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Follow and Assist from any window in EQ

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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Tue May 07, 2013 4:22 am

Re: Follow and Assist from any window in EQ

Zlatta wrote:Could it be related to the bot that I have in my group, will that mess it up?

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Hippy Slayer

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Post Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:24 pm

Re: Follow and Assist from any window in EQ

Until recently, my auto follow/assist functions, as outlined in this thread worked perfectly. Now after an update to ISBOXER toolbox, this feature doesn't work anymore. :( When pressing "Alt+F" to have all toons follow the leader, they all target the slot who issued the command to follow, but don't follow, or assist. I found that using the default "Alt+1" will have any caster, cast spell gem 1. Switched the hotkey for the variable keystroke to "Shift+Alt+1" for the character set variable keystrokes "follow target". That stopped all my caster toons to cast spell gem 1. Individual slots for each character assigned to the set have been configured to target each other with the "F-key" needed in EQ to target each party member.

One thing I've noticed, with this new version of the toolkit, when creating a new character set under key maps, that I have two sets of "always on, combat and non-combat" key maps. The second set however is named "EQ1-always on, combat and non-combat" In Both "EQ1-Non-Combat", and "Non-Combat" key maps have the "Assist Me" and "Follow Me" key maps set with the hotkeys "Alt+A" and "Alt+F". I've disabled each of the hotkeys on each of the "Assist Me" and "Follow Me" key maps to try each one individually, and I received the same results. I would target, but not follow, or assist.

Any ideas??
I've posted my boxer config to https://www.privatepaste.com/f99e238cdf
Thanks in advance. :)


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Post Fri Jul 26, 2013 10:06 pm

Re: Follow and Assist from any window in EQ

ok, I can see your config but I have no idea what Character Set to look at. Does this behaviour happen with all of them, some of them, one of them?

Hippy Slayer

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Post Sat Jul 27, 2013 10:47 am

Re: Follow and Assist from any window in EQ

Thanks for the help last night Alge. That one little step was driving me nutts.


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Post Sat Jul 27, 2013 11:06 am

Re: Follow and Assist from any window in EQ

The issue here was that the Variable Keystrokes were set up as per the video linked in my first post, not the written instructions that are supposed to supersede part of the video. I have edited my original post to make the process clearer.


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Post Sun Aug 11, 2013 11:34 am

Re: Follow and Assist from any window in EQ

Works for me, but not without a hitch.

Usually have to press the keystroke twice for this to work, whether its the assist or follow. Targeting after the assist seems a bit unreliable. It does work, just requires eyeballing to make sure it worked properly each time.


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Post Sun Aug 11, 2013 1:50 pm

Re: Follow and Assist from any window in EQ

Vek wrote:Usually have to press the keystroke twice for this to work, whether its the assist or follow.

firescue17 wrote:
lupicat wrote:I get follow to work for my duo, but it only does it after I click same command button twice . . .

That is correction functionality. You are giving two commands: 1) Target, 2) Follow, therefore the Mapped Key requires two clicks. Even if you turn on Hold: Execute a step on Press and Release, 99% of the time you're still going to have to press it twice due to latency.

Almost verbatim from the preceding page.

Vek wrote:Targeting after the assist seems a bit unreliable. It does work, just requires eyeballing to make sure it worked properly each time.

See assisting.


Grandmaster Guidesmith

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Post Sat Nov 09, 2013 12:29 am

Re: Follow and Assist from any window in EQ

Cannot get the follow/assist to work.

I made the socials, as per the original post.
And bound them to Ctrl F1 and Ctrl F2, as suggested.

I saved my profile (which was working, aside from follow/assist) and made a clean one in case something I had done was the issue.
Unfortunately, the clean wizard setup doesn't work either.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Sat Nov 09, 2013 2:39 am

Re: Follow and Assist from any window in EQ


The issue is not in your ISBoxer configuration. I just made a new team and ran the QSW in ISBoxer to set it up according to the first post in this thread. It works fine, with assist and follow working completely as intended. I used Ctrl+F1 for my assist social and Ctrl+F2 for the follow social. Your ISBoxer configuration matches mine (apart from Hotkeys - might be worth checking those as I note you are using G keys).

Things I know of that will break this method:
- in-game hotkeys being set incorrectly (this method relies on F1 being Target Myself and F2 through F6 being Target Party Member 1 through 5, it also assumes you have correctly working assist and follow socials set to Ctrl+F1 and Ctrl+F2 - ideally you should verify and test all those keys)
- not being grouped correctly (you must invite from the Character in Slot 1 and the group order in Slot 1's group window must match the Slot order in ISBoxer)
- pets might break this as well (the F keys will target the player on first press and then pet on second press)

Given that, when you say it "doesn't work", what happens instead?


Grandmaster Guidesmith

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Post Sat Nov 09, 2013 11:27 am

Re: Follow and Assist from any window in EQ

Not really sure what is happening here.
TLDR - It's working now.

I was in the process of writing out a long post.
Basically going through my troubleshooting steps.
Verifying each piece of the puzzle was in place.

At the start of this post, my follow and assist were not working via mapped key (whether the default Alt + F, or the G600 mouse button).
They were working via manually pushing them from any window (with Keymaps and Broadcasting disabled).
They were also working via broadcasting enabled.

Therefore, the in-game socials were set and keybound correctly.
But the issue was with getting the mapped keys to work.

The matrix (of which F-Key targets which character) was set correctly.
Each toon is invited to the group, in a fixed order via five socials (and accepting invite on each window in turn, prior to sending the next invite out).
So that order is fixed.

Without changing anything in game, or within the Toolkit...
I went through each of the pieces for Follow, and that did not work.
Then through each of the pieces for Assist, which started working.
At which point Follow is now working too.
It's weird, because I didn't change anything... just opened keybinds in game to check they were set, checked the Toolkit to verify the hotkeys were set, etc.

End result, the Follow/Assist are working.
I can build from here.

Thanks for taking the time to look at my profile.
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