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Update 15 - Nov 5, 2014 : IS not loading LotRO

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Post Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:09 pm

Update 15 - Nov 5, 2014 : IS not loading LotRO

I am able to login to LotRO without using innerspace; however, when I try to login using innerspace, LotRO hangs up before getting to the login screen. LotRO shows "Retrieving dowloadable content list...." and does not progress. This started just after I updated to Update 15.
Last edited by Gorthu on Wed Nov 05, 2014 3:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Post Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:20 pm

Re: Update 15 - Nov 5, 2014

In the Innerspace configuration use the following parameters in your game profile http://isboxer.com/wiki/Game_Profile

-nosplash -disablePatch -skiprawdownload


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Post Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:36 pm

Re: Update 15 - Nov 5, 2014

bob wrote:In the Innerspace configuration use the following parameters in your game profile http://isboxer.com/wiki/Game_Profile

-nosplash -disablePatch -skiprawdownload

This advanced me to the screen that shows overall progress "Connecting to patch server" and it stops at 33%.


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Post Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:44 pm

Re: Update 15 - Nov 5, 2014

You may need to delete the individual UserPreferences-{charactername}.ini files in \Documents\The Lord of the Rings Online so it will recopy from the standard userpreferences.ini and update will all the new download file times too.

I've also noticed that despite me allowing the TurbineLauncher to elevate, it doesn't so I need to run the launcher as Admin (outside of Innerspace) in order for the patch to work correctly.

All said though, I'll patch up and see if it breaks for me too :).


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Post Wed Nov 05, 2014 1:01 pm

Re: Update 15 - Nov 5, 2014

I am stuck in "connecting to patch server 33%" and by doing the parameter thing (-nosplash -disablePatch -skiprawdownload) which bob said, that got me to "pre-caching game logic 11%".


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Post Wed Nov 05, 2014 1:06 pm

Re: Update 15 - Nov 5, 2014

bob wrote:You may need to delete the individual UserPreferences-{charactername}.ini files in \Documents\The Lord of the Rings Online so it will recopy from the standard userpreferences.ini and update will all the new download file times too.

I've also noticed that despite me allowing the TurbineLauncher to elevate, it doesn't so I need to run the launcher as Admin (outside of Innerspace) in order for the patch to work correctly.

All said though, I'll patch up and see if it breaks for me too :).

I did all you said, so far. Now when it gets to the "Connecting to patch server" and stops at 33%. Eventually it will say "failed to connect". (It does login single player without innerspace). I'm in bad need of my multibox fix :) Thank you for such fast responses, even if they aren't working for me. At least it keeps me busy.


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Post Wed Nov 05, 2014 1:09 pm

Re: Update 15 - Nov 5, 2014

Gorthu wrote:
bob wrote:I did all you said, so far. Now when it gets to the "Connecting to patch server" and stops at 33%. Eventually it will say "failed to connect". (It does login single player without innerspace). I'm in bad need of my multibox fix :) Thank you for such fast responses, even if they aren't working for me. At least it keeps me busy.

Same here. It works without innerspace. Something must be broken big time now because I didn't have this problem either until today after u15 patch OR turbine has blocked this somehow.


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Post Wed Nov 05, 2014 5:02 pm

Re: Update 15 - Nov 5, 2014 : IS not loading LotRO

You could try the development build. There were some changes made to cope with DDO updates recently that may also apply to LOTRO.

Right click the Innerspace icon, select Patcher, click the "Download Development (test) patches" so the red dot is showing. You will probably need to restart Innerspace. If you don't have Always patch at startup selected, then you will need to hit the Patch these files button after the restart.

Also of note. I have issues outside of Innerspace too. I can path and then run a single instance, but if I close it and then try and re-run it gets stuck at "Installing Pre-Reqs". Despite it having only just patched and launched successfully. If I delete a file, which forces the patcher to run, then it works fine.

edit: My issue with the launcher getting stuck is that when I close the launcher, the tcp sockets for the Turbine launcher move to a TIME_WAIT status, and as long as they hang around (which seems to be about 2 minutes) I cannot re-open the launcher. Once the sockets time out, then the launcher will start up nicely.


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Post Wed Nov 05, 2014 5:31 pm

Re: Update 15 - Nov 5, 2014 : IS not loading LotRO

bob wrote:You could try the development build. There were some changes made to cope with DDO updates recently that may also apply to LOTRO.

Right click the Innerspace icon, select Patcher, click the "Download Development (test) patches" so the red dot is showing. You will probably need to restart Innerspace. If you don't have Always patch at startup selected, then you will need to hit the Patch these files button after the restart.

Also of note. I have issues outside of Innerspace too. I can path and then run a single instance, but if I close it and then try and re-run it gets stuck at "Installing Pre-Reqs". Despite it having only just patched and launched successfully. If I delete a file, which forces the patcher to run, then it works fine.

edit: My issue with the launcher getting stuck is that when I close the launcher, the tcp sockets for the Turbine launcher move to a TIME_WAIT status, and as long as they hang around (which seems to be about 2 minutes) I cannot re-open the launcher. Once the sockets time out, then the launcher will start up nicely.

OK!! I hope this doesn't sound crazy, but here goes. I started to post another reply about the "gets stuck at "Installing Pre-Reqs"" when I saw your reply. I was having the same issue (except: I didn't notice that after a few minutes I could re-open the launcher. So, I downloaded the IS Patch files like you recommended. I tried to load my 4-box team and the second load locked up at the "Installing pre-reqs"... So, I did the option where I could load one instance at a time. If I waited long enough (that is, if I got "stuck", I'd just close out and restart after a few - only close the instance that was stuck ), I am able to load LotRO up with IS. Good Job!!! Thanks so much for your help. (I'll be looking forward to the permanent fix in the future :lol: )


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Post Wed Nov 05, 2014 5:50 pm

Re: Update 15 - Nov 5, 2014 : IS not loading LotRO

Gorthu wrote: I'll be looking forward to the permanent fix in the future

Me too. I dropped a snarky comment on the LOTRO forums about it as it is a launcher issue, not Innerspace.

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