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Possible IS/Boxer bug, edge-case

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Fri Jun 10, 2016 7:08 am

Possible IS/Boxer bug, edge-case

Hey Lax, figured I'd register and post here rather than and db forums since it seemed more appropriate.

The situation is trying to get 5 instances of MH running across 2 4k monitors (with a 3rd unused) and going with a full screen on display 1, 4 quadrants on display 2, swapping, no hole left it seems ISBoxer has an issue with rendering the clients at 3840x2160 due to MH not supporting that res in the ingame options but requiring an ini edit to configure it.

The symptoms that make me think this is the case is that the single client on display one actually renders across display 1 and 3, the gui is maxed in size and not all of the screen is being rendered (eg it seems to be rendering through past the bottom of the screen) and the four quadrant clients render the same amount of screen (with increased GUI size) as display 1 shows but they are missing all the content that's also showing on display 3.

I'm assuming this is an untested edge-case caused by the hardware and the game not seeming to officially support 4k and I can record the 3 screens if you need more evidence or as an example.

I've also got all clients set to fullscreen windowed mode.

Thanks in advance, hopefully this is either user error in some spot but I've used it for years with wow and D3 or an easy fix on your end as I'm having more fun in MH than any other game in ages so would be nice to be able to box my non-main accounts :)


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Post Fri Jun 10, 2016 12:09 pm

Re: Possible IS/Boxer bug, edge-case

ISBoxer doesn't do rendering. The game does. ISBoxer just presents a window size which the game should render at if it supports it (even with an ini edit).

The rendering across multiple displays, and other mini views not displaying correctly sounds like a common issue with using a high DPI setting, or Display Scaling. This is quite common on 4K displays as people don't like the tiny text you get.

Normally the way to fix is to make sure you are running a 100% or no scaling setting.


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Post Fri Jun 10, 2016 6:43 pm

Re: Possible IS/Boxer bug, edge-case

Hmmm, the game runs fine in 4k when I run solo from steam but I'll drop my scaling down to 100% and see what happens, will also drop res of monitors down to 1080p and see what happens


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Post Fri Jun 10, 2016 7:25 pm

Re: Possible IS/Boxer bug, edge-case

Well you were right, it is the DPI scaling. When I switched it from 150% to 100% all is well, just weird that playing a single client from steam doesn't exhibit that behaviour

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