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My help to the community: 6boxing lvl 75

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:42 pm

My help to the community: 6boxing lvl 75

Hi ppl

I call myself an experienced multiboxer. I do multiboxing 'cos I love the improved challenge in instances.
I do 6boxing, currently with the two following layouts:
lv 75 guardian, minstrel, rune-keeper, captain, burglar and hunter
lv 72 warden, champion, hunter, lore-master, minstrel and rune-keeper
so I got all classes covered and I can combine them in some ways, if I want. There are 2 chars on every account.

I use a G9 mouse and G15 keyboard, two computers and 3 gameinstances on every pc:

With my ISBoxer layout I can do various stuff:
- combos (red, green, yellow, blue and rows of 6)
- follow/assist easily the 3 chars on the main screen (switch of instance with mouse 5, shift + mouse5 or ctrl + mouse 5)
- disperse my slaves to avoid heavy aoe-damage or stuns/roots
- buffs and rebuffs are easily done and food/pots can be used in simple ways
- each class or character has it's own keymap and reacts in useful ways (this took quite some time and is always under work) -> e.g. guardian taunts, all other classes try to lose aggro
- the steps in keymaps are often timed to avoid hitting a button under cooldown
- I can switch minstrel and rune-keeper from damage mode to heal mode (very useful in instances)
- I can select certain chars with minstrel or rune-keeper to heal them

I did various lvl65 instances/skirmishes solo before isengart, almost all moria instances except dark delvings.

If you're interested, have a look at my attached layout. feel free to use or adapt it.
And thanks for any suggestions.

I'll try to check this post from time to time and answer questions.

yours, methan

ps: thx lax for your work and cheers to all german ppl on server morthond ;)
(1.28 MiB) Downloaded 1133 times


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Post Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:59 am

Re: My help to the community: 6boxing lvl 75

Wow, that sounds really experienced. Especially because Lotro isn't 100% Multibox-friendly.
I do 3-Boxing at the moment but just for leveling. I parked my mains at Lvl65 until I have three lvl65 at three accounts to start Isengart and to try 3-man instances.
Good to know that here is someone with huge Lotro Know-How 8-)

Do you have 6 VIP/Lifetime Accounts or do you use F2P/Premium Accounts?


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Post Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:49 am

Re: My help to the community: 6boxing lvl 75

hei, I have 5 lifetime accounts. 1 is payed for a year, there I missed the lifetime-subscription. I went from solo to dual to 4 accounts and finally a whole group ;)


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Post Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:48 pm

Re: My help to the community: 6boxing lvl 75

My highest group is level 63, so I do not have as much experience as Methan. But I would (following Methan's lead) offer my help to the community as well.

My setup is very similar.
Lvl 63 Guardian, Guardian, Captain, Hunter, Rune-keeper, Rune-Keeper
Lvl 62 Guardian, Minstrel, Champion, Hunter, Hunter, Hunter
Lvl 20 Guardian, Champion, Warden, Burglar, Minstrel, Lore-master

I use only one computer to run 6 VIP accounts without lag. Main window is set to ultra high graphics, all others windows set to ultra low graphics.
I use a regular 101-key keyboard and a three-button wheel mouse.


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Post Sun Dec 18, 2011 7:06 pm

Re: My help to the community: 6boxing lvl 75


Would you consider posting screenshots of your action bars for the six man team? And any custom key mapping you've done? You've accomplished alot more than I have, and I'm quite interested in digging through it further.



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Post Tue Dec 20, 2011 8:11 pm

Re: My help to the community: 6boxing lvl 75

I too would be interested in seeing these -I'm having a hard time following some of your keymaps - mostly because I'm noobish and just barely have my head wrapped around some of this stuff - but also ... i don't speak German. Oh well that's what Google translator is for... Thanks for posting though - I am always interested in seeing what others are doing.


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Post Wed Dec 21, 2011 7:10 am

Re: My help to the community: 6boxing lvl 75

Methan wrote:......and cheers to all german ppl on server morthond ;)

Greeting back from Server Maiar 8-)


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Post Thu Jan 05, 2012 1:20 am

Re: My help to the community: 6boxing lvl 75

Happy new year to everyone

Here is a picture of one of the groupleaders actionbars. The others of course look similar. There is quite a lot of custom keymapping, too much to explain it all here (and sorry for the German xD)
Can you grasp some of my gamestyle when looking at the icons?

ActionBar.PNG (685.18 KiB) Viewed 17611 times

Still, I can give a few explanations:
Start of fight: y
Then normally follows a combinations of pressing: q, e, r, x, c
Char specials: shift+a, shift+s, shift+d, shift+1, shift+2, shift+3
Stun: f or shift+f
Taunt or loose aggro: alt+q, alt+w, alt+e
Potions: alt+a, alt+s, ctrl+1 ... ctrl+4
Unlock abilities: 1
End of fight abilities: §

Of course some of the following chars use various steps with implemented cooldowns in order not to press a button which is not available. you can see that in the previous posted .xml file.

Hope I could help bit further


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Post Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:59 pm

Re: My help to the community: 6boxing lvl 75

Thanks Methan, now I have something else to do this weekend :?


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Post Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:38 am

Re: My help to the community: 6boxing lvl 75

Methan wrote:Happy new year to everyone

Here is a picture of one of the groupleaders actionbars. The others of course look similar. There is quite a lot of custom keymapping, too much to explain it all here (and sorry for the German xD)
Can you grasp some of my gamestyle when looking at the icons?


Still, I can give a few explanations:
Start of fight: y
Then normally follows a combinations of pressing: q, e, r, x, c
Char specials: shift+a, shift+s, shift+d, shift+1, shift+2, shift+3
Stun: f or shift+f
Taunt or loose aggro: alt+q, alt+w, alt+e
Potions: alt+a, alt+s, ctrl+1 ... ctrl+4
Unlock abilities: 1
End of fight abilities: §

Of course some of the following chars use various steps with implemented cooldowns in order not to press a button which is not available. you can see that in the previous posted .xml file.

Hope I could help bit further

helps a tad, but if you could post the other groups bar as well to get the idea of how you have thought things through for spells

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