3 Man Setup - ISBoxer 4.0 - Guide
I also have this available in a MSWord Doc and PDF format if there is any interest in that.
I am a brand new ISBoxer user and have only been utilizing the program for about 3 days. With that said, I read about 15 guides on how to do a couple of basic functions. Most of which were written before 4.0, which apparently implemented a lot of the steps in those guides via the wizard. After trying multiple different setups over a 12 hour period, I cleared my setup, and started over. The following are the steps I utilized to get a working setup in pretty short period of time. Hopefully this will help some other newbies, or those who are contemplating the software, but think it will be too hard to figure out.
This guide will give you a basic ISBoxer 4.0 setup for a three man team on two monitors in Lord of the Rings Online. This is meant to be a step by step guide that will give you a playable three man team with the following basic setup:
2 Monitor Setup with Instant Swapping
Select Leader
Follow Leader
Assist Leader
A Mouse Repeater Zone for those who like to Click
Combat Hot Keys That Pass To Each Window
I am going to assume you have read the guides on downloading and installing the software, but here is the quick and dirty as it relates to LOTRO.
Run the Quick Setup Wizard

o Choose the LOTRO Options

o Add your 3 characters (use Actual names)

o Name Your Character Set ( I chose “Hunters” since I am setting up my 3 hunters)

o Choose Full Screen-ish main window on Display 1 and the rest on Display2. Swapping Enabled. (It will have a 1 on the primary display and 2 and 3 on the bottom of the second display)

That is it for the initial setup wizard, pretty simple and straightforward. Now we can move in to actually setting our team up with a basic setup that gets us in game and pewpewing in no time.
Now there a lot of guides out there and from what I can tell from them you can really start editing from pretty much any section, but I am going to take you through what worked for me. So lets get started.
In the upper left hand corner select and expand “Character Sets” and then click on “Hunters” (or whatever you named your character set during the wizard setup)

In the bottom left of the ui you should now see “Hunters” – “Slots” – and then 1, 2, & 3 with your characters names under each.

Click on the 1 on the left side and then click on the variable Keystrokes Tab on the Right side pane.

Now for Slot 1 we are going to need to create 3 variable keystrokes. We do this by pressing the “+” button on the right side two times.

In the first slot we are going to click the drop down on the left and select “Target Slot 1”.
o On the right side we will click the “<” and set our hotkey to “F1”
In the second slot we will click the drop down on the left and select “Target Slot 2”.
o On the right side we will click the “<” and set our hotkey to “F2”
In the third slot we will click the drop down on the left and select “Target Slot 3”.
o On the right side we will click the “<” and set our hotkey to “F3”

*The F1, F2, and F3 keys correspond to how the Function keys work in the game. For party slot 1, F1 will select you, F2 will select group member 2, and F3 will select group member 3.
Now we just need to do the same thing with slots 2 and 3, with a slight modification.
Click on the 2 on the left side of the ui. Variable keystrokes tab will already be selected on the right.
This time we only need two variable keystrokes, so press the “+” button only once.
In the first slot we are going to click the drop down on the left and select “Target Slot 1”.
o On the right side we will click the “<” and set our hotkey to “F2”
In the second slot we are going to click the drop down on the left and select “Target Slot 2”.
o On the right side we will click the “<” and set our hotkey to “F1”

*Notice the change? Remember that “F1” will always target you, so for our second group member we need to select “F2” to target our leader, who is always in party slot 1. Make since?
Now we just need to setup slot 3.
Click on the 3 on the left side of the ui. Variable keystrokes tab will already be selected on the right.
This time we will need three variable keystrokes again, so press the “+” button twice.
In the first slot we are going to click the drop down on the left and select “Target Slot 1”.
o On the right side we will click the “<” and set our hotkey to “F2”
In the second slot we are going to click the drop down on the left and select “Target Slot 2”.
o On the right side we will click the “<” and set our hotkey to “F3”
In the second slot we are going to click the drop down on the left and select “Target Slot 2”.
o On the right side we will click the “<” and set our hotkey to “F1”

*Again you will notice that we are modifying the order of the Function keys to correlate with our party member slot position.
Now to bring this all together we need to create a new mapped key and assign a hotkey to it, and then add two steps to it that will make all of this work. Luckily, ISBoxer Wizard that we ran in the beginning automatically created the key map we needed. Here is what we do to find it and add a hotkey to it:
In the top left box of the UI select “Key Maps” and then click on “Non-Combat”.

In the bottom left box of the UI select “Follow me” and expand it.

On the bottom right of the UI you should now see Hotkey. Click the "<” and assign whatever Hotkey you would like to use for follow and select your options.
o I chose “CTRL – Mouse Wheel Up” and to execute the step on ”Press or Release”.

Now the rest of this Hotkey, which is already setup via the wizard, is what makes this all work together. Step 1: Target Slot, targets your leader – Step 2:Follow Target, follows your leader.

*The Target “Window All w/o Current” is what tells the program to send this keystroke to only your followers not your leader. This allows your leader to keep his current target.
Now from here you can also setup your Assist Me Hotkey, which is found just below the Follow Me Hotkey on the bottom left of the UI.

*The great thing about LOTRO is an option in the in-game settings that allows pass-through targeting. This will negate the need for assist in most situations, as all you need to do is hit your follow hotkey and you’re other characters will dps your leader’s target automatically.
The last two things you need to do to make this work are:
Click on "Variable Keystrokes in the Top left of the UI.
Click on "Follow Target" in the bottom left of the UI.
Set "Default key Combination" in the lower right of the UI. (Set to whatever your follow keymap is set to in-game)
Save, Export to Innerspace, and you will now have a working Select, Target, and Follow the leader setup. In addition you will have your clients configured to have your Leader on your main display and your followers separated on the second display with instant swapping. Instant Swapping allows you to click on one of your follower’s screen from the second display and instantly have it switched to your main display.
In this next section we will setup our mouse repeater zones for those who like to ‘click” and combat hotkeys that will pass to each window.