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Post Wed May 15, 2013 11:35 pm


WildStar is in closed beta right now. It will be released on June 3, 2014. Is there anyone from the multiboxing community in the beta and know if it has a follow command? From the forums and information on the web, it appears to have tab targeting, holy trinity and dodge mechanic. Looks cartoony like WoW. Someone posted about multiboxing WildStar at their forums http://wildstar-central.com/index.php?t ... oxer.1166/
Last edited by Prepared on Wed Mar 26, 2014 6:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Post Fri Feb 14, 2014 10:29 pm

Re: WildStar

Wildstar is multiboxable. It has no follow keybinding in the keybinding menu. But.... the follow command exists in game. Type /follow in chat and follow works. You can follow another player, npc's, even your own pet. I have verified this. There is a macro system in game and you can easily create a follow macro, then place the macro on the toolbar to assign a key to it. There is a assist key binding in the keybinding menu. you can also create a macro for assist as well. There is a focus player keybinding in the keybinding menu. you can also target a player, right click it's portrait and select focus player in the drop down menu. It appears a full group consists of 5 players. There is targeting keybinds in the keybinding menu for yourself (f1) and the other 4 group members (f2-f5). Wildstar does have ranged attacks, where you need to face the enemy target and keep it in a mouse steerable cone in front of you to hit the enemy. There is an option in options to allways face targeted enemy . This way you don't need to steer the attack cone on to your target. It steers on to the target automatically. There is also an option to auto approach enemy (should work well for melee attacks). By default the letter (F) key is a interact with target key. It also works when not targeting an npc but just being close to the npc while you press the letter (F). There are also defensive dodge abilities. By double tapping the a,w,s and d keys you will dodge (roll) out of the way of aoe, melee and ranged attacks. There is an option in options to deactive dodging. Also, dodging can be deactivated by clicking a toggle option on your toolbar in the UI. Wildstar allows addons. There is actually and addon creation utility in the Wildstar directory called Houston Addon Studio. And as stated earlier Wildstar has an in game macro menu system. Looks like Wildstar should just be as convient to multibox as WOW. As of the time of me writing this post reply isboxer does not load (Start up) Wildstar (for me anyways). I get an error saying isboxer can not launch a 64 bit game window, only 32 bit. So maybe Lax can fix this by game launch. I know I would love to multibox this game with isboxer. So I have not been able to verify multiple game window launching or key and mouse cloning yet. Wildstar is still in beta right now. There is no telling at this point if any of the game options, in game commands or keybindings will be changed or removed by the official launch date. It has been verified by Wildstar dev postings and interviews, that the Addons feature will be in game at launch. Soooooooooo what do you think Lax? will we be multiboxing Wildstar with isboxer? :roll:


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Post Sat Feb 15, 2014 12:30 am

Re: WildStar


That's good information, thanks for sharing. Word on the street is that if you force the Windows XP compatibility mode on Wildstar's launcher that it'll download a 32-bit folder with some files in it -- Specifically a 32-bit client. I have a feeling that the compatibility mode will conflict with Inner Space (as it normally does), but people are saying that if you remove the compatibility mode afterwards, then the 32-bit client files stay on your drive.

Might be worth a shot. /shrug


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Post Sat Feb 15, 2014 2:10 am

Re: WildStar

I have the 32 bit version of Windows Vista installed in a dual boot senario along with my 64 bit version of Windows 7. I booted in to Vista and I am downloading and installing Wildstar 32 bit version right now. Once installed and running, I will post to this forum and let you know if I can get isboxer working with it. ;)


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Post Sat Feb 15, 2014 4:00 am

Re: WildStar

In the 32 bit version of Windows, Isboxer/Innerspace works fine with the 32 bit version of wildstar. Multiple game window loading/launching, Click bars, Mouse Cloning and keyboard key replication all works fine. However I can not get the 32 bit version of Wildstar to work in a 64 bit Windows through Innerspace. Innerspace seems to ignore the combatibilty setting, which causes the Wildstar launcher to download the 64 bit version of the Wildstar.exe and overwright the 32 bit version of the Wildstar.exe :cry:


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Post Sat Feb 15, 2014 8:12 am

Re: WildStar

As soon as I'm in the beta or the game is released I'll take care of it


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Post Wed Mar 12, 2014 3:15 pm

Re: WildStar

lax wrote:As soon as I'm in the beta or the game is released I'll take care of it

The pre-order is to begin on March 19, 2014. Information at the official WildStar web site indicates beta is available to those that pre-order: http://www.wildstar-online.com/en/preorder/

I'm planning to purchase 20 copies and box 15 engineers with 5 medics. Hoping that ISBoxer/InnerSpace will be working well with WildStar for the betas and release :-)

And WildStar does have a follow command according to information on reddit about it.


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Post Sat Mar 22, 2014 7:24 am

Re: WildStar

lax wrote:As soon as I'm in the beta or the game is released I'll take care of it

Were you able to get into this weekends beta Lax? Im having a great time soloing.. and would LOVE to be able to add a second account 8)

I just noticed Wildstar has addon support.. that should help right? ( for getting isboxer running )


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Post Sat Mar 22, 2014 7:39 am

Re: WildStar

I did preorder and I am in the weekend beta. Installed it yesterday, and I am working on compatibility this weekend rather than playing the game. Progress made, but still work to do. :)


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Post Sat Mar 22, 2014 11:29 am

Re: WildStar

Good news everyone!

1. Inner Space build 5973 adds support for WildStar. To try it out, right click IS and select Patcher, check "Download development (test) patches" then close and restart Inner Space to let it patch up
2. ISBoxer 41.7.0322.1 adds support for WildStar including a "User.ini" Virtual File. Update via Help->About ISBoxer.

I see no problems going forward. Enjoy!

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