lotro client crash after charackter window
My Client crashing when i try run over Innerspace.
when i try innerspace start 1 client , after charackterside commes crash

Without Innerspace all fine.
Ihave reinstall Innerspace/ISBoxer - Lotro
Have clean all , have new clean setup
I have lastet Grafik Driver.
I have deaktivated Intel Gpu - then i can start 1 Client without crash - but max 7 FPS !
Not playable.
my laptop is an Msi GE60-20e with i7 intel hd 4600 and Geforce gtx 765m Win 8.1 x64
8Gig Ram - SSD Harddrive.
Can anyon help me out ?
ps: sorry for my english - iam germany
my crash report