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LOTRO setup

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Post Fri Apr 01, 2011 7:54 pm

LOTRO setup


I have been refining my LOTRO setup over time and have intended to create a useful guide to assist others in being able to get LOTRO to do some of the more needed things (i.e. some of the cool and useful things that can be done with FTL in WoW). I recently went through yet another revision of how I do things in my setup and have simplified things to the point that I think others might find it useful as a starting point, or at least be able to glean a few tips.

I have attached a very limited ISBoxer config profile. The best way to take advantage of what is here would be to open you main / active profile in ISBoxer (after making sure you have a good backup of course :roll: ) and then open another copy of ISBoxer with the attached profile. This will allow you to copy from the sample and paste into your active profile.

So, given the above initial setup the following steps would serve to integrate the features into your config:

1) Copy all the 6 "Action Target Groups" and the 2 "Keymaps" from the sample config and paste them into your config (making sure that you do not have any naming conflicts first).
*NOTE: The sample config also has a generic character named "char" and a generic character set named "set". These do not need to be copied into your config, but are there to demonstrate a few of the setup pieces that I am describing here.

2) Now, add the 2 keymaps "VirtualBase" and "VirtualChar" to one* of your character sets that you are wanting to try this on.
*NOTE: If your character set has an also launch to run the team over multiple computers you will need to add the 2 keymaps to each character set for the team.

3) For each character in your character set, create a mapped key in the "VirtualChar" keymap for the "Join" function*. My naming convention is a combination of the function ("Join", "Select", "Assist") followed by the name of your char. So, if your char were named Moe, then create a mapped key named "JoinMoe". This mapped key does not need to have any actions since it will never actually fire.
*NOTE: In the "VirtualChar" keymap you will see 3 generic mapped keys that are simply there as examples of what would be created for a character named "Char". Even thought there are mapped keys created there for each function "Assist", "Join" and "Select" you only need the "Join" as I will explain later.

4) Now, go to each character and create a virtual key mapping for the "Join" function where you will map the generic "Join" from the "VirtualBase" keymap, to the character specific "JoinMoe" mapped key that you created in step 3. IF there are 6 characters in your team, you will need to do this 6 times, once for each character.

5) Now, go to your character set (or sets depending on your setup) and create a virtual key mapping for each character that is in that set only (i.e. if you have a 6 character team with 3 characters running on each of 2 computers, then you would have 2 character sets and would only create 3 virtual mappings in each set for the 3 characters that are assigned to that set). This virtual key mapping is to map the "JoinMoe" mapped key from the "VirtualChar" keymap to the "JoinChar1" (or "JoinChar2" etc... depending on the slot that the character is in) in the "VirtualBase" keymap.
*NOTE: This is the most difficult piece of the configuration if you are unfamiliar with virtual mapped keys. For a team of 6 characters, there will be one virtual key mapping created in the appropriate character set for each character (so 6 mappings total). The key here is that you invite the characters into the fellowship in the exact same order that the configuration assumes. So, "JoinChar1" is always assigned to the fellowship leader (your main) and "JoinChar2" is assigned to the first character that is invited into the fellowship as you load the team in LOTRO. "JoinChar3" needs to be assigned to the second character invited (and accepted) into the fellowship. So, the number in the "JoinChar" mapped key name will equate to the F keys used to select the members of the fellowship when you are on you main.

6) In you character set you can assign a mapped key to execute when the set loads. If you are not using this already, you can put "VirtualBase"->"SetATG" to execute when you load the character set. This will in theory make sure that each character knows his place automatically. I say in theory because (for me at least) it does not work reliably. The mapped key "SetATG" also has a hotkey assignment that can be used after the team is assemble to take care of all the plumbing that is needed to finalize the setup at run time by adding each character to the appropriate Action Target Group.

7) Neither of the base functions (i.e. "Assist" or "Select") have any default key bindings, so you would need to either call them with a "Do Mapped Key" from one of your other mapped keys, or assign them a hotkey. However, there are 2 mapped keys created in the "VirtualBase" keymap that you can use to test the configuration - "VirtualAssist" and "VirtualSelect" (refer to the keymap for the key assignment). If you select a target from your main and then hit the hotkey for the "VirtualAssist" mapped key (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+A) all you team should change to your target. If you hit Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S ("VirtualSelect") the team should all select your main. Now, if you switch to each member of the team and repeat those tests, they should continue to work for each character.

That is pretty much all there is to the basic setup. For fun, I have also included a couple of simple formations ("V" and "Spread"). These are not very useful unless you have more than 2 or 3 in your team.

You will also find in the "VirtualBase" a set of "Custom" mapped keys. These are intended as a place where you can add any custom modifications / additions that you want for your own use. The appropriate custom mapped key is fired from the Join mapped key at startup and is in context for the characters position in the team, so if you need to do something based on that this would be a good place.

Now if you have gotten this far and are still curious as to the comment I made in the note for step 3. In my initial implementation for virtual keys, I was creating virtual mappings for each character for each function that I wanted to provide. So, for the example here of Assist and Select, I would have added 2 virtual mappings to each character and then 2 more for each character in a character set (a total of 24). If you had 4 functions that you were wanting to create and support, then that count would double (now you are creating 48 mappings and I had even more functions that just 4... :shock: ). Needless to say, setting up a new team was a bit of work and I generally would forget what all was needed in between times of creating new teams.

And so it was with this new revision at first. Then, I realized that I could simply do all that work one time in a Join function at the point at which I knew which character was in which position in the team. This means that once I had my basic configuration I would never need any more than one virtual mapping for each character and then one for each character in a character set. For a team of 6, that is only 12 virtual mappings total and they are all essentially the same. If I want to move a character to a new team, I do not have to change the character at all (assuming that it was already setup in a previous team), I only need to create the virtual mapping in the character set. This is a VAST improvement for me in term of simplicity and versatility. I left the legacy keys in the sample for reference, but that level of manual setup is no longer required.

I have asked Lax to incorporate this into a future wizard for LOTRO which would make things even easier... *hint* *hint*... :roll:

This basic setup has been created for LOTRO, but for the most part it is not game specific and could be used for any game where you do not have an elaborate macro system to support select and assist functions.

I will probably come back and add additional comments here as I think of them.

Feel free to ask questions, and I will do my best to answer.


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Post Sat Apr 02, 2011 7:54 am

Re: LOTRO setup

I have asked Lax to incorporate this into a future wizard for LOTRO which would make things even easier... *hint* *hint*... :roll:

Sometimes I wish I didn't have so many different things to get done! ;)


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Post Sat Apr 02, 2011 6:01 pm

Re: LOTRO setup

And we appreciate all that you do... But, I could not resist... :oops:




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Post Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:45 am

Re: LOTRO setup

Hi Creo,

does this setup replace my previous follow commands or is this in addition to it?


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Post Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:33 am

Re: LOTRO setup

Well, hard to say since I am not sure how you have your follow setup currently.

This does not really perform the actual follow though, since that is a game macro that you assign to a quickslot.

What this setup would do for you is provide you a means to allow you to control any member of your team and when you use the generic "select" mapped key it would be virtualized to a mapped key that would tell the rest of the team how to select the current team member. Since LOTRO does not really have an easy way to do this, you have to use some more advanced features of ISBoxer, and that is what I have tried to capture in this base configuration, which is by no means complete, but should provide a building block for a more complete config.




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Post Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:18 pm

Re: LOTRO setup

Thank you Creo for putting this together, i used this setup since you posted it :)

But am i the only one who has in the last few months problems, for example if i switch from Char1 to Char2, nearly every day i have to alter the ISBoxer config because this happens:

       / <-Char1
Char2 <---Char3
       \ <-Char4 <--Char5 <--Char6

or that:

       / <-Char1 <--Char6
Char3 <---Char2
       \ <-Char5 <--Char4

Or something like that :(

I invite my group always in the same order (Char 1 invites all other, Char2 accepts, Char3 accepts, Char4 accepts, Char5 accepts, Char6 accepts) with a human delay because i use a keymap to toggle all through my VFX and click the corresponding button.

Can someone help me or is this something like the broken /follow Turbine has to fix?


EDIT: changed in the first Code Char1<->Char2 and in the second Code Char1<->Char3 because toons 2-5 caused problems, 1 and 6 always were correct.
Last edited by Kaische on Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:45 am, edited 2 times in total.


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Post Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:58 pm

Re: LOTRO setup

Follow works by sending 'F2' to all toons, then /follow, because the person that does the invite is the first person in the fellowship unit frames.
If you switch to a different toon, that rule isn't true anymore. Look at the top person in the fellowship unit frame and you'll see who is leading whom.


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Post Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:54 am

Re: LOTRO setup

Please ignore my previous post, i screwed up my config a bit and this resulted in having weird situations of following the wrong toon.

I executed every time i switched chars the "Set ATG" hotkey and altered somehow the sequence of the toons in the ATG. Also i added another layer of virtualisation to add a toggle whether i am in a skirmish or not.

tanker wrote:Follow works by sending 'F2' to all toons, then /follow, because the person that does the invite is the first person in the fellowship unit frames.
If you switch to a different toon, that rule isn't true anymore. Look at the top person in the fellowship unit frame and you'll see who is leading whom.
Thanks for your comment, but it had nothing to do with my problem :roll: although i admit my code (before the edit) was a bit misleading.

The setup creo created takes care which F-keys ISBoxer has to send to which toon if you switch to another toon and hit your "follow me" hotkey.

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