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Lotro: I can't get Follow to work!

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Post Tue Oct 05, 2010 11:34 am

Lotro: I can't get Follow to work!

I can't seem to wrap my mind around how to get the follow command in ISBoxer to work for me. I can do everything manually like issue the /follow on the command line and it works. I followed the directions in Creo's solution ( on the Targeting on slave while turning post below this one) but it isn't working...no follow at all.

Here is the way I have it setup:

I used some of my WoW keymaps for UP, Down, Right, Left and copied them down to the Always On keymap section of ISB. I inserted a step with a F2 in the 2nd step. It looks like this:

Hotkey: Up (arrow keys under the INS/DEL next to the Number pad)
Hold any Keystroke while Hotkey is held: OFF
Execute a step when: Pressed or released
Step1: F2 > all other
-target: Window all w/o current
-Key Combo: F2

Step2:Up > all other
-target: Window all w/o current
-Key combo: Up

I did this with all of the arrow keys, thinking this was an elegant way to get follow to work, after that failed I setup a "Follow" keymap in the Always on category. Here is what it looks like:

Hotkey: Mouse5 (I wanted to try something different)
Hold any Keystroke: Off
Execute a Step: Pressed or released

Step1:F2 > all other
-target: Window All w/o Current
-Key Combo: F2

Step2: Num 1 > all other
-target: Window All w/o Current
-Key Combo: Num 1

Inside Lotro I set my keymappings to:
Follow = Num 1 & Mouse5

my alias looks like this: /alias ;/shortcut 72 /follow (that's the last button on the 5th Quickslot Bar)

I understand the principles involved but I can't for the life of me get it to work <sigh>...Is this even close to how you setup Follow in Lotro?

Oh here is my profile to look at: http://pastebin.com/svNhwxVU

Thanks for any suggestions or help in advance.


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Post Tue Oct 05, 2010 4:31 pm

Re: Lotro: I can't get Follow to work!

I'd try something simpler first just to make sure all the pieces are working.

I'm not 100% sure what you mean by

"Inside Lotro I set my keymappings to:
Follow = Num 1 & Mouse5"

I assume you have a hot key bound to slot 72, and that key is "Num 1"? The numpad can be tricky if you ever toggle the num lock key. Try something simple like slot 12 ("=" key) first. I alos setup my aliases in 2 steps, as im not sure the syntax for doing it one step:
"/alias add ;f ;/follow"
"/alias shortcut ;f 12"

Does manually clicking your slot 72 work?

Based on Creo's posts, I have a "select me" button, and a "follow" button. An important part of the "select me" is doing a F1 on keydown, and then an F2 (or w/e key) on key up. This prevents pets from being selected. I'd get that part working on its own (such that you can confirm that the leader is being selected in all your slaves), and then work on adding the /follow. Make sure the alias is working right by manually clicking the slot you select.


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Post Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:07 am

Re: Lotro: I can't get Follow to work!

Thanks for the reply ShadowKntSDS, it really helped clarify some things for me. I also, did some more research on alias's, man talk about making things complicated, Turbine certainly wanted to keep botting down to a dull roar didn't they? Just so everyone understands, alias has very LIMITED usages. There are very few commands that you can incorporate into it. The ones I know about so far are:

and all the emotes

You can not use a quickslot command in an alias.

And I had to make an adjustment to ShadowKntSDS's alias syntax above to get mine working. It should read:

/alias add ;Fol /follow (note I made mine say "FOL" in the Quickslot and that it only requires 1 ";" in the syntax, not the 2 as in above)
/alias shortcut ;Fol 72 (I used slot 72, it's the last slot on the last (Quickslot Bar #5) bar available)

The 2 step process sure made things easier to understand.

Now to another question I have. ShadowKntSDS you closed your post with this:

Based on Creo's posts, I have a "select me" button, and a "follow" button. An important part of the "select me" is doing a F1 on keydown, and then an F2 (or w/e key) on key up. This prevents pets from being selected.

I looked all over my ISB setup to find the keyup and keydown options you talked about and for the life of me I can't seem to find it. Is it in the kind of step you pick? I tried several and still didn't see it. Can you tell me where it is please?

Thanks for your time.


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Post Wed Oct 13, 2010 12:05 pm

Re: Lotro: I can't get Follow to work!

Druanor wrote:/alias add ;Fol /follow (note I made mine say "FOL" in the Quickslot and that it only requires 1 ";" in the syntax, not the 2 as in above)

Opps! Sorry about that typo! I was doing it all from memory.

Druanor wrote:Now to another question I have. ShadowKntSDS you closed your post with this:

Based on Creo's posts, I have a "select me" button, and a "follow" button. An important part of the "select me" is doing a F1 on keydown, and then an F2 (or w/e key) on key up. This prevents pets from being selected.

I looked all over my ISB setup to find the keyup and keydown options you talked about and for the life of me I can't seem to find it. Is it in the kind of step you pick? I tried several and still didn't see it. Can you tell me where it is please?

Thanks for your time.

This one is a bit harder to find. It's actually in either the main section for a given hotkey, and is not in the step section. You have to set the "Hold any Keystroke Actions while Hotkey is held" to off, before it opens up the section where you can pick "press or release" under "Execute a Step when the Hotkey is _______".
Refer here for the location of the setting: http://isboxer.com/wiki/Mapped_Key

Hope that helps!


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Post Thu Oct 14, 2010 2:13 am

Re: Lotro: I can't get Follow to work!

Here's what is working for me:
ISB01.jpg (27.73 KiB) Viewed 145787 times

ISB02.jpg (26.74 KiB) Viewed 145787 times

ISB03.jpg (28.02 KiB) Viewed 145787 times

When my G13's G16 key is pressed, all other windows Select Fellow 1 (F1) i.e. themselves; then when the key is released, all other windows Select Fellow 2 (F2) and then follow. This prevents them from selecting the leader's pet instead.

Fellow 2 is always the fellowship leader, on all fellowship members except the fellowship leader.

CTRL+SHIFT+1 is the key I have mapped in LOTRO to quickbar slot #49, which has my ;follow alias shortcut. I have this set up on all charaters, as follows:

/alias add ;follow /follow
/alias shortcut ;follow 49

It also helps to set up the target assist window on your leader with all of the slaves in your fellowship as assists, so that you can see at a glance who they currently have targeted.


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Post Thu Oct 14, 2010 11:11 am

Re: Lotro: I can't get Follow to work!

Shadow and Fury...thanks so much.

Shadow, I have my "pressed OR release" setup properly now. But I have another question for you. I noticed the selection of F2 sometimes doesn't react to the keypress. Is this because of timing issues in the game or even lag perhaps? And can you correct that by utilizing the time delay that's built into ISB?

Fury? No disrespect to anyone else but that is the best explanation of setting up the Follow command in Lotro I have seen yet. I now have mine setup exactly the same way. Thanks for posting it.

PS I gotta get me a Logitech keyboard. I tried setting up these different keys on the Number pad thinking I would get good use from generally unused keys but it was just too uncomfortable to use them for me. I am so used to using my right hand on the mouse to guide my character that I found myself reaching across the keyboard to hit the "Follow" key all the time (and NOT taking my hand off the mouse). Whereas a Logitech keyboard with those extra keys on the Left side are a godsend.


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Post Thu Oct 14, 2010 12:16 pm

Re: Lotro: I can't get Follow to work!

Druanor wrote:Shadow and Fury...thanks so much.

Shadow, I have my "pressed OR release" setup properly now. But I have another question for you. I noticed the selection of F2 sometimes doesn't react to the keypress. Is this because of timing issues in the game or even lag perhaps? And can you correct that by utilizing the time delay that's built into ISB?

Does it work properly when you press and release slowly? If so then it may be lag. Do not use the "Do not advance to the next step for at least ____" option unless you alway plan on doing a slow press/release as it will not automatically insert a pause for you. It may just make you have to hit the key twice if you press too fast, which may not be a bad option if nothing else works.

I was unable to get select self/select leader/follow to work on a single key, and instead have a key for select self/select leader, and then a different key for follow. Some time doing multiple things in one step works fine, but other times it doesn't. I have a buff sequence that selects a specific party member and then casts a buff in each step. I can watch it and it works 90% of the time. I'm sure i could convert it to a press and release key and get it right, but i'd rather spend the time fixing something else or playing =)

Druanor wrote:PS I gotta get me a Logitech keyboard. I tried setting up these different keys on the Number pad thinking I would get good use from generally unused keys but it was just too uncomfortable to use them for me. I am so used to using my right hand on the mouse to guide my character that I found myself reaching across the keyboard to hit the "Follow" key all the time (and NOT taking my hand off the mouse). Whereas a Logitech keyboard with those extra keys on the Left side are a godsend.

I have the G700 mouse, and while there is not currently direct support in ISBoxer, it works perfectly with mapped keys. It has 4 thumb buttons, and 3 additional buttons within reach of my pointer finger. My current follow based keys:
Q: follow alias
E: break follow for ranged
mouse4: select self/ select leader
mouse5: captain kill-action buffs
mouse6: assist/melee engage (sends a "U")
mouse7: (not used yet)
u: default interact key (broadcast)
f: default assist key (broadcast)
arrow keys: slave only version of WASD

I constantly spam mouse4 when applicable.

For normal following, I hit mouse4 then Q (which is easy to hit on the move).
To talk to a quest giver, i use mouse4 (select leader), the manually select the quest giver, then hit F, and then U.
To engage in combat, i hit mouse4, stop my casters moving with E, have all assist and call my melee slaves to engage with mouse 6, then go to town. Between each enemy, i hit mouse4/mouse6 to have them re-assist. That frees up my tank to do w/e needed to hold agro. If I am being lazy and the content is trivial, i just use mouse4 + skill forwarding to do everything.

I can see where a Logitech KB would enhance this even more. I'm still pretty low level on my team, and I'm sure I'll fill even more keys up as i progress.


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Joined: Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:19 am

Post Fri Oct 15, 2010 11:02 am

Re: Lotro: I can't get Follow to work!

Wow Shadow...nice setup man. That makes so much sense. I had Follow mapped to Shift F and that was still getting old real quick, putting it on "Q" is a really convenient place, I rarely use strafe anyways. I usually just hold my right click on the mouse and run forward, good enough for me.

Just wanted to say thank you for divulging your setup, it really helps. And in that light, would you entertain some follow up questions? I'll just go right down the order you presented it in.

You use E to break follow, I understand the concept but not the execution part (of course). So you send (broadcast) an E to the game (probably All w/o Current) in Step 1 and then? How do you get some kind of movement from the slaves to actually break follow? And do you use Action Target Groups to distinguish your melee from caster type characters? Do Action Target Groups even work with Lotro?

Mouse4 - one step with F1 and then F2? (from previous discussions?)

Mouse6 - This one throws me a bit...You said "have all assist and call my melee slaves to engage with mouse 6". I see what your trying to accomplish, but I can't figure out the sequence in ISB. By using mouse4 doesn't that give you an "assist" function? And then the "melee engage" is just killing me hehe. Do the melee slaves follow your "tank" to the target? Do you use the in game option to "move to target"? How do you tell them to engage?

u - just broadcast a "u" to All w/o Current? Do you use a F2 in there someplace?

f- Again just broadcast an "f" to All w/o Current?

Arrow keys - This is the one causing me the most problems currently. I tried to setup the arrow keys and had no luck getting them to work, then I tried XtremePain's idea to use the /*-+ keys on the Numpad (from a previous post in this forum) and those don't work either. I know it's something I am doing wrong. I created a new Mapped key called "Slave Forward" and assigned the "/" key as the Hotkey, with Hold off and pressed or release. Then under Step 1 I have 2 actions: first to send "w" to all others and then an F2 to all others. I get no response from the slaves at all. No movement. I did notice in the Lotro keymaps that you can assign 2 different sets of keymaps for the movement buttons, standard is WASD so do you have to setup the arrow keys (or /*-+)in Lotro's keymap section (as a 2nd binding) to make it work?

Again thanks for all the help. This has turned out to be more complicated than I had thought it would be. Your posts have helped me get a handle on ISB and Lotro. At least I think I am asking more intelligent questions lol.


Posts: 39

Joined: Tue Sep 28, 2010 2:19 pm

Post Fri Oct 15, 2010 12:34 pm

Re: Lotro: I can't get Follow to work!

Druanor wrote:Wow Shadow...nice setup man. That makes so much sense. I had Follow mapped to Shift F and that was still getting old real quick, putting it on "Q" is a really convenient place, I rarely use strafe anyways. I usually just hold my right click on the mouse and run forward, good enough for me.

I often bind Q and E to thing I want to use in MMO's as most will change A and D to strafe when you hold the right mouse button down. Seems silly to need two keys for strafe when you look at it that way.

Druanor wrote:Just wanted to say thank you for divulging your setup, it really helps. And in that light, would you entertain some follow up questions? I'll just go right down the order you presented it in.

Sure, I enjoy talking and sharing setups almost as much as playing =).

Druanor wrote:You use E to break follow, I understand the concept but not the execution part (of course). So you send (broadcast) an E to the game (probably All w/o Current) in Step 1 and then? How do you get some kind of movement from the slaves to actually break follow? And do you use Action Target Groups to distinguish your melee from caster type characters? Do Action Target Groups even work with Lotro?

When I hit E, it broadcasts 'W" to all my slaves w/o current (well to all my non-melee). Any movement in game is enough to break follow. Initially, I used the "Others jump" keymap that was setup by default, but i realized it was slower that just tapping an movement key. I then went to tapping my up/down arrow, but that was a stretch for the fingers. I still use the arrows for non-combat when i need to break follow with all characters (using a stable master comes to mind... hitting follow while on a stable horse will dismount you, and having all my guys run after my front man while he's on a horse is comical at first, but annoying the 2nd time.).

Druanor wrote:And do you use Action Target Groups to distinguish your melee from caster type characters? Do Action Target Groups even work with Lotro?

Yes, thats exactly how I'm doing it. I currently have a ATG for each class, although I'll prob expand that when i get to spots where i actually need healing (and from multiples party members).

Druanor wrote:Mouse4 - one step with F1 and then F2? (from previous discussions?)

More or less, yes. I have a complicated setup described by creo in another post where i can "drive" with any character in party, and it remaps come key settings when i switch slots. When I am driving my guardian, who is always my fellowship lead, it does exactly what you said F1, and then F2 in the next step. When my 2nd char drives, it sends different key strokes to each slot so that every one has my minstrel selected. It's a messy setup, and really covered better by creo. I can certainly help you get it setup, but it might be worthy of it own post.

Druanor wrote:Mouse6 - This one throws me a bit...You said "have all assist and call my melee slaves to engage with mouse 6". I see what your trying to accomplish, but I can't figure out the sequence in ISB. By using mouse4 doesn't that give you an "assist" function? And then the "melee engage" is just killing me hehe. Do the melee slaves follow your "tank" to the target? Do you use the in game option to "move to target"? How do you tell them to engage?

With skill target forwarding, yes, you can just keep your tank selected, and everyone will attack your tank's target. I've played enough MMO's to know that to tank properly, sometimes you need to juggle targets to keep agro, and the DPS should NOT always follow your target. 80% it works fine though. You also can not interact with NPC's via target forwarding, you need a real assist key somewhere for that purpose.

My mouse6 is step1: assist (F-> all others), and step 2 (U-> all melee). U is the default key to interact with target. For a melee class with "Move to attack" enabled, it will turn on auto attack and walk you up to the enemy's face. This can be dangerous if you dont have what you think selected, as I found out when using F10 (select nearest npc) + U to try to loot.

Druanor wrote:u - just broadcast a "u" to All w/o Current? Do you use a F2 in there someplace?

Correct, except I actually use w/ Current so my main talks to the quest giver as well. I've already clicked F2 with mouse4 before this, and another F2 would de-select the quest giver post assist.
Druanor wrote:f- Again just broadcast an "f" to All w/o Current?


Druanor wrote:Arrow keys - This is the one causing me the most problems currently. I tried to setup the arrow keys and had no luck getting them to work, then I tried XtremePain's idea to use the /*-+ keys on the Numpad (from a previous post in this forum) and those don't work either. I know it's something I am doing wrong. I created a new Mapped key called "Slave Forward" and assigned the "/" key as the Hotkey, with Hold off and pressed or release. Then under Step 1 I have 2 actions: first to send "w" to all others and then an F2 to all others. I get no response from the slaves at all. No movement. I did notice in the Lotro keymaps that you can assign 2 different sets of keymaps for the movement buttons, standard is WASD so do you have to setup the arrow keys (or /*-+)in Lotro's keymap section (as a 2nd binding) to make it work?

For movement keys that you want to hold, you need Hold = on. Your salves may be walking forward for a split second and then stopping. The Hold = on i believe sends a key down command, and doesn't send a key up until you stop holding it. This allows you to hold the key and the slaves think you are holding it down.
I have up arrow mapped to "W-> all others". You shouldn't have to change the key bindings in LOTRO, and i like to avoid that whenever possible. I dont have a F2 in there and i dont think you can if you are doing a hold type key.

Druanor wrote:Again thanks for all the help. This has turned out to be more complicated than I had thought it would be. Your posts have helped me get a handle on ISB and Lotro. At least I think I am asking more intelligent questions lol.

No problem. I enjoy it, and explaining it to other people helps me learn it better myself.


Posts: 31

Joined: Mon Feb 14, 2011 3:21 pm

Post Tue Feb 15, 2011 9:59 am

Re: Lotro: I can't get Follow to work!

ok I am clueless in making a macro for Lotro. I can click on Key Maps and make a new keymap. but there is no menu to continue to make the macro?? So I have a few new keymaps with nothing to put in them?? And the example page is empty and no way to download any example?? Maybe I am doing something wrong but all I can do it launch the 3 windows and manually direct them without macros because I haven't a clue to proceed.

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