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isxboxer toolkit not responding

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Post Sun Apr 06, 2014 9:34 pm

isxboxer toolkit not responding

I am trying to link my lap top to my main pc. I have done this before on my other lap top, so I am pretty certain I am attempting at it again correctly. However, when I right click on computers on my main pc and choose copy isboxer pofile to remote -> (pc name ) . It does not do anything for five seconds and then it simply says could not communicate with (computer name) to send data. System.net.sockets.socketexception: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond

I have exited out of isboxer and innerspace.. tried it all from scratch multiple times and getting the same results. Only difference from this new lap top and my old one, is this one is windows 8 and the old one is windows 7. Could that have anything to do with it?


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Post Sun Apr 06, 2014 10:27 pm

Re: isxboxer toolkit not responding

You might need to allow ISBoxer or port 10102 (and InnerSpace.exe or port 10101) in Windows Firewall. ISBoxer doesn't set that up yet


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Post Mon Apr 07, 2014 7:21 am

Re: isxboxer toolkit not responding

I am very new to windows 8. I am under the firewall advanced settings for inbound and outbound. I do not see anything there listed for innerspace or isboxer. I am confused by this 100% . I am looking now at my main pc to my right and it is all available there (windows 7) . THis could be my problem. Any suggestions? I am not extremely good when it comes to tech stuff. I try my hardest to research and fix my own problems, but sometimes I come to a wall. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.


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Post Mon Apr 07, 2014 8:51 am

Re: isxboxer toolkit not responding

Try this...

Mouse to the upper right corner of your screen and click the Search icon. In the search box, put "firewall" (without the quotes), and it should come up with 4 Settings (click Settings if needed, under the Search box). One of them should be "Allow an app through Windows Firewall". That's the one you want.

This brings up "Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Windows Firewall\Allowed apps". Now, if you need to, click "Change Settings" to unlock the button to "Allow another app", and click "Allow another app". In the "Add an app" window, click the Browse button to find InnerSpace.exe and ISBoxer Toolkit.exe both in the Inner Space folder


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Post Mon Apr 07, 2014 9:59 am

Re: isxboxer toolkit not responding

I have done what you said, even made sure that the innernspace and isboxer were both inbound enabled. I am still receiving the pop up message when I right click on New copuuter from remote (lap top name here) from my main pc. Not sure what else to do. It is showing innerspace uplink port as 10101, and the remote (pc name ( ) from isboxer. This is very frustrating =( .


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Post Mon Apr 07, 2014 11:22 am

Re: isxboxer toolkit not responding

Just out of curiosity I checked New computers remote from the new pc and it detects my main pc but has it (pc name - Shouldn't that number match to my other pc?


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Post Mon Apr 07, 2014 3:17 pm

Re: isxboxer toolkit not responding

Still been trying to get this to work for the past couple hours to no avail. I seen where frenchy posted where her pc would not detect the other. She "manually" put it all in without the helper. How do I go about doing that? Is there a walkthrough? I see the troubleshooting on the isboxer.com for if multiple computer helper will not work. But this will not work for me seeing how the helper would not detect the other computer. How do I go around this?

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