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So confused on what to do...

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Joined: Fri Feb 15, 2019 4:29 pm

Post Fri Feb 15, 2019 4:38 pm

So confused on what to do...

I've tried watching every video researching every thing I could but I can not find an answer to this at all...

So to start I did the setup wizard, I only play 2 characters they both got added to the team. So I made a hotkey because all I need is 1, to activate it is numpad 1 and it's supposed to hit numpad 1 on my cleric to heal my tank... This is exactly where I am stuck, no matter what i do i can't get this hotkey to work, it is literally the only hotkey I need, I have everything else under control, I just want to heal my tank without having to switch to the cleric every 2 seconds to cast another heal...

So I don't know what is going on but after the wizard I went into the key maps menu under always on and added a new one called heals, I set the command to numpad 1 then set the first step to use numpad 1 on my cleric targeting my SK. I then went to add that under character keymaps on my SK, but when I load into the game nothing happens. I push the button and nothing gets casted...

I tried googling and reading over the wiki and nothing really explains how to get this key working. So I decided to come here and ask for advice.

I wasn't sure if I had to but i logged into the game using Inner Space. So I don't know what else I can try. I'm not exactly computer savvy so this is like rocket science to me lol.

Forgot to mention but I don't know if it matters but the game I'm trying to play is Everquest


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Joined: Fri Feb 15, 2019 4:29 pm

Post Fri Feb 15, 2019 4:54 pm

Re: So confused on what to do...

I don't know what i did but i got it to work lol.


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Post Fri Feb 15, 2019 4:57 pm

Re: So confused on what to do...

If you added a new Key Map, then you need to make sure it is assigned to the Character Set or Character as appropriate. You can do this by selecting the appropriate on of those in the Top Left, and in the Lower Left, select Key Maps, and in the Lower Right, highlight your new Key Map.

You you create a Mapped Key inside one of the existing Key Maps (Always On from what you wrote), then I think we need to be a little bit clearer about what you've setup in the mapped key.
  1. The Hotkey would be what you want to press to trigger it. NUM1 from the sounds of it.
  2. You may need to make this a Two Step mapped key because there will need to be a delay between the targeting of the main and the healing of the main.
  3. For the actions, you need two of these.
    1. The first action will be the appropriate Keystroke Actions -> Keystroke Action to target your main. The TARGET of this keystroke is the cleric, because you want them to press it. The Key Combination needs to be whatever the Cleric should press to target the tank.
    2. The second action (this might need to be in Step 2), will be another Keystroke Actions -> Keystroke Action. The TARGET will again be the Cleric, because you want the Cleric to press the key, and the Key Combination will be the key you want the Cleric to press (NUM1 from the sounds of it).
  4. Now, if you happen to have made this in two steps, you might want to set the properties of the mapped key to Execute a step on "press OR release". This will do step 1 when you press down and step 2 when you let go.

Whether you logged in via ISBoxer (using InnerSpace) is fairly easy to tell. Top left hand corner would normally have a couple of overlay buttons for enabling/disabling Key Maps and Broadcast. You could also press SHIFT+ALT+M and it will popup a message for one of those. It shoudl also popup a Character Activated message when each of the games loads up.
To launch your team, right click Inner Space in the system notification area and, in the ISBoxer Character Sets sub-menu, select your Character Set.

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