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lotro client crash after charackter window

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Post Sat Nov 29, 2014 9:28 am

lotro client crash after charackter window


My Client crashing when i try run over Innerspace.
when i try innerspace start 1 client , after charackterside commes crash :(
Without Innerspace all fine.
Ihave reinstall Innerspace/ISBoxer - Lotro
Have clean all , have new clean setup
I have lastet Grafik Driver.
I have deaktivated Intel Gpu - then i can start 1 Client without crash - but max 7 FPS !
Not playable.

my laptop is an Msi GE60-20e with i7 intel hd 4600 and Geforce gtx 765m Win 8.1 x64
8Gig Ram - SSD Harddrive.

Can anyon help me out ?

ps: sorry for my english - iam germany

my crash report


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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Sat Nov 29, 2014 10:35 am

Re: lotro client crash after charackter window

Several things in order of attempt to try and find the first solution that works.

1. Remove all the LOTRO entries from the registry key
Application Compatibility flags under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers
2. Try the Intel Gfx driver from the Intel website (it's at v15, but the MSI site only shows v10)
3. Try disabling/removing Avira
4. Get the Full Download of LOTRO and not the Happy Cloud version (Happy Cloud = Play as you download).
5. Try removing the GFExperience.


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Post Sat Nov 29, 2014 5:41 pm

Re: lotro client crash after charackter window

bob wrote:Several things in order of attempt to try and find the first solution that works.

1. Remove all the LOTRO entries from the registry key
Application Compatibility flags under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers
2. Try the Intel Gfx driver from the Intel website (it's at v15, but the MSI site only shows v10)
3. Try disabling/removing Avira
4. Get the Full Download of LOTRO and not the Happy Cloud version (Happy Cloud = Play as you download).
5. Try removing the GFExperience.

i remove the lotro entries from registry
my intel gfx driver was v 15 from intel website - but i have deinstall and load again v15 from intelwebsite and install this
i deinstall avira completly
i deinstall GFexperience
i deinstall lotro and install new full download version for pc .

... but not happens - crash again - same crash.

hier is the new crash report



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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Sat Nov 29, 2014 5:51 pm

Re: lotro client crash after charackter window

That's the diagnostics for crashes, which is great as it helps with knowing what is running.
Do you have an actual crash report from the crash itself?

Seeing as you've gone through the obvious list, that leaves trying to see if you can get an older Intel driver (I only suggest this as an older driver fixed a crash on a Toshiba laptop, but as you've not got the actual crash details I can't tell if the issue is similar).

Everything else looks clean.


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Post Sun Nov 30, 2014 5:49 am

Re: lotro client crash after charackter window

bob wrote:That's the diagnostics for crashes, which is great as it helps with knowing what is running.
Do you have an actual crash report from the crash itself?

Seeing as you've gone through the obvious list, that leaves trying to see if you can get an older Intel driver (I only suggest this as an older driver fixed a crash on a Toshiba laptop, but as you've not got the actual crash details I can't tell if the issue is similar).

Everything else looks clean.

here is the crash report from :
C:\Users\xxxxxx\AppData\Local\The Lord of the Rings Online -lotroclient.log



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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Sun Nov 30, 2014 6:48 am

Re: lotro client crash after charackter window

So the only advice I have at this point, is based on previous laptop issues that have been resolved.

You may need to try other Intel graphic driver versions. Intel unfortunately don't seem to keep older versions around, so that leaves you with the 2 on Intel's site, or the one on the MSI site. The MSI site version is the oldest one (actually they have two, one under Win8.1 and the other under Win7/8 - as Intel have a unified driver this is odd, so you could probably try both, although the Win7/8 one is the oldest).

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