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Follow and Assist from any window in EQ

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Post Tue Mar 18, 2014 1:59 am

Re: Follow and Assist from any window in EQ

I am brand-new to this ISBoxer stuff, and don't have my own setup even close to working yet, so please feel free to tell me if I am missing the point.

But looking at this discussion and thinking about the way I usually play, I don't see the need for all those different keys.

I would just make a key for "/assist group" on each character, and another for "/follow".

Make whichever character you want to have control of targeting the leader of the group. This normally will stay the same for most operations, but the current leader can pass control to any other character in the group whenever needed.

The leader sets himself as group assist, selects a target, and has the others assist him (using that /assist group key).

For having everyone follow you just target yourself, have everyone assist you and then follow. You could also have them follow another group member.

This works regardless of slot numbers or group arrangement.

The same assist function also serves for targeting mobs to fight.

(These abilities used to require leadership AA, but recently have been made available to all.)



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Post Tue Mar 18, 2014 2:53 am

Re: Follow and Assist from any window in EQ

It would function, yes.

One can also use "/assist Main" and your characters will pick up the group main assist or any of the three raid main assists, whichever happens to be nearest. The downside being your characters could potentially be attacking up to four separate targets.

It's certainly an option with the removal of group leader AAs.


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Post Tue Mar 18, 2014 10:10 pm

Re: Follow and Assist from any window in EQ

I got this working.

The "issue" I have is that my main is a necro. He has a pet and sometimes this is messing things up as if he is already targeted and the characters try to target him again they end up targeting his pet and they can't follow a pet.

Not sure if there is an easy way around that? I really like being able to select any window and press the hotkeys to have the rest of the group target that member and follow them.

Slowly but surely these guides are sinking in. Some of the more advanced ones like having ATG's and stuff are way beyond me for now.


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Post Thu Mar 27, 2014 2:42 am

Re: Follow and Assist from any window in EQ

morwic wrote:I am brand-new to this ISBoxer stuff, and don't have my own setup even close to working yet, so please feel free to tell me if I am missing the point.

But looking at this discussion and thinking about the way I usually play, I don't see the need for all those different keys.

I would just make a key for "/assist group" on each character, and another for "/follow".

Make whichever character you want to have control of targeting the leader of the group. This normally will stay the same for most operations, but the current leader can pass control to any other character in the group whenever needed.

The leader sets himself as group assist, selects a target, and has the others assist him (using that /assist group key).

For having everyone follow you just target yourself, have everyone assist you and then follow. You could also have them follow another group member.

This works regardless of slot numbers or group arrangement.

The same assist function also serves for targeting mobs to fight.

(These abilities used to require leadership AA, but recently have been made available to all.)


Yes, will this method or any other method allow the follow command to work for more than a group of characters? Such as with a raid? I get "You must first target a group member to auto-follow". I've done some searching and can't find anyone that has multiboxed more than 6 characters which has indicated how they got auto-follow working. Is there an in-game option to turn on to allow this or is there something else needed to configure more than a group in Everquest to follow a character outside of the group?

I'm using in-game socials (macros) which do:
/pause 5, /target Prepared
/pause 5, /follow

And this works fine for all members of a 6 member group but anything more than that, it won't follow. Assist will work fine.


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Post Thu Mar 27, 2014 3:01 am

Re: Follow and Assist from any window in EQ

You can only follow in group. There's no other way around it. If I'm boxing more than 6, I move the two groups independently.


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Post Thu Mar 27, 2014 4:54 am

Re: Follow and Assist from any window in EQ

firescue17 wrote:You can only follow in group. There's no other way around it. If I'm boxing more than 6, I move the two groups independently.

Appreciate the prompt response. That would explain why it's not working. The thing is, I played Everquest for 8 years from March 1999 until March 2007. I don't remember there being a restriction for follow outside the group. I played a lot of groups of characters too :) Was that changed after March 2007?


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Post Thu Mar 27, 2014 5:08 am

Re: Follow and Assist from any window in EQ

It's been that way since 2005. I don't know about prior to that time.


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Post Wed Jul 02, 2014 5:06 am

Re: Follow and Assist from any window in EQ

Ok so I'm very new to this and have been working on assist / follow. I finally got it working but only for 4 of my characters. One of my other character works for follow but always targets one specific person instead of the main person who should be leader and on a second character neither assist nor follow work. Has anybody had this problem or have any suggestions on what it might be? All help will be greatly appreciated


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Post Wed Jul 02, 2014 8:03 am

Re: Follow and Assist from any window in EQ

It could be half a dozen things. Share your Configuration.


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Post Fri Jul 18, 2014 10:13 am

Re: Follow and Assist from any window in EQ

I also just started multiboxing yesterday after returning to EQ (7 year break) and I discovered that alt - F and alt - A work fine for me for auto follow and assist accordingly. It works in any window and for all 3 of my toons.

Still learning isboxer, hopefully I can figure it out before my free time runs out :)

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