Little Healing help
Moderator: MiRai
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hi is it possible for my healing toon to heal other toons when im playing the main tank keeping agro, can i asign key combo so i can target other chars in my fellowship currently im switching between tank and healer and not having the best results in the barrow while doing this any help much appreciated.

League of Extraordinary Multiboxers
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Re: Little Healing help
I don't play LotRO and haven't for a long time so this will be more generic advice. I hope someone who plays LotRO can add some additional info.
Basically, if you have your healer already targetting the tank, then all you need to do is have the healer cast the appropriate heal spell. Put your heal on an action bar somewhere with a keybind. Leave the matching action bar slot empty on the tank. Then, in the Mapped Key Wizard, make a Straight Broadcast Mapped Key to send that key binding to all windows. This Mapped Key should probably be made in the Combat Key Map.
Then when you press that key on your keyboard your healer will cast their healing spell.
Basically, if you have your healer already targetting the tank, then all you need to do is have the healer cast the appropriate heal spell. Put your heal on an action bar somewhere with a keybind. Leave the matching action bar slot empty on the tank. Then, in the Mapped Key Wizard, make a Straight Broadcast Mapped Key to send that key binding to all windows. This Mapped Key should probably be made in the Combat Key Map.
Then when you press that key on your keyboard your healer will cast their healing spell.
Re: Little Healing help
yeah thanks for the reply i got help in the chat room and got it to work but then some1 how manage to screw my targeting and follow up but all fixed now 

Re: Little Healing help
I found that using clickbars for healing the tank and my other toons to be much more efficient:
In my case I slotted my individual heal in my mini's quick slot Alt+2 (the mass heal in Alt+1) and then set up click bars as seen in the attached screenshots below....
I positioned the buttons next to each toons status (the fellowship panels on the left of the screen) on my tanks main screen and when I need to heal everyone just click on the mass heal or click the individual heal next to the toon who needs the healing...
Hope this helps.
In my case I slotted my individual heal in my mini's quick slot Alt+2 (the mass heal in Alt+1) and then set up click bars as seen in the attached screenshots below....
I positioned the buttons next to each toons status (the fellowship panels on the left of the screen) on my tanks main screen and when I need to heal everyone just click on the mass heal or click the individual heal next to the toon who needs the healing...
Hope this helps.
Re: Little Healing help
Wanderlust, would you mind sharing your xml file?
Re: Little Healing help
Personally for healing i do the following:
Make a click bar per character you multibox with, in my case 6 different chars. And put each click bar next to their vitals.
The click bar itself does the following:
Step 1: Make the minstrel target the char you want to heal.
Step 2: Bolster Courage to heal the target.
So if i want to heal a char i click the click bar 2x in order to heal.
And Numlock 0 is for a group heal.
Also my LM and CPT can heal so i have more click bars just for their heals as well. (personally i heal most with the CPT since it doesn't have inductions

Make a click bar per character you multibox with, in my case 6 different chars. And put each click bar next to their vitals.
The click bar itself does the following:
Step 1: Make the minstrel target the char you want to heal.
Step 2: Bolster Courage to heal the target.
So if i want to heal a char i click the click bar 2x in order to heal.
And Numlock 0 is for a group heal.
Also my LM and CPT can heal so i have more click bars just for their heals as well. (personally i heal most with the CPT since it doesn't have inductions


Re: Little Healing help
Where did you guys find the icons from LOTRO for the click bars?
Re: Little Healing help
wartooth wrote:Where did you guys find the icons from LOTRO for the click bars?
Re: Little Healing help
I actually screenshotted them and then cut them out.
Re: Little Healing help
I do mine differently. I don't use taskbars like other do. I use Fkeys. The key to making mine work was location of the Healer durning login sequence. In my setup, my minstrel is the 2nd character to log in on my 3 man group.
All FKey commands go directly to slot 2 with the exception of F2. F2 is broadcast to all characters so that they can focus on the group leader(Tank). When setting up F2, you set it to all without current.
Next thing to keep in mind is F1 is always yourself, F2 is always the group leader. Its only the others that you have to be remember their location. But if you log in and form your group the same way each time then its not much of an issue.
So to heal, I use the number keys. Num1 thru Num9. I reasign them to slots on the 4th quickbar , slots 48 to 57 I think. The first 8 numkeys are for the minstel to use with the 8th one for going in and out of Warspeech. Then the exception is num9. Num9 goes to all slots....../follow alias. Oh, Num 0 goes to all but current and is used for popping the bulleye on conjunctions on the other then current characters that are targeting thru the group leader. Then I use the 4 arrow keys to select my conjunction.(all select the same color).
I then go into ISBoxer and tell it to broadcast those numkeys to slot 2 only. For that you will have to go in and build key mapping for slot 2 only. This way you will still allow yourself use the 4th bar on the other characters should ever play them in solo. With the exception again of num0 and num9. So when its all done I hit one Fkey to select toon to heal and then numkey to heal it. I never got around to using taskbars as others do. For me the less icons on the screen the better, keeps it from becoming cluttered and motto, Keep it simple as possible.
Hope I didn't make this to confusing, its late for me as I am typing this up. With that in mind good luck, I'm going to bed.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
All FKey commands go directly to slot 2 with the exception of F2. F2 is broadcast to all characters so that they can focus on the group leader(Tank). When setting up F2, you set it to all without current.
Next thing to keep in mind is F1 is always yourself, F2 is always the group leader. Its only the others that you have to be remember their location. But if you log in and form your group the same way each time then its not much of an issue.
So to heal, I use the number keys. Num1 thru Num9. I reasign them to slots on the 4th quickbar , slots 48 to 57 I think. The first 8 numkeys are for the minstel to use with the 8th one for going in and out of Warspeech. Then the exception is num9. Num9 goes to all slots....../follow alias. Oh, Num 0 goes to all but current and is used for popping the bulleye on conjunctions on the other then current characters that are targeting thru the group leader. Then I use the 4 arrow keys to select my conjunction.(all select the same color).
I then go into ISBoxer and tell it to broadcast those numkeys to slot 2 only. For that you will have to go in and build key mapping for slot 2 only. This way you will still allow yourself use the 4th bar on the other characters should ever play them in solo. With the exception again of num0 and num9. So when its all done I hit one Fkey to select toon to heal and then numkey to heal it. I never got around to using taskbars as others do. For me the less icons on the screen the better, keeps it from becoming cluttered and motto, Keep it simple as possible.
Hope I didn't make this to confusing, its late for me as I am typing this up. With that in mind good luck, I'm going to bed.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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