Re: Lotro: I can't get Follow to work!
Not to sound condescending or anything, but you need to do some reading. The learning curve for this software is pretty steep and you need to go through it from the start. The tutorial is a good place to start and then read through these posts and especially this one. Getting all your characters to follow the leader is an important first step. Again please don't feel that I am looking down my nose at you, I read through this forum quite a bit and I am still learning new stuff. But you have to at least be familiar with the software and how it works. Then post questions on specific things that you are having problems with. Here I will start you off with a great tip that I just learned the other day:
You can make corrections in ISBoxer while playing the game. Yes you can. Here is how you do it. Leave ISBoxer open on your desktop (or minimize it to your task bar) and open up your Lotro character set like you normally would (you did make an icon for it right?). Then go through and test whatever it was you were setting up in ISB. If it isn't working right just alt tab back to ISB and make your changes, then save it and export to IS and alt tab back to your game. This way you don't have to go through the time consuming process of logging all your characters out then make changes and then log back in. Incredible time saver. Sure made my life easier. I will give ExtremePayne credit for pointing this one out to me. Hope this helps you out a bit. Don't give up, just keep reading, it will come to you. Once you start to get things set up you will not believe how great this software is, the things you make your characters do is nothing short of fantastic.
PS Oh and if I am working on something specific, I print out whatever post has the info on it so I don't have to keep coming back to this forum to look something up. I also write down notes on what I do, never know when that info will come in handy.