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Lead from all windows?! DAOC

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Post Sat Nov 25, 2017 6:59 pm

Lead from all windows?! DAOC


I simply cannot seem to figure out, how to make lead from all windows, since there is not a "if-window-X-is-active, do this" kinda button.

In DAOC, the targetting / assist is set to a certain button for each char, no matter what screen., ex:

To target DAOC1 from ALL windows, press F1
To target DAOC2 from ALL windows, press F2
To target DAOC3 from ALL windows, press F3

To assist DAOC1 From ALL windows, Press shift+F1
To assist DAOC1 From ALL windows, Press shift+F2
To assist DAOC1 From ALL windows, Press shift+F3

So no matter who is in the lead, its the same combination - why can i not figure out this seemingly easy task?! Where do I put in this definition, and how do i call it?


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Post Sat Nov 25, 2017 8:21 pm

Re: Lead from all windows?! DAOC

The Quick Start Wizard should have set this up for you in the default configuration, provided the Target method you chose (or did not change) was the Target Current Slot method.

Scrolling down would have provided this table (I've only got two characters for this test):

But if you want to set it up after the fact, then you need to select your character set, and on each slot, set the following:

And you also need to make sure the Virtual Mappings are correct on the team:


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Post Sat Nov 25, 2017 8:50 pm

Re: Lead from all windows?! DAOC


Thank you for this! I will have to look into it..!


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Post Sat Nov 25, 2017 9:33 pm

Re: Lead from all windows?! DAOC

armath wrote:^

Thank you for this! I will have to look into it..!

Ok... i tested it all through

I cannot get it to work AT ALL.....

Do you understand following:

DAOC all bindingsm ust be made separtly ingame. fx., /macro assist1 /assist daoc1 - /macro assist2 /assist daoc2
Then you must place this macros to qbar, and bind this qbar to an ingame key, each of them., fx. /qbind 1 ( press f9 ) to assist daoc1 - and fx. qbind 2 ( press f10 ) to assist daoc2.
Targeting you can bind in the actual daoc menu on a group base, so that slot 1= F1, slot 2 ( f2 )

So now I can press fx., f1 on all toons to target DAOC1 or f2 on all toons to target DAOC2.
So now I can press fx., f9 on all toons to assist DAOC1 or f10 on all toons to assist DAOC2.

Now comes the problem. How do I tell Isboxer that if DAOC2 screen is open/focus/front, i want my assist + target from ALL TOONS to go to this window? ( DAOC2 ) ( Ie., f2 to target, or f10 to assist )

I simply cannot get it to work and its breaking my head to try figure it out... All other programs are SO easy to set up with this, because you can just do following:

If window DAOC1 is active do assist f9
If window DAOC2 is active do assist f10


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Post Sat Nov 25, 2017 10:11 pm

Re: Lead from all windows?! DAOC

I dont get this it all....

Ingame on all characters i bind following:

Target group member 1 = F1
Target group member 2 = F2
Target group member 3 = F3
Target group member 4 = F4
Target group member 5 = F5
Target group member 6 = F6
Target group member 7 = F7
Target group member 8 = F8

But in ISBOXER your wizard thing wants me to have following on f.x slot 2:

Target group member 1 = F2 etcetc..

Why? The position in the group does not change depending on what window is active - wouldnt slot 1 always be slot 1 ( F1? ) and slot 2 always be slot 2 ( F2 ) ? Or is there something weird in WoW that required this feature?

I made all kinds of crazy overlays and shit - but this stuff I just cant figure out... Something that should be so simple.


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Post Sun Nov 26, 2017 5:59 am

Re: Lead from all windows?! DAOC

Not all games party order stays the same regardless of which member you have active (LOTRO is a good case in point for this one). And the party order invite/accept matters. Where the game behaves in a fixed manner, ISBoxer Toolkit generally caters for that in the default config, although it appears it is not in this case. You are seeing the more common pattern of most MMO's, and it is expect you will adjust it as needed.

Now, on to some basic info before we get into some nitty gritty.

ISBoxer is configured from the perspective of the Active Slot (or Window if you like). The Active Slot, is the one receiving the actual mouse/keyboard input. So whenever you are configuring something and you want to say "if window DAOC1 is active do this", in ISBoxer it is always "from the Active Slot do this". Most of the time, it is "from the active slot, send a message to the other windows to press this key".
This can get quite in depth though, because you can have the Active Slot execute a mapped key on another slot, which in turn does something, which might in turn then tell the Active Slot to press a button. Thankfully, you don't do this often.


After having a read through again of the chain, if you want to use the method you were originally attempting, I think you probably want to clear your profile settings (File -> Clear), and run through the Wizard and set the following options at the end. These will allow you to use the macros as you indicated for Assist and Follow (or Stick if you prefer). Note: the defaults like to make use of the Number Pad + Modifiers, you can change those.


If you want to also have the "To target DAOC{X}", then untick the "hide unrelated options..." box, so you can set the Targeting table, which in your case might need to be adjusted so All characters press F1 to target the toon in slot 1 (it will be columns of F1, F2, F3 etc, rather than rows).

Although this might not be the boon it sounds as using the above option for Assist/Follow, means there is little use for it. ISBoxer does not currently have a "Target Me" mapped key setup by default, although it would be very easy to create one (this would need to be done manually though as the Mapped Key Wizard does not have an option for it). This is what it would look like.
This uses a Variable Keystroke to have the others target the active slot, and will need the use of the Targeting table from before. ISBoxer will replace the variable {SLOT} with the current active slot number..


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Post Sun Nov 26, 2017 2:38 pm

Re: Lead from all windows?! DAOC

bob wrote:Not all games party order stays the same regardless of which member you have active (LOTRO is a good case in point for this one). And the party order invite/accept matters. Where the game behaves in a fixed manner, ISBoxer Toolkit generally caters for that in the default config, although it appears it is not in this case. You are seeing the more common pattern of most MMO's, and it is expect you will adjust it as needed.

Now, on to some basic info before we get into some nitty gritty.

ISBoxer is configured from the perspective of the Active Slot (or Window if you like). The Active Slot, is the one receiving the actual mouse/keyboard input. So whenever you are configuring something and you want to say "if window DAOC1 is active do this", in ISBoxer it is always "from the Active Slot do this". Most of the time, it is "from the active slot, send a message to the other windows to press this key".
This can get quite in depth though, because you can have the Active Slot execute a mapped key on another slot, which in turn does something, which might in turn then tell the Active Slot to press a button. Thankfully, you don't do this often.


After having a read through again of the chain, if you want to use the method you were originally attempting, I think you probably want to clear your profile settings (File -> Clear), and run through the Wizard and set the following options at the end. These will allow you to use the macros as you indicated for Assist and Follow (or Stick if you prefer). Note: the defaults like to make use of the Number Pad + Modifiers, you can change those.


If you want to also have the "To target DAOC{X}", then untick the "hide unrelated options..." box, so you can set the Targeting table, which in your case might need to be adjusted so All characters press F1 to target the toon in slot 1 (it will be columns of F1, F2, F3 etc, rather than rows).

Although this might not be the boon it sounds as using the above option for Assist/Follow, means there is little use for it. ISBoxer does not currently have a "Target Me" mapped key setup by default, although it would be very easy to create one (this would need to be done manually though as the Mapped Key Wizard does not have an option for it). This is what it would look like.
This uses a Variable Keystroke to have the others target the active slot, and will need the use of the Targeting table from before. ISBoxer will replace the variable {SLOT} with the current active slot number..

Thank you so much! It was exactly that bit of code i was looking for "Target slot {slot}" - I suppose that works for all these sort of snippets right?


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Post Sun Nov 26, 2017 3:00 pm

Re: Lead from all windows?! DAOC

I figured out a new bug / issue.

the CTRL modifier for the assist buttons does not work.

ex. if i bind assist 1 to CTRL+F1 - it does not work

If i bind assist 1 to F9 - it does work

Do you know if theres a hardpass for this sort of issues? I solved it earlier by using the "hold down" option for several ismple keystrokes, but it doesnt do the job here.


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Post Sun Nov 26, 2017 4:12 pm

Re: Lead from all windows?! DAOC

Yes, there are a few variables. Not many, but a few. http://isboxer.com/wiki/Variables
For the most part, the {SLOT} variable is used mostly for variable keystrokes where it will then select the appropriate variable keystroke from the variable Keystrokes list, for the slot number the instruction comes from.

We might need Lax to look at the CTRL issue.

Looking at the setup I proposed, the Hold option should be passed through for the Assist key, thus allowing it to work just like the simple binds.

Just so we can confirm we are not chasing ghosts, can you provide a copy of a profile where it is not working (please leave the characters/sets in it, feel free to use the anonymise function).

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