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Lotro: I can't get Follow to work!

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Post Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:08 am

Re: Lotro: I can't get Follow to work!


Not to sound condescending or anything, but you need to do some reading. The learning curve for this software is pretty steep and you need to go through it from the start. The tutorial is a good place to start and then read through these posts and especially this one. Getting all your characters to follow the leader is an important first step. Again please don't feel that I am looking down my nose at you, I read through this forum quite a bit and I am still learning new stuff. But you have to at least be familiar with the software and how it works. Then post questions on specific things that you are having problems with. Here I will start you off with a great tip that I just learned the other day:

You can make corrections in ISBoxer while playing the game. Yes you can. Here is how you do it. Leave ISBoxer open on your desktop (or minimize it to your task bar) and open up your Lotro character set like you normally would (you did make an icon for it right?). Then go through and test whatever it was you were setting up in ISB. If it isn't working right just alt tab back to ISB and make your changes, then save it and export to IS and alt tab back to your game. This way you don't have to go through the time consuming process of logging all your characters out then make changes and then log back in. Incredible time saver. Sure made my life easier. I will give ExtremePayne credit for pointing this one out to me. Hope this helps you out a bit. Don't give up, just keep reading, it will come to you. Once you start to get things set up you will not believe how great this software is, the things you make your characters do is nothing short of fantastic.

PS Oh and if I am working on something specific, I print out whatever post has the info on it so I don't have to keep coming back to this forum to look something up. I also write down notes on what I do, never know when that info will come in handy.


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Post Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:25 pm

Re: Lotro: I can't get Follow to work!

Druanor wrote:Stile

Not to sound condescending or anything, but you need to do some reading. The learning curve for this software is pretty steep and you need to go through it from the start. The tutorial is a good place to start and then read through these posts and especially this one. Getting all your characters to follow the leader is an important first step. Again please don't feel that I am looking down my nose at you, I read through this forum quite a bit and I am still learning new stuff. But you have to at least be familiar with the software and how it works. Then post questions on specific things that you are having problems with. Here I will start you off with a great tip that I just learned the other day:

You can make corrections in ISBoxer while playing the game. Yes you can. Here is how you do it. Leave ISBoxer open on your desktop (or minimize it to your task bar) and open up your Lotro character set like you normally would (you did make an icon for it right?). Then go through and test whatever it was you were setting up in ISB. If it isn't working right just alt tab back to ISB and make your changes, then save it and export to IS and alt tab back to your game. This way you don't have to go through the time consuming process of logging all your characters out then make changes and then log back in. Incredible time saver. Sure made my life easier. I will give ExtremePayne credit for pointing this one out to me. Hope this helps you out a bit. Don't give up, just keep reading, it will come to you. Once you start to get things set up you will not believe how great this software is, the things you make your characters do is nothing short of fantastic.

PS Oh and if I am working on something specific, I print out whatever post has the info on it so I don't have to keep coming back to this forum to look something up. I also write down notes on what I do, never know when that info will come in handy.

I have read and reread the forum and am missing the link between the setup in isboxer and lotro. I have setup my G11 keyboard with macros that work ingame. My understanding is ixboxer places a keymap over the G keys thus negating my macros when I press the key. So the only way to use macros in ixboxer is to first place the macro in Lotro and put it on a quickslot bar. Then change my keymap to the G key to emulate the keypresses to simulate a click on the bar with the macro? Why can't you enter the string in ixboxer like you can in Logitec software?


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Post Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:54 pm

Re: Lotro: I can't get Follow to work!

I have read and reread the forum and am missing the link between the setup in isboxer and lotro. I have setup my G11 keyboard with macros that work ingame. My understanding is ixboxer places a keymap over the G keys thus negating my macros when I press the key. So the only way to use macros in ixboxer is to first place the macro in Lotro and put it on a quickslot bar. Then change my keymap to the G key to emulate the keypresses to simulate a click on the bar with the macro? Why can't you enter the string in ixboxer like you can in Logitec software?

Here's what you're missing. If you want to use your G11 keyboard's existing configuration, all you need to do is run the Logitech Keyboard Profiler as Administrator. Without doing so, the Logitech Keyboard Profiler will not be able to send keys to the game, which is running as Administrator (because Inner Space is running as Administrator, and launched the game with Administrator as well).

The link between setup in ISBoxer and LOTRO is as follows: You press a key in the game window. The key is intercepted and interpreted by ISBoxer. ISBoxer sends a key to the game, for the game to interpret.

The link between Logitech Keyboard Profiler, ISBoxer, and LOTRO, when using the Logitech Keyboard Profiler, is as follows: You press a G11 key in the game window. The key is intercepted and interpreted by the Logitech Keyboard Profiler (IF, AND ONLY IF, IT IS RUNNING AS ADMINISTRATOR! OTHERWISE NOTHING WILL APPEAR TO HAPPEN!). The Logitech Keyboard Profiler presses a key (or string, etc) in the game window. Whatever it sends may be intercepted and interpreted by ISBoxer -- so if you are intending for your Logitech config to go straight through to the game, do NOT set Hotkeys in ISBoxer that conflict with it. Then ISBoxer passes it on to the game.

The link between your G11, ISBoxer, and LOTRO, when using a cleared profile and disabling the Logitech Keyboard Profiler, is as follows: You press a G11 key in the game window. The key is intercepted and interpreted by ISBoxer. ISBoxer sends a key to the game, for the game to interpret.


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Post Fri Feb 18, 2011 2:58 pm

Re: Lotro: I can't get Follow to work!

The link between your G11, ISBoxer, and LOTRO, when using a cleared profile and disabling the Logitech Keyboard Profiler, is as follows: You press a G11 key in the game window. The key is intercepted and interpreted by ISBoxer. ISBoxer sends a key to the game, for the game to interpret.

What key is ixboxer sending? This is what I cannot wrap my mind around. In Logitech I can record keystrokes to a G key. And when I press that G key it replays the keystrokes ie [enter] (to get into the chat program) /Follow (a game macro) [Enter] (to finish the command and get out of chat) That is the key Logitech sends. So what Key does ixboxer send?


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Post Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:54 pm

Re: Lotro: I can't get Follow to work!

I set up follow using the above posts. I have to change windows to do it. Perhaps somebody could help me tweek it so I don't have to change windows to do it?

my next question.. How do I get two windows to press the 1 key?

I tried setting it up under map keys

+Map Keys
- Quick Shot

Hotkey 1
Hold keystroke = off
Excute Step = pressed or released

Steps = Action 1>=all

When I hit 1 only the first screen does it?


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Post Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:25 pm

Re: Lotro: I can't get Follow to work!

First off for my setup I don't use Gkeys for follow, I use F2. Lotro uses Fkeys to determine who in the team to target. Since the group leader is F2 and my tank its easy to setup in ISBoxer.

Hotkey will be F2 then you will want to add an action to it and select F2 again. Here is the interesting part. You want to set it up to go to all but current. This will tell all others to target thru the group leader, which is the first part of the setup to follow.

Next, part has to be done thru Lotro and binded to a quickslot. Your going to tell all of your characters something like this /shortcut 13 /follow. You need to change the number to an open slot on lotro. Way to find this out is open your options and then go to quickslots and look down the list. For mine I use slot 57. So then you would actually type it like this /shortcut 57 /follow. Remember to go look for an open slot before you add this or it will overwrite whatever skill is in its place.

Now you need to bind a key on your keyboard to that open slot. For me I use "Num 9". Reason is that I don't use those keys for game play normally. And they are great for assignment to other characters. As with F2 you will need to go into ISBoxer and do the same for Num 9. Set it up to all but current as well, otherwise you leader will follow whatever is targeted.

Now that you have done all this you should be able to perform follow with any of your characters. Key is when you want them to follow a different character, just tranfer leadership to that character ingame then just hit 2 keys

F2-Target Leader
Num 9-Follow.

Hope that helps ya.


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Post Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:53 pm

Re: Lotro: I can't get Follow to work!

Xtremepayne wrote:First off for my setup I don't use Gkeys for follow, I use F2. Lotro uses Fkeys to determine who in the team to target. Since the group leader is F2 and my tank its easy to setup in ISBoxer.

Hotkey will be F2 then you will want to add an action to it and select F2 again. Here is the interesting part. You want to set it up to go to all but current. This will tell all others to target thru the group leader, which is the first part of the setup to follow.

Next, part has to be done thru Lotro and binded to a quickslot. Your going to tell all of your characters something like this /shortcut 13 /follow. You need to change the number to an open slot on lotro. Way to find this out is open your options and then go to quickslots and look down the list. For mine I use slot 57. So then you would actually type it like this /shortcut 57 /follow. Remember to go look for an open slot before you add this or it will overwrite whatever skill is in its place.

Now you need to bind a key on your keyboard to that open slot. For me I use "Num 9". Reason is that I don't use those keys for game play normally. And they are great for assignment to other characters. As with F2 you will need to go into ISBoxer and do the same for Num 9. Set it up to all but current as well, otherwise you leader will follow whatever is targeted.

Now that you have done all this you should be able to perform follow with any of your characters. Key is when you want them to follow a different character, just tranfer leadership to that character ingame then just hit 2 keys

F2-Target Leader
Num 9-Follow.

Hope that helps ya.

That is what I have set up and its not follow that is messing up its the 1 key
for the 1 key in game its my quick shot. So I want to hit the 1 key and have both windows execute it. Sounds simple enough but I am missing a step somewhere. Can't you make the hotkey the same key you want sent to the game keyboard?


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Post Sun Feb 20, 2011 2:16 am

Re: Lotro: I can't get Follow to work!

Create a mapped key for 1. Tell it to go to all but current. Map it out just like you did for F2.

After that only reason I could think of why it isn't work is that
/shortcut 1 /follow is not correct.
One way to test it is target an NPC about 30 meters away. If that character with the shortcut doesn't run to the NPC then the shortcut isn't working. I know more use the /alias instead of /shortcut. As far as I know /shortcut still works but then I haven't made a /shortcut in more then a year.

This link will help you understand about /shortcut and /alias


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Post Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:33 am

Re: Lotro: I can't get Follow to work!

Xtremepayne wrote:Create a mapped key for 1. Tell it to go to all but current. Map it out just like you did for F2.

After that only reason I could think of why it isn't work is that
/shortcut 1 /follow is not correct.
One way to test it is target an NPC about 30 meters away. If that character with the shortcut doesn't run to the NPC then the shortcut isn't working. I know more use the /alias instead of /shortcut. As far as I know /shortcut still works but then I haven't made a /shortcut in more then a year.

This link will help you understand about /shortcut and /alias

Thanks for trying. Perhaps I am not explaining properly. Forget the follow for now. What I am trying to do now is setup 2 windows number 1 and number 2 windows. Both are hunters and setup identically on their quick bars. Slot 1 is the Quick Shot Skill. And to fire it off you hit the 1 key. What I want isboxer to do is when the first window fires I want the second window/hunter to fire the same shot. ie press the 1 key.

I thought I was following the instructions.

Make the hotkey and assign an action to window all? I don't want to use repeater because I don't like the results when I did that. What step am I missing? This is the simplest form just 1 key. If I can get this working then I can try more.


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Post Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:13 pm

Re: Lotro: I can't get Follow to work!

It should work to all windows without a bind. However you may need to create a mapped key for it. The difference will be that when you make it this one will be "All including current".
I had to do this for my 3 characters because the 2 key wouldn't work to all 3 characters. Never found out what caused it. Once I created the mapped key for 2 going to all including current it took care of the problem. Sounds like you are having the same problem I had, just a different key.

Hope you get it worked out. Your the only other person I know who has had the same problem with a key not repeating correctly.

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