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Just starting out which class combination?

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Sun Jun 09, 2013 11:02 pm

Just starting out which class combination?

Hey Isboxers!

I am just only starting out rift as a newbie highest I reached in lvl was 10+ish I have no real idea on end-game raids/rifts but I have done a couple of low level rifts which is fun but would not know if its viable to box 5 accounts with.

My questions are:

1. What 5 class combinations would best suit for both rifting and end-game raid? (Plan to box 5 rift accounts)

2. Would boxing 5 accounts be sufficient to solo everything in the game or would I still have to depend on dedicated guilds?

3. Compared with neverwinter/wow is Rift multiboxing friendly and simple?

So just before I pick up rift and start my boxing adventures I'd like your's professional boxing input ;D


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Post Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:12 am

Re: Just starting out which class combination?

I just started a 5 box setup and went with the following characters:

-Warrior - Tank, Reaver/Warlord, because AoE tanking is fun.
-Mage - DPS, Pyro/Archon, you have plenty of good ranged single target and AoE options.
-Rogue - DPS, Marksman/Ranger, more single target but still some AoE.
-Rogue - Support, Bard/Ranger, I really like having a Bard in the group.
-Priest - Healing, Warden/Sentinel.

Before this, I had only used ISBoxer with EVE, so my rotations are very simple and I haven't incorporated anything fancy like a click bar for healing or any sort of crowd control. But I burned through the first Defiant instance without any trouble, just by spamming my DPS rotation, so I'm optimistic! I also like having one of each class - you can design your souls to work well together and you can always switch things around if you get into trouble, and this way I have one of everything (plus a Bard).

Disclaimer: I don't have any end-game experience with RIFT since before it actually launched. I expect a lot will have changed.


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Post Tue Jun 11, 2013 10:24 pm

Re: Just starting out which class combination?

Thanks Jeran I will most like follow your class selection.

If you dont mind me asking but where do you find your guides on boxing rift?

Edit: I thought that chloromancers are the best healers in the game or am I wrong?


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Post Tue Jun 11, 2013 11:02 pm

Re: Just starting out which class combination?

I used the stuff from the isboxer wiki, these articles in particular:


http://isboxer.com/wiki/RIFT:Basic_Mult ... alkthrough

http://isboxer.com/wiki/HOWTO:Configure ... like_a_pro

Focus on setting up the basics - assist, use, follow - and a couple simple rotations:

Pull Rotation (I map this to 1)
Warrior: that level 1 warlord ability that brings the enemy to you
Everyone else: assist the warrior, move a little bit to break /follow, cast a debuff if they have one

DPS (I map this to 2)
Warrior: 3x builders, 1x finisher, 1.5s delay between each
Rogue: 5x builders, 1x finisher, 1s delay between each
Mage: fireball spam! No delay needed since its cast (2s) is longer than the GCD (1.5s)
Bard: Buffs then cadence spam into a finisher, 1s delay between each (except cadence, it gets a 2s delay)
Cleric: heal spam! enable the "cast on target's target" option, so the cleric will assist the warrior and heal the warrior's target's target - probably your warrior

Inside Rift, I map the action bar slots to the numpad (options, keybindings, double click on the action bar slot, hit the key you want to activate it) but you could use just about anything.

Edit: I don't know how good chloromancers are in the end-game. Until then, I'm pretty sure that clerics and mages can both main heal most things.


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Post Tue Jun 11, 2013 11:37 pm

Re: Just starting out which class combination?

Hey Jeran,

Did you use any macros in-game?


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Post Wed Jun 12, 2013 1:16 am

Re: Just starting out which class combination?

Initially I only used the follow and assist macros. I'm adding in more as they make sense - for example, the Reaver gets an AoE finisher with a 30s cooldown, so I made a macro to cast that and then cast the other finisher (literally two lines, "cast ability1" and "cast ability2"). Macros are nice for reactive abilities, too, like the ones some warrior souls get on a dodge or block or whatever. Just put them on a macro with your normal builder. My mage's dps rotation also uses macros to cast the instant abilities if they're off cooldown and a fireball if they aren't.


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Post Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:26 am

Re: Just starting out which class combination?

Hey Jeran,

Where do you get guides on the skills trees?

Kinda confused as to what I should choose at the "choose your purpose" there is Destroyer, Path Finder, Dark Thane and etc for warriors. I do not want to f'ed up my build and do it all over again.


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Post Wed Jun 12, 2013 6:27 am

Re: Just starting out which class combination?

Currently lvl 5+.

Did ok with the default assist and follow spamming 1 all the way.

No idea how I would use heals since it keeps hitting what I bind to 1 which is an attack spell.

Also not gona mess around with the soul trees yet I am confused as to how to build my team.


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Post Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:20 am

Re: Just starting out which class combination?

xddx wrote:Where do you get guides on the skills trees?

This lets you design your own characters: http://rift.magelo.com/en/soultree

xddx wrote:Kinda confused as to what I should choose at the "choose your purpose" there is Destroyer, Path Finder, Dark Thane and etc for warriors. I do not want to f'ed up my build and do it all over again.

The "choose your purpose" thing is just there to prevent people from being hopelessly lost. It is basically a tutorial for the Rift character system. You select the general type of character you want, and then you get a progression of suggestions for how to build your character. You can select any purpose, then immediately go to the talent screen (N) and change it however you want. It will give you a popup that says you're invalidating the suggested whatever, but you can just ignore that.

Then, if you ever don't like your build, just visit a class trainer and pay a nominal fee to reset it.

xddx wrote:No idea how I would use heals since it keeps hitting what I bind to 1 which is an attack spell.

This is why I use the number row for the key that I am actually pressing, and the number PAD for the key that the ability is bound too. My primary action bar is empty; all my main rotation abilities are on the action bars above it.

So: I hit 1 on my keyboard, ISBoxer reads that as the binding for pull under my Rift Combat Hotkeys, which then references my character specific rotations (for each character), and all the abilities in there are bound to something on the number pad.


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Post Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:34 am

Re: Just starting out which class combination?

I took some screenshots to explain what I meant above.

My first action bar is mostly blank (just a couple buffs, on keys that I won't press during combat), my second one has my macros that are used in my rotation (each of these are bound to the numpad keys, 1 through 9), the two above that have the skills that are in my macros and aren't currently bound to anything.


My rift combat keybindings are bound to the 1, 2, and 3 keys.


While my abilities in each of my class keybindings are bound to the numpad keys.


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