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Second Client not launchin

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:05 pm

Re: Second Client not launchin

Old Group copied to clipboard:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Box xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<SerializedObject>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;CharacterSet xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"&gt;
&lt;Name&gt;Ron and Jikara&lt;/Name&gt;
&lt;Modifiers&gt;Ctrl Shift Alt&lt;/Modifiers&gt;
&lt;FTLModifiers /&gt;
&lt;VariableKeystrokeInstances /&gt;
&lt;FTLModifiers /&gt;
&lt;VariableKeystrokeInstances /&gt;
&lt;string&gt;Always On&lt;/string&gt;
&lt;KeyMapWhiteOrBlackList /&gt;
&lt;ClickBarStrings /&gt;
&lt;VirtualFileTargets /&gt;
&lt;VirtualMappedKeys /&gt;
&lt;VariableKeystrokeInstances /&gt;
&lt;WoWMacroSets /&gt;
&lt;LaunchCharacterSetStrings /&gt;

New Group copied to clipboard:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Box xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

<SerializedObject>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?&gt;
&lt;CharacterSet xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

&lt;Modifiers&gt;Ctrl Shift Alt&lt;/Modifiers&gt;
&lt;Modifiers&gt;Ctrl Alt&lt;/Modifiers&gt;
&lt;FTLModifiers /&gt;
&lt;VariableKeystrokeInstances /&gt;
&lt;Modifiers&gt;Ctrl Alt&lt;/Modifiers&gt;
&lt;FTLModifiers /&gt;
&lt;VariableKeystrokeInstances /&gt;
&lt;string&gt;Always On&lt;/string&gt;
&lt;KeyMapWhiteOrBlackList /&gt;
&lt;ClickBarStrings /&gt;
&lt;VirtualFileTargets /&gt;
&lt;VirtualMappedKeys /&gt;
&lt;VariableKeystrokeInstances /&gt;
&lt;WoWMacroSets /&gt;
&lt;LaunchCharacterSetStrings /&gt;


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Post Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:08 am

Re: Second Client not launchin

stile777 wrote:I do not know why its so hard to copy from Inner space but it is. You can't make the uplink window any bigger and you should be able to have an option to select all and you don't.

Yes, you can:
You can maximize the console window by dragging the bottom right edge of the window.
Also you can drag the bottom line of the uplink console down to make it bigger.

stile777 wrote:Not that it tells anything except the second client was not successful. But not why. And this time I shut down Norton and its firewall.

To get rid of Norton Internet Security you have to deinstall it. Shutting it down does not work, the program itself stays aktiv in memory.

stile777 wrote:Tell me this...Why do the old (some since I got isboxer) work but any new ones since the fall of 2012 do not?

Maybe because Norton Internet Security is known for not playing nice together with InnerSpace.

In fact some weird behavior can result in running Norton and InnerSpace: some games start without problems, some crash at the launcher and some crash while playing.
Lax asked you to deinstall Norton for a reason, if you don't do it, you can blame yourself in a week when you realize he was right.

stile777 wrote:Old Group copied to clipboard:
[...cut...] huge amount of xmlcode [...cut...]

New Group copied to clipboard:
[...cut...] huge amount of xmlcode [...cut...]

No! Didn't you read the last post from Alge? He asked you to share your configuration on privatepaste.com, not some xml snippets pasted into this forum :(

But .... gladly you linked your configuration in the second post: Stile777 ISBoxer Config
Nothing wrong with it, my own config looks exactly the same for both Live and Bullroarer.

In summary:
1)deinstall Norton Internet Security
3)launch character set
5)be happy


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Post Thu Feb 21, 2013 2:18 am

Re: Second Client not launchin

Old Group copied to clipboard:

So, I ran a diff on your Character Sets...

Apart from the different Character Set names and a different Window Layout, these are the differences:
a) The more recent Character Set has a Video FX Focus key combination set. Feel free to disable this checkbox and see if that fixes things.
b) The more recent Character Set has global hotkeys set for switching to the Character Set Slots. Again, feel free to disable/change these to see if that fixes things.

There are other things I could look at, for example what Inner Space Profile each Character is using, if you shared your full ISBoxer configuration, and told me which Character Sets are launching properly and which aren't. Or you could take Kaische's advice. If it turns out Norton isn't the issue, just reinstall it.


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Post Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:02 am

Re: Second Client not launchin

ok I delete Norton from my system with hopes it would fix this problem.

I did a crash diagnostic because it behaved the same way as before.

Paste ID bcb4fbe3f5

I took the picture after it crashed and started the launcher without signing in yet.


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Post Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:55 am

Re: Second Client not launchin

Alge wrote:You can go round and round in circles all you want with this. The situation is you came to the forums for help with something that isn't working. That requires doing troubleshooting, trying some things in order to eliminate certain possibilities. If Lax knew the definite solution he would tell it to you. He doesn't. He wants you to do some things to give him a better idea of what the issue is and to rule out some common causes. You state...

Something sent a kill process right after the load command. I am trying to find out what did that.
Based upon personal experience that could be Norton. The ball is in your court in that regard.

If you have a current ISBoxer configuration file with multiple Character Sets, some of which launch correctly and some of which don't, then you would also need to share that configuration, along with the details of which Character Sets launched correctly and which didn't.

The only thing I noticed is the profiles are different.
Not sure what profiles you are talking about. Copies of these we could look at might help as well.

thanks for your help. I think I screwed myself. I uninstalled nortons and uninstalled isboxer. Rebooted. Now my system was not protected. I reinstalled isboxer and started from scratch. I followed instructions on setting it up for lotro. When I launched the first instance poofed. And when I installed I forgot to save my profiles so nothing I create works now. I did a diagnostic: Paste ID 00c53a3d2b

This is my last hope because I don't know what else to do.


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Post Thu Feb 21, 2013 11:39 am

Re: Second Client not launchin

Okay. Thank you for ruling out Norton.

If we're talking about new characters since some time ago, it's possible that it's related to your virtualized LOTRO settings. Your existing characters could be using older, working settings, and your new characters would keep copying whatever your non-multiboxing LOTRO settings are. If those settings are configured in a way that is incompatible with Inner Space, you might describe the problem as everything old works and everything new doesn't. I don't know of any settings that should cause it to crash as you've described, but it's entirely possible that you could get different behavior by switching the DirectX version used by the game -- DirectX 10 will NOT work, but either DirectX 9 or 11 should work fine.

Your old Virtual Files should still be there where the LOTRO settings are, and if this is indeed the problem then copying a working Virtual File to replace a non-working one will correct the issue for that Character. You can also fix your main settings file so that it won't break new Characters when copied :)

C:\Users\<YOUR USERNAME>\Documents\The Lord of the Rings Online\UserPreferences-*.ini


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Post Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:23 pm

Re: Second Client not launchin

stile777 wrote:And when I installed I forgot to save my profiles so nothing I create works now. I did a diagnostic: Paste ID 00c53a3d2b

As i mentioned in my last post, luckily you saved a copy of your configuration on privatepaste.com: click on the link Stile777 ISBoxer Config above, rightclick on download paste and save the file as a .xml it on your harddrive then open ISBoxer go to File->Open and load this .xml file.


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Post Thu Feb 21, 2013 4:34 pm

Re: Second Client not launchin

Now that we've ruled out Norton you should be able to re-install that too if you haven't already.

Since the issue you describe is not an issue for all users of ISBoxer and Lotro we can now continue the process of working out what might be different on your PC/setup. We didn't want you to uninstall Norton because that was our last hope but because it has been a common issue and needs to be ruled out.


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Post Fri Feb 22, 2013 5:28 pm

Re: Second Client not launchin

Alge wrote:You can go round and round in circles all you want with this. The situation is you came to the forums for help with something that isn't working. That requires doing troubleshooting, trying some things in order to eliminate certain possibilities. If Lax knew the definite solution he would tell it to you. He doesn't. He wants you to do some things to give him a better idea of what the issue is and to rule out some common causes. You state...

Something sent a kill process right after the load command. I am trying to find out what did that.
Based upon personal experience that could be Norton. The ball is in your court in that regard.

If you have a current ISBoxer configuration file with multiple Character Sets, some of which launch correctly and some of which don't, then you would also need to share that configuration, along with the details of which Character Sets launched correctly and which didn't.

The only thing I noticed is the profiles are different.
Not sure what profiles you are talking about. Copies of these we could look at might help as well.

Paste ID 659b09c7c0 Current Profile. Both Servers are setup identical. TurnineLauncher.exe
Path to server launch file

The top 2 groups work. The Bottom does not the process gets killed now after it launches the first instance. The second never gets a chance to launch.


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Post Fri Feb 22, 2013 7:00 pm

Re: Second Client not launchin

I did post by the way and I don't see a response to my post.

Given your current configuration....

1. The Characters in the bottom Character Set are using "Bullroarer default profile". The others are not. If you make them use Lotro Default Profile instead (i.e. ONLY change the Game and Game Profile for these Characters), does the problem you're describing go away? (Just a "yes" or a "no" would be useful information, obviously I realize you WANT it to use the different one, the question is whether or not it stops the crash)

2. As I suggested in my last post, you have virtual configuration files and specific ones may have settings that make specific Characters incompatible. You could potentially use the settings from a working character to fix a broken one. These files are under C:\Users\<YOUR USERNAME>\Documents\The Lord of the Rings Online\UserPreferences-*.ini

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