean i have startet with a blank, empty ISBoxer profile. I didn't use the wizard. I have macros, clickbars, keymaps, mapped keys, formations, Auto assist and interact with target on melee and only assist on ranged, face target on one button press and release, cklickbars changing different healstyles on my healer rotating through my Chars done from 0, different ATGs, so i understand, on a user lvl, exactly what my ISBprofile is doing and so i can Change and adapt it exactly to my playstyle or if skill and Talents changes with new Patches or addons take place. I have for example done keymaps with mapped keys which execute another mapped keys of a keymap which stays all the time on to maintain my cc Rotation if i have to write something or if i change keymaps from Damage to heal mode and back.

I am excited to see if there will be ISB2 modules which are similar to what i have done with ISB1. If not i am glad to read that ISB1 wont disapear after some time. Or i have to learn to Code for ISB2 :D


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Post Sun Jul 07, 2019 10:36 am

Re: Will ISBoxer 1 be updated and supportet after ISB 2 launch?

ISB2 modules will not only do similar things better, but also let you create your things in new ways as well.

Here's an example of what I meant when I said "I've not even demonstrated anything like what you did for ISBoxer 1 hotkeys yet".

After that post, I more recently demoed these work-in-progress gifs on Discord


This is a visual preview of upcoming stuff from the Basic Combat Module. This Module provides an implementation of ISBoxer 1 Mapped Key ("Combat Map") and Step behavior in the ISBoxer 2 style, with some new capabilties that you can see in the gifs:
  • The most glaringly obvious thing in the top gif is the big tooltips with debugging state information. Those don't always have to be enabled or look like that, but the point is a simple visual indication of what is going on.
  • Animations. This example uses very simple ones, adjusting the border thickness when the button is "sticky" (Do not advance for ___ seconds), and fading a gray background back to transparent when the button is on cooldown.
  • Cooldown. Not built into ISB1. Some people go nuts on their ISB1 configuration to get cooldown-like mechanics by enabling/disabling steps.
  • Simple auto-assist and auto-interact (you can see autoAssist=true, but autoInteract is not used in this example)
  • These example bars are dynamically generated. Bars and any buttons on them can be added/removed on the fly. Each button is a view of a Combat Map. The second gif shows a smaller bar; to give you an idea of what configuring a bar for this Module would be like, here is the actual JSON for that example bar:
      "buttons": [
          "combatMap": "combat2"
          "combatMap": "combat3"
      "enabled": true,
      "codeName": "myHotbar",
      "vertical": true,
      "display_name": "My Hotbar"

    Not that you would write the actual JSON yourself -- that's what the GUI is for -- but this shows that very few settings are needed for the bars themselves. The text on the buttons come straight from Hotkeys assigned to the Combat Maps.

The first release of this module will be available in the next week or two. I spent some time this last week getting LavishGUI 2 optimized, and replaced dxNothing while I was at it because it was also under-performing. I'm happy with where that's at now, so after I take care of some unrelated Inner Space compatibility issues I'll be back to moving forward on this and some other Modules in the pipeline.

Hang in there, you'll get a better view of ISBoxer 2 soon. :)

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