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ISBoxing EverQuest: Group Formation

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Post Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:18 pm

ISBoxing EverQuest: Group Formation

SCOPE: This section will encompass:
    1) Split Group Mercenary Raiding
    2) Single group and multi-group Invites
    3) Single group and multi-group Main Assists
    4) Single group and multi-group Main Tanks
    5) Tank Swaps
    6) Single group and multi-group Pullers
    7) Following multiple targets simultaneously.

NOTE: This particular set up is designed to heal the Main Tank in Extended Target Slot #1. It is designed to auto-follow the Main Assist in Extended Target Slot #2 . Prior to the introduction of Mercenaries, I would auto-follow the Main Tank; however, auto-follow doesn't work if the Main Tank is a Merc. Great information regarding Follow and Assist from any window is here.

This section goes hand in hand with Profile Overview. At the end of this section, we will be able to finally push some buttons! Before we get to that, we need to set-up the Mapped Keys to be Virtualized into the Placeholders previously created.

This Key Map is going to be a dumping ground for all Text Strings related to Group Formation. Some of the Mapped Keys will reference the Paste Clipboard Mapped Key previously discussed in /Slash Commands and Text Strings. All Mapped Keys in this Key Map will be sent to Self (Window: Current) in order to be used globally by any Character.

First we will create Mapped Keys for all Characters to be invited to the group (normally one would name the Mapped Keys Invite: <Character Name>):


Using this same process, we will create Mapped Keys for all Characters which may assume an MA, MT, or Puller Group Role. The in-game /slash commands are as follows:

    1) /grouproles set <Character Name> 1 = MT
    2) /grouproles set <Character Name> 2 = MA
    3) /grouproles set <Character Name> 3 = Puller

In order to get your Mercenaries true name to be used in a /slash command, manually assign it to a group role using the mouse in the group window in the EQ UI, then type, "/grouproles list." This will output a list to the Chat Window with the Characters and their respective Group Roles.


Last up in this Mapped Key, we will set the Extended Target slots for the rest of the Characters which will be assisting, following, and healing. This Mapped Key will use sequential "New Keystroke Actions" to simulate the text string. During the invite process detailed further on, we will send these Mapped Keys on the same Step as the the Group Roles are assigned. We need to avoid any potential overlap between multiple characters accessing the Clipboard at the same time. We will also use "Execute a Step when the Hotkey is Pressed or Released" to execute the full /slash command with a single Keypress.

The in-game /slash commands to set Extended Target Window slots are as follows:

    1) /xtarget set <Extended Target Window Slot#> grouptank
    2) /xtarget set <Extended Target Window Slot#> groupassist


This Key Map is going to store Mapped Keys to assign the ATGs established in Profile Overview for all Characters for all Character Sets. Characters and Character Sets may be assigned to ATGs by default by dragging and dropping them to the ATG in the ISBoxer Toolkit tree. As opposed to that method, declaring ATGs on the fly allows us to accomplish a number of objectives:

    1) Provides Support for Multi-Computer helper.

    2) Allows us to re-use Character Slots both as Group Leaders and Group Members. For demonstration purposes, this section will illustrate a split group formation where the Bard is a member of Group 01 by default, but assumes the role of Group 02: Leader in a separate formation.

    3) Allows us to run one particular Character Set without logging out Characters outside of the Character Set and without sending inadvertent commands to inactive Windows, for example, in the case of leaving a buffing Character in the Guild Hall or when dragging a low level Alternate Character through a zone. When a new Character Set is launched, all ATGs for windows *in* the ATG are flushed or reset. However, ATGs for windows outside of the ATG are not flushed; those Characters will remain in their respective ATGs and continue to receive any commands sent to that ATG, whether or not the Character actually exists in the Character Set. In order to avoid this from occuring, we will need to manually flush the ATGs and reset *all* Characters.

We will need to set up a Mapped Key for all Characters for all group membership positions they may hold. In this case:

GROUP 01                       GROUP 01                      GROUP 02
SHK: Leader: Healer Merc       SHK: Leader: Healer Merc      BRD: Leader: Healer Merc
BRD: Member: Healer Merc       CLR: Member: DPS Merc         MAG: Member: Healer Merc
MAG: Member: Healer Merc                                     DRU: Member: Tank Merc
DRU: Member: Tank Merc                                       SHM: Member: DPS Merc
SHM: Member: DPS Merc
CLR: Member: DPS Merc


With respect to the Bard, that Character has two different positions depending upon if it is a Member of Group 01, or the Leader of Group 02 in the split group Merc formation. Please note, when the Bard is the Leader of Group 02, it is not included in either the Follow-Focus or Follow-Followers ATG. In addition to creating separate ATG Mapped Keys for the Bard in it's secondary group position, there are also Mapped Keys for the Mage, Druid and Shaman to be added to their secondary positions in Group 02.


Up to this point we have accomplished two things: 1) Set up text strings to invite all potential Characters, 2) Set up Mapped Keys to assign each Character to all potential ATGs. At this point we need to start coalescing all these scattered details into something resembling an actual Group Formation.

First, we need to set up a Variable Keystroke for Characters to accept a Group invitation. Since we know positively this will not be activating a Hotbutton made from directly from an item, we will assign "ALT-I" (I for Invite) due to the conflict between the EQ UI Item Preview Window and the ATL modifier previously mentioned in Keybinds.


Next, we need to create a multi-step Mapped Key to send sequential invitations to all Group Members for all potential Group Formations. We wil use "Execute a Step when the Hotkey is Pressed or Released" to maximize the utility of each Keypress. This example will illustrate the primary Group Formation and one alternate Split Group Merc Formation.

NOTE: In order to avoid latency issues, the Variable Keystroke to accept an invitation must be on a completely separate Keypress from the text string used to Invite the Character. More often than not, Invite actions using Keypress Down: /invite <Character>, Keypress Up: <Accept Invitation> will result in a failed Invite as the receiving Member attempts to accept the Invite prior to the communication traversing the network. Using "Do Not Advance for .5 seconds" on Mapped Key Steps appears to be the sweet spot for Group Invitation accuracy.

NOTE: When inviting Characters to a Split Group Formation, make sure not to overlap Clipboard access between Characters.

Image 07 illustrates the first Step of the Invite Mapped Key; Keypress Down invites the first Group Member.


Image 08 illustrates the second Step of the Invite Mapped Key; Keypress Up invites the second Group member. It will not advance to the next step for .5 seconds in order to allow sufficient time for the invitation to traverse the network before the receiving Character attempts to accept the invitation on the next Step.


The third Step of the Mapped Key illustrated in Image 09; Keypress Down (the beginning of the second full Keypress) sends the third Invite as well as accepts the very first Invite sent to the Character on Step 1. Continue to cycle Invites and Acceptance ensuring to add the .5 second pause on all even steps.


Eventually, one will run out of new Invites to send; however, there will be outstanding Invites yet to be accepted.


Image 11 is the very last Step of the Mapped Key. The last Group Member to be Invited accepts it's outstanding invitation. IMPORTANT: Even though this occurs on an odd numbered step, we need to check "Do not advance" in order to block the Keypress Up and prevent the Mapped Key from prematurely wrapping around and attempting to execute Step 1 again. Finally, we will add a "New Popup Text Action" for visual confirmation and troubleshooting purposes.


POOF! You formed the Group in four Keypresses. No fumbling around ALT-Tabbing. No misspelled Character Names. No rewriting /socials or trying to manange .ini files every time you want a new formation or Character Set.

Obviously, the next implementation is Split Group Merc Raiding for those super hard Named or Open World Raid Encounters. If you are four boxing, you can expand your firepower to eight by splitting your Characters and popping Mercs on all of them. Six becomes twelve!

Just follow the same process as above. In this case we will have two Characters sending Invites: the Shadowknight and the Bard will each become Group Leaders. Keep in mind, since the Invite process will be occurring simultaneously for separate Groups, one can consolidate accepting Invites on some steps. Image 12 illustrates the second Member of each Group accepting their respective Invites at the same time as the Group Leader is sending subsequent Invites to the next Group Member.


We now have a fully formed Group; however, the Group is not going to be able to execute any in-game actions yet. In order to accomplish that, we need to assign ATGs to the Characters and set our various Group Roles such as Main Assist, Main Tank and Puller.

First, we are going to pull the individual Character ATGs set up during Step 2 into new Mapped Keys which will encompass the entire Group for each and every Group formation to be used in the Character Set. Continuing to use the above example, we will have two possible Group formations which this Character Set can assume; a single Group with the Shadowknight as the Leader and a separate two Group formation with both the Shadowknight and the Bard as the Leaders.



This is a good time to point out what I consider to be a best practice when using ISBoxer. You will see this method of separating and sub-categorizing items repeated throughout this guide. You may be wondering why I use so many different Key Maps and Mapped Keys. This is purely for scalability and troubleshooting purposes. Image 15 Illustrates a prime example of the benefit of this method. Good luck trying to sort through the mess in Option #2 to find an incorrect or missing ATG.


Once all the Group Roles and ATGs are assigned, we need a way to Virtualize the invitation process, activate it with a Clickbar, Menu, or Hotkey and also be able to re-use those same buttons regardless of the Character Set being played.

Remember the Character Set Placeholders we set up in Profile Overview? We're going to assign our various Group Roles and Invites to those Placeholders to be activated.

    1) Select the Character Set in the top left part of the Toolkit Menu Tree.
    2) Select the Virtual Mapped Keys Tab of the Character Set.
    3) Fill in the blanks for Invite 01, Invite 02, Group Roles 01, Group Roles 02, MA 01, MA 02, MT 01, MT 02, Puller 01, and Puller 02.

Inside the Group: Roles Key Map, create a separate Mapped Key for all Group formations you may wish your Character Set to split into. In this example, we have two separate Group formations we will call Group Roles 01 and Group Roles 02:
    1) the main formation
    2) a secondary split Group formation

Step 1 of this Mapped Key is going to load the Group Roles 01 Placeholder which was assigned on the Character Set Virtual Mapped Keys Tab.


Step 2 of this Mapped Key is going to set /hidecorpse looted for all Characters.


Step 3 of this Mapped Key is going to have the Group Leader set the Main Assist Placeholder, and all Group Members will assign the Main Assist to an Extended Target Window slot.


Step 4 of this Mapped Key is going to have the Group Leader set the Main Tank Placeholder, and all Group Members will assign the Main Tank to an Extended Target Window slot.


Step 5 of this Mapped Key is going to have the Group Leader Set the Group Puller Placeholder. Step 5 also contains some additional Virtualization actions to switch the Repeater Profile and Cycle Next Window Placeholders previously created in Future Link: Repeaters. This will facilitate buff Characters or twinks left out of group by allowing the Main Repeater and Cycle Next Window to ignore any Characters not actually in a Group.


NOTE: You will want to repeat this process for Group Roles 02 and so on for any other backup formations desired. Make sure to split up any steps requiring Clipboard access.

Finally, we will assign the PLACEHOLDERS from the Character Set Key Map and the Group Roles # (not the hardcoded Invites) to a Clickbar, Menu, or alternatively, assign Hotkeys directly to them. When activated from within a Character Set, the Mapped Keys will pull together the necessary Invites, Action Target Groups, and Group Roles defined in the Character Set Virtual Mapped Keys Tab.

Image 22 is my actual Invite Menu page. Depending upon the Character Set I am playing, I may have as many as three backup split Group formations to spread out various types of Mercenaries. It is all Virtual, does not require any .ini modification and the buttons work regardless of the Character Set or split Group formation needed.


You may wonder why I use separate buttons to activate the Invite and Group Roles Mapped Keys. When boxing in an actual Raid, you may not be the Group Leader as listed in the Raid Window (as differentiated from the Group Leader ATG). Separating the Group Roles from the Invitation Mapped Key allows you to switch Group Roles without having to first drop Raid or bother the Raid Leader to switch your Characters around.

The very last part of managing your Group is Disbanding and Raid Disbanding. When switching Group Formations, Characters may end up in different Groups, have a different Role in the same Group, or possibly not be in any Group at all. In order to ensure Characters end up in, and ONLY in, the correct ATGs when reforming, all ATGs need to be emptied prior to activating the next Invitation.

Inside Character ATGs, create a new Mapped Key. We'll call this "Flush ATGs." This Mapped Key will have all Characters leave all ATGs.


Images 24 and 25 illustrate the Disband and Raid Disband Mapped Keys. Both of them are two Step Mapped Keys using "Execute a Step when the Hotkey is Pressed or Released." The first Step sends a Variable Keystroke to have each Character target itself; the second Step sends the corresponding /slash command text string and activates the previously created Flush ATG Mapped Key.




The End.
Last edited by firescue17 on Sat Mar 24, 2018 1:02 am, edited 26 times in total.


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Post Sat Jun 29, 2013 10:45 pm

Re: ISBoxing EverQuest: Group Formation

Updated to include the section on "GROUP: CHARACTER ATGs."


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Post Tue Jul 09, 2013 10:31 am

Re: ISBoxing EverQuest: Group Formation

This has seen many, many revisions. Still to come are the sections to assign the Hotkeys, flush the ATGs when Disbanding/Raid disbanding and Tank Swapping.


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Post Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:14 pm

Re: ISBoxing EverQuest: Group Formation

The section is complete and no longer in draft form.


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Post Thu Aug 14, 2014 6:00 am

Re: ISBoxing EverQuest: Group Formation

First of all, I'd like to thank you for your in-depth work on setting up a codified version of the EQ template for ISBoxer. As a new user, I find it's a pretty steep learning curve, but reading through your ISBoxing Everquest thread and following the links, I'm beginning to understand a lot more about how to efficiently set up a template that can be used for almost any situation.

As I said earlier, I've gone through everything in that thread, downloading the template that you linked so I can start to customize it and learn the system. I'm stuck at the step 5 in this post. I've used search on the forums and watched your videos, but nowhere do I see the setup for what I see in the virtual keymap picture (image 16) about placeholders: characterset key map. It's probably something I'm not seeing, or maybe not understanding yet, but I'm sure it's something simple I'm overlooking. Maybe it's called something else in the template, but it's got me stumped. Any help would be appreciated.

Tried to share my profile via privatepaste.com, but apparently it's too large to do so. I keep getting an error when I try to save it.


P.S. Can't wait til I can get this up and running so I can enjoy the goodness that is ISBoxer and EQ =)


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Post Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:28 am

Re: ISBoxing EverQuest: Group Formation

The template has been revised and may not match the screenshots exactly. I've tried to keep things up to date, but, it is a lot of info.

With that said, Step 5 is assigning a way to activate the group invite, whether it be a hotkey, a clickbar, or menu button depending upon your preference.

It's hard to say what's missing without seeing your profile. Google Docs works well for sharing larger profiles. Upload your profile.xml and set the sharing to "anyone with the link" and post the url here.

Also, if you can go into more detail about what doesn't make sense or is missing. It's entirely possible the guide is out of date or perhaps I glossed over some information which isn't immediately apparent.


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Post Thu Aug 14, 2014 9:51 am

Re: ISBoxing EverQuest: Group Formation

firescue17 wrote:The template has been revised and may not match the screenshots exactly. I've tried to keep things up to date, but, it is a lot of info.

Understood... a lot of time and care went into that profile, I can tell =)

firescue17 wrote:It's hard to say what's missing without seeing your profile. Google Docs works well for sharing larger profiles. Upload your profile.xml and set the sharing to "anyone with the link" and post the url here.

I tried that, but both Firefox and IE attempt to paste and then I get the (Not Responding) in the taskbar. I checked the size of the profile, and it's showing 988k. Is that too large for windows clipboard to paste properly, or docs to handle the paste? I'm at a loss other than putting the actual file in my google drive and sharing it.

firescue17 wrote:Also, if you can go into more detail about what doesn't make sense or is missing. It's entirely possible the guide is out of date or perhaps I glossed over some information which isn't immediately apparent.

Ok, here's the problem I'm having. I have modified the profile (the one I dl'ed from the ISBoxing Everquest thread) and done ok with finding what I need to do. The problem is when I get to step 5 of this thread... I attempted to set the virtualized mapped keys as shown in image 16 as shown above or here:


I try to set a new virtual mapped key (Group 01: Invite in 10: Placeholders: Characterset key map) is now (War-Shm-Enc-Brd in 30: Group: Invites key map). The problem I face is nowhere in the profile do I find 10: Placeholders: Characterset. Now if that is an alias for something else, than that's where my confusion lies... but if there is supposed to be an actual keymap named 10: Placeholders: Characterset, then I can't figure out where you set it up in the text, and it didn't come pre-set in the downloaded template.

Now that I'm actually looking at it... is that supposed to point to 010: 04 Box (in my case) instead of 10: Placeholders: Characterset? Like the 10: Placeholders: Characterset is just an viariable that you plug in whichever group size you need to create for your specific needs?

Anyway, thanks for your prompt response. =)

iToons of EQ, Firiona Vie server.


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Post Thu Aug 14, 2014 10:29 am

Re: ISBoxing EverQuest: Group Formation

iToons wrote:I'm at a loss other than putting the actual file in my google drive and sharing it.
This is the only method and service provider I've had luck with. My profile is over 7MB and I've never hit a limit when sharing it.

iToons wrote:Now that I'm actually looking at it... is that supposed to point to 010: 04 Box (in my case) instead of 10: Placeholders: Characterset? Like the 10: Placeholders: Characterset is just an viariable that you plug in whichever group size you need to create for your specific needs?
Probably. I'd have to see it to be positive.


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Post Thu Aug 14, 2014 11:30 am

Re: ISBoxing EverQuest: Group Formation

Ok, I figured out that I could paste the profile in google docs, just takes a long time to finish pasting. Probably means it's time to upgrade.

Anyway, the profile can be found here.

I thank you again for taking the time to assist me.



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Post Fri Aug 15, 2014 5:10 pm

Re: ISBoxing EverQuest: Group Formation

OK, those screenshots do not match the downloadable template anymore.

From the profile template, if you look at the Virtual Mapped Keys tab of Character Set "06 Box", you will see two Virtualizations:
    010: Sessions Template is now 010: 06 Box Key Map;
    020: Character Set Template is now 020: 06 Box Key Map

The Character Set "04 Box" has those same Virtualizations in the unmodified template; however, your profile is different from trying to match the outdated screenshots. The same applies to your new Character Set "WAR-SHM-ENC-BRD."

To fix it:
1] On the Virtual Mapped Keys tab of Character Set Character Set "WAR-SHM-ENC-BRD", delete the existing line for "invite 01" and re-add the two lines:
    010: Sessions Template is now 010: 04 Box Key Map;
    020: Character Set Template is now 020: 04 Box Key Map
2] Add a hotkey to 000: Hotkeys, build a custom menu, or build a custom clickbar to "Do Mapped Key Invite 01" in "SESSIONS TEMPLATE."

The entire "Sessions Template" will then be virtualized at the Character Set level, including the Invite and any other Key Maps contained therein which may be dependant upon the number of Sessions in use. For example, a VideoFX to show Buff Windows would have a generic hotkey to "Do Mapped Key Show Buffs in Sessions Template" and then each Sessions Template would contain "Show Buffs: 02 Box", "Show Buffs: 03 Box", ... "Show Buffs: 06 Box" where each individual "Show VideoFX" has different amounts of sources, viewers, and locations.

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