odd problem...
Moderator: MiRai
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for somereason everyday when i log into the game none of my windows show up...aero is enabled AND the only way i can get it to work is to RECREATE the windows on both clients. i can SEE the green windows on both but for some reason everyday it just...doesnt work unless i remake them 8( really annoying and making me not even bother playing anymore...any ideas?

League of Extraordinary Multiboxers
Posts: 4652
Joined: Sat Feb 15, 2014 11:14 am
Location: In the dining room, with the lead pipe.
Re: odd problem...
If by "Windows", you mean Video FX, then when you save them, you need to save them as "Auto" for them to automatically load with your character set. If you give the VFX viewer setup a different name then you would need to load it manually by selecting from the drop down and selecting load.
If you mean some other windows, then you'll need to be more specific about what you are having to recreate.
If you mean some other windows, then you'll need to be more specific about what you are having to recreate.
Re: odd problem...
yah i have always saved as auto...its wierd it just started happeneing all of a sudden. been using it for years now.
Re: odd problem...
like...the window LAYOUT is saved...(green boxes when i hit cntl alt g) but nothing is shown...unless i redo it. on both clients. source and viewer

League of Extraordinary Multiboxers
Posts: 4652
Joined: Sat Feb 15, 2014 11:14 am
Location: In the dining room, with the lead pipe.
Re: odd problem...
Yep, that's weird then.
Provide a copy of your profile viewtopic.php?f=8&t=13, and a copy of the Videofx.characterset.charactername.xml files from the Innerspace folder.
Provide a copy of your profile viewtopic.php?f=8&t=13, and a copy of the Videofx.characterset.charactername.xml files from the Innerspace folder.

League of Extraordinary Multiboxers
Posts: 4652
Joined: Sat Feb 15, 2014 11:14 am
Location: In the dining room, with the lead pipe.
Re: odd problem...
You also need to make sure you have the current version. See viewtopic.php?p=28372#p28372
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