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How to setup follow in Lotro

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Post Fri Mar 23, 2018 10:00 pm

How to setup follow in Lotro

I have been trying to setup follow in isboxer 42. I tried the default follow but it doesn't allow for other windows to be the leader. If the leader has a pet then I usually have to hit the key until they follow the leader. I thought the description said it would by pass the pet. It does not. Could somebody with a setup that works show me how to do this?


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Post Sat Mar 24, 2018 4:50 am

Re: How to setup follow in Lotro

stile777 wrote:I tried the default follow but it doesn't allow for other windows to be the leader.
Actually, it does.

stile777 wrote:If the leader has a pet then I usually have to hit the key until they follow the leader. I thought the description said it would by pass the pet. It does not. Could somebody with a setup that works show me how to do this?

Pets make it tricky because, you press the Function key to follow a toon, and it selects them. If you already have that toon selected and you press the function key again, it selects their pet. Note: this does rely on the default setup for the variable keystrokes matching, not any of that in game macro stuff from the other post you necro'd.

So, you have to do some work in this circumstance. I've tried a few methods of editing the base setup and it doesn't really work out due to the way the keystrokes arrive. The most consistent method I've found, is to do the following.

Create 3 mapped keys.
Select Self -> Keystroke Action, F1 to Group (others in): Follower
Target Slot -> Variable Keystroke Action, select a Target Slot from the drop down and replace the number with {SLOT} (yep type it in), to Group (others in) Follower
Follow Target -> Variable Keystroke Action, Follow Target, to Group (others in) Follower


Then make a new Follow Me Mapped key in the Base Hotkeys (or edit the existing one).
This needs to have 3 Key Map Actions -> Do Mapped Key Actions.
They call in order the mapped keys you made above with a target of Window:Current.


You may want to do something similar with Assist. If you are having trouble with Follow due to pets, then Assist is going to be similar too. Following the process above for Assist would not break the built in "auto assist", but it also wouldn't fix it. I've tried to find a method that would work, but as I said before, it was inconsistent, which is the problem you are wanting to resolve. I suspect there is a way, but it is going to end up with more mapped keys to ensure the call chain works.


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Post Sat Mar 24, 2018 5:06 am

Re: How to setup follow in Lotro

Turns out, it didn't take long after all.

If you want to have the default Assist Me and Follow Me setup work for Lotro, work while leaving most of the default config in place, so the "auto assist" still functions, even if the leader has Pets.
First create the first two mapped keys as above, don't do any of the other instructions.

The two mapped keys you need are:
Select Self -> Keystroke Action, F1 to Group (others in): Follower
Target Slot -> Variable Keystroke Action, select a Target Slot from the drop down and replace the number with {SLOT} (yep type it in), to Group (others in) Follower

Then in the ISB42 - Party -> Follow Me (Target Slot) Mapped key, delete the action there, and add two Do Mapped Key Actions, which call the two created mapped keys.

You can do the same thing to the Assist Me (Target Slot) mapped key too, and the built in "auto assist" should work by assisting your main, and not their pet.


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Post Sat Apr 07, 2018 9:24 am

Re: How to setup follow in Lotro

Well I setup exactly from your pictures. This is what happens. when I run a 3 man... they follow the leader but no other window can be leader. When I run the 6 man.. all they do is select themselves!
I need something that will work like it is suppose to. First they need to follow the window that hits the key to follow. Not just stand there picking their nose. Doing nothing. It was alot of work but the end product failed to operate like it intented.


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Post Sat Apr 07, 2018 10:04 am

Re: How to setup follow in Lotro

You are right. The default setup does not handle the idiosyncrasies of the game and it's pet selection. Much the same is it does not handle some other games idiosyncrasies and their helper toons. Sometimes a little bit of work is needed.

I suppose I could edit what I posted, but the second post pretty much covers it. I tested it out, and it worked fine. I had a lore master running around at my leader, with a pet out, and every time the slave toons would select themselves, then the LM, and follow/assist. Never the pet. I could change to another toon lead, and everyone would follow them. There are a few moving parts to Follow in LOTRO, and it does require getting them correct from the outset. Putting Pets into the mix just makes it harder. That said, a 3 man team should work pretty quickly provided you haven't changed the ingame binds for selecting party members.

If you need help figuring out where it is going wrong, share your config.


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Post Sat Apr 07, 2018 1:14 pm

Re: How to setup follow in Lotro



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Post Sat Apr 07, 2018 5:06 pm

Re: How to setup follow in Lotro

Ok, no wonder we are having some issues. It would really depend on which team and characters you were playing, but there are enough crossovers in duplicate assignments that it would pretty much go wrong for every team.

You have both the previous style of config, and the newer style of config setup in your profile. The problem is likely coming from the fact that the Non-Combat key map has a Follow me, and the ISB42 - Base Hotkeys has a Follow Me, and they use the same Hotkey!. So for any toon or character set which is assigned to the Non-Combat key map, they will have issues with execution because one will just be faster than the others, and it may stuff things up with the new No Select Pet Follow Me. I'm surprised you don't have more grief with things not working.
To fix, read on.

Unless you really really need them (and even if you do, I suggest backing up; File -> Save As, and following on anyway), delete the following Key Maps
  • Virtual Combat
  • Combat Hotkeys
  • Always On
  • Combat
  • Non-Combat
And just so we are clear.
Right click on the highlighted items, select Delete.

You should also remove the Hotkey bind from the mapped key, "ISB42 - Party -> Follow Me (Target Slot)". This should be <NO KEY>.

The G510-G10 hotkey wont do anything. It calls a variable keystroke which has no key combination. i.e. it sends nothing to the game.
You could remove that. If you wanted to replicate what it was attempting to do in the Non-Combat key map (which should now be deleted), put the hotkey on the Target Slot mapped key you created earlier. It wouldn't have been working properly in the older config anyway as the Assist Me and Target Me mapped keys had the same Hotkey, so it was probably performing an Assist all the time, and never just the Target Me.

If you use the ALT+X for Next window, then put it on the Next Window mapped key in "ISB42 - Always On".

Finally, you have the beginnings of a Pro-Config setup, but don't appear to be using it in any shape or form. If you are not going to go down that route, you could also delete the ISB42 - Combat Hotkeys and ISB42 - Virtual Combat key maps. It will also remove any confusion as once that is done, then it is simply, every Character Set should be assigned every key map except ISB42 - WOW.

Other than that, the only other thing that wont work too well is the Brandywine 3 95s. I'd expect them to have the yellow highlighted Key Map to be selected (blue like those others).
If you have done all the above already, you can just highlight all the Key Maps that are left except the ISB42 - WoW key map.


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Post Fri May 04, 2018 2:49 pm

Re: How to setup follow in Lotro

Ok I followed everything you said. I found a situation where this does not work correctly. when I run skirmishes I first have to select follow first before bringing out the soldiers. Because if they are out before the follow then all the followers select the skirmish soldier instead of the leader? Can you tell me how this happens? And what can I do to fix it?



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Post Fri May 04, 2018 6:35 pm

Re: How to setup follow in Lotro

That just may be a quirk of how the game works when in skirmishes. It is possible it changes how the party member select works. I'm surprised it does, but it is not something I've specifically sat down to figure out what it does and whether there is a change to the mapped key to get it to always select the PC.

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