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Clients Crashing

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Post Mon Dec 30, 2019 12:37 pm

Clients Crashing

Hello! Appreciate the help as always. For about 4-5 months I have had crashes/disconnects when playing with my five characters after years of boxing LOTRO no issues. This can affect any of the characters equally. Occurs during initial character login right before the Standing Stone brand video (Right before the video looks like the server/client handshake wraps up). Or randomly during play at any zone change (teleporting, moving into a new zone, entering a building, etc. Any zone action). The LOTRO client reports it as a disconnect usually with the character frozen for 1-5 minutes before it closes. Most times this only affects one random character and the others are fine. Most ever affected at the same time was three.

What I know:

- Ran latest public version of InnerSpace for a few months then switched to the latest development version which I still run. Latest version of ISBoxer. No changes to my ISBoxer config since issues started or near their start, really.

- I have played each of the characters without ISBoxer/InnerSpace for multiple hours with no issue. Launch using InnerSpace/ISBoxer I see issue whether launch a single character or whole team usually within minutes.

- Did a complete clean install of Win10 with only ISBoxer/InnerSpace and LOTRO installed. Issue occurred in same manner as outline above, no change.

- Saw Bob mentioned old vs. new launcher and the 64-bit launcher. I would like to use the new launcher which might fix my issue?? =)
I switched from the turbine launcher to the lotrolauncher in InnerSpace and ISBoxer, however, when 2nd character is launched it kills the 1st characters client and the behavior continued with 3rd killing the 2nd, etc. I'm missing something needed, I bet.
I tried the 64bit launcher, but the game would close out once the launcher tried to load the game. Again, I believe there are some tweaks I don't know about to make the 64bit run correctly.

I can provide a diag report when I get home. Wanted to get this posted as I keep forgetting.

Thanks, guys!



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Post Mon Dec 30, 2019 3:57 pm

Re: Clients Crashing

Eldrinarr wrote:I switched from the turbine launcher to the lotrolauncher in InnerSpace and ISBoxer, however, when 2nd character is launched it kills the 1st characters client and the behavior continued with 3rd killing the 2nd, etc. I'm missing something needed, I bet.
This one is usually because the same account is logging in, and the one account cannot be logged in more than once. Either you haven't got a game profile per account (or subscription), or you have not set each of the characters to use their specific account.

As for the rest. I don't have an answer currently. There aren't any other reports of this.


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Post Mon Dec 30, 2019 8:10 pm

Re: Clients Crashing

Each character has their own account via Standing Stone/Turbine. These accounts are configured in the ISBoxer config and work fine until I change the launcher for the team members. I will look over the config to see if there's anything I missed.

Now, do I need to do anything else to use the newer launcher aside from change it for each character via the drop-down? Any tweaks? Could you confirm the name of the launcher executable, InnerSpace config, and location on your rig so I can be sure I am targeting the right one?

Thanks, Bob



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Post Thu Jan 02, 2020 1:11 pm

Re: Clients Crashing

Little update. I have changed all five team characters over to using the LotroLauncher.exe, now. Whatever problem I ran into back when I attempted this originally about a year back did not occur. So, no more Turbine Launcher in my config.

The crash/disconnect Issue was reproducible as usual. I was able to zone all of them three times (via ranger ports) before one of the characters hung and disconnected. Other four characters were fine. So at least it's not the Turbinelauncher.exe.

Link to my config: https://pastebin.com/A1nJXAir

Hope everyone had a great New Year.



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Post Fri Jan 03, 2020 3:52 pm

Re: Clients Crashing

In case it helps, this is how I have a character set up for 64-bit cmdLineTurbineLauncher in game configuration:

Main executable filename           cmdLineTurbineLauncher.exe
Main executable parameters         Landroval myaccountname mypassword mysubscriptionname x64
Main executable path               C:\Program Files (x86)\StandingStoneGames\The Lord of the Rings Online

Everything else is default.

One for each toon. If they were separate accounts I'd leave the subscription out.

I also have an entry for the 32-bit client for each, just leaving off the "x64." (I can't get into the Lotro store from the 64-bit client for some reason.)

One other thing is I put all of the Innerspace folders and the Lotro folders into the exceptions list for antivirus.


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League of Extraordinary Multiboxers

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Post Fri Jan 03, 2020 4:05 pm

Re: Clients Crashing

Finney wrote:I can't get into the Lotro store from the 64-bit client for some reason.
IIRC this is an actual bug in the game. I'll poke it on the devs queue :).


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Post Mon Jan 06, 2020 2:13 pm

Re: Clients Crashing

Thanks for the tips. I am going to see about getting it running with the 64bit client. May solve the problem or at least show it affects all clients. Thanks for the config info, Finney.

Bob, this is definitely a possibility. I engaged SSG once before, but the tech was all over the place and kept loosing focus on the symptoms. I plan to re-engage them with all the info I have now that I have done more testing. I use ISBoxer for SWTOR as well, combined with years of LOTRO use, with no issues. I find it unlikely ISBoxer is the cause all of a sudden. =)



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Post Fri Jan 10, 2020 10:27 pm

Re: Clients Crashing

I can't get into the Lotro store from the 64-bit client for some reason.

IIRC this is an actual bug in the game. I'll poke it on the devs queue :).

I may have found a solution/workaround.

  • Go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\StandingStoneGames\The Lord of the Rings Online\x64\lotrobrowserhelper.exe" (or its equivalent location).
  • Right-click on the file and go to properties and the compatibility tab
  • Change settings for all users
  • Set "Run this program in compatibility mode for: Windows 95"
  • Click OK
lotrobrowserhelper.png (22.87 KiB) Viewed 23635 times

Works here.


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Post Mon Mar 02, 2020 6:14 pm

Re: Clients Crashing

Swinging back around to this. I have not been able to get the x64 client to run. I set everything up and when I click to log in the game from the launcher the client never starts. Launcher is set to 64-bit version in its settings. The 64-bit client will launch and run fine when ISBoxer/InnerSpace are not involved. I must be missing something needed. I used the game profile settings you mentioned, Bob, but had the same result.



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Post Wed May 20, 2020 1:20 pm

Re: Clients Crashing

Update to the update. With the clearing of many of our calendars (cough, COVID-19), I spent some time with this. Looks like the issue is cleared up. Unfortunately, I can't really pin-point the cause outside of patches from the developer of LotRO. Oh, well. Thanks for the help. I might look into the 64bit client switch next.

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