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Vanguard freezing.

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:26 am

Vanguard freezing.


Used the ISBoxer wizard to set up. In the process of creating characters and several Vanguard will stop responding, usually within 5 minutes after launch. Not only do they stop responding, but VGClient.exe (multiple copies) stay in the process list and can't be shut down without a restart. Something else I've noticed is that the window titles will often revert to the default title, though I'm not sure if that's related to the freezing issue.

Let me know if I can include any more info. that will help figure this out.

DXDiag http://privatepaste.com/

ISBoxer configuration http://privatepaste.com/

Diagnostics for game crashes http://privatepaste.com/
Diagnostics for game freezes http://www.tempfiles.net/downloadDiagnostics-for-game-freezes.html

Last edited by Meshuggenah on Tue Dec 17, 2013 10:45 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Post Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:46 am

Re: Vanguard freezing.

The "Diagnostics for game freezes" must be taken from the frozen instance of Vanguard; you've given me a normal, non-frozen dump without Inner Space loaded so there's nothing of interest in it. Please get me this diagnostic file again but from the frozen Vanguard instance


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Post Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:11 am

Re: Vanguard freezing.

My bad, must have clicked one of the processes that was still responding last time.


The client stays in the task bar, says Not Responding in the Windows task manager application list. You can end task, the window disappears from the task bar but the process doesn't go away.

Cheers for the quick response
Last edited by Meshuggenah on Tue Dec 17, 2013 10:45 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Post Mon Dec 09, 2013 10:00 am

Re: Vanguard freezing.

Okay here's what I got...

The game's main thread actually appears to be waiting on a network read. That could be locked waiting on something else to complete first, resulting in this freeze.

There's 2 "extra" things loaded in the game process that could be affecting this (and in combination with Inner Space may be causing a deadlock).

First of all the painful one, BfLLR.dll. This is part of the drivers from your Bigfoot "Killer NIC" network card. This file causes compatibility problems with various software (google it), though it is possible that the problem can be solved by updating this network driver. So I would definitely check for an update for your network card first. I might also be inclined to try disabling some of the software options to see if it's possible to not load BfLLR.dll at all (though this module may be part of what offloads some of the CPU-bound networking functions to the NIC's processor). I'm not entirely sure but that might be possible by disabling its System Service (which shows up in your crash diagnostics as "BFNService") in the Windows Administrative tools.

Secondly, D:\Applications\BomRot -- I have no idea what that is exactly, but this at least contains TortoiseSVN stuff and loads several DLLs in the process, some of which could affect networking -- TortoiseSVN32.dll, TortoiseStub32.dll, libsvn_tsvn32.dll, libasl32.dll, libaprutil_tsvn32.dll, libapr_tsvn32.dll, intl_tsvn32.dll. You could at least shut this down for a bit to narrow down the issue.


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Post Mon Dec 09, 2013 10:54 am

Re: Vanguard freezing.

OK. I upgraded my NIC software, disabled the Killer Network service & uninstalled TortoiseSVN completely. I can't uninstall the Killer Network software since my network card won't work without it.

Hasn't fixed the problem but I'm not sure if disabling the service would also disable the .dll file you mentioned. http://www.tempfiles.net/download/Diagnostic-for-game-freezes.html
Last edited by Meshuggenah on Tue Dec 17, 2013 10:45 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Post Tue Dec 10, 2013 8:16 pm

Re: Vanguard freezing.

Most motherboards have onboard NICs.
You could try using the NIC on the motherboard, instead of the Killer card.
Just to rule out, if it is the NIC (or a conflict with that software).
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