Who are the League of Extraordinary Multiboxers?
Super powers? What kind of super powers?
- Writing how-to guides
- Creating how-to videos
- Submitting multiboxing-related news
- Sharing videos and screenshots and other original content
- Streaming actual multiboxing gameplay
- Translating things from English to other languages
- Answering questions from new (and old) users
- Improve the wiki/user manual/documentation (make edits or suggest changes)
What do the League of Extraordinary Multiboxers get in return for sharing their super powers?
- Members of the League of Extraordinary Multiboxers first of all get a free license to use Inner Space and ISBoxer, for as long as they remain active in the League!
- They also get a cool tag on the forums, setting them apart from all other forum members as one who is brave, honorable, and worthy of distinction! So debonaire!
- League members with adoring fans can earn promotional Inner Space Time Codes to give away
- Earn Swag or even cash rewards for truly extraordinary feats!
- Have a say in League-related goings-on and make your own suggestions for the League
Sounds great! How can I join the League of Extraordinary Multiboxers?
Well, my friend, you must stand and be counted!
First you must make an Application post here in the Recruitment forum, and tell us about your super-powers, what games you play, how much you multibox, how long you've used ISBoxer, etc. Your super-resume and super-bio. If you have a catch phrase, it's probably better to leave that part out.