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Learning before purchase

PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 10:00 am
by Papabard
Ok have a few questions as I am on my 7 day freeby and want to get the most out of it so I can decide to purchase which so far it looks like I will.

1 - I sometimes play my lotro without boxing and notice that it messes up my ui's for each of my characters. I would like to remain in fullscreen and simply put the other team members in the background or have it not mess with my character settings in the ui. I see this might be possible with virtual files and wonder if that and the same for key maps is where I would look. So that when I am not boxing my keys are the way they are for solo play and same for ui.

Next when I have innerspace up I notice if I move in one window I also move in the other. I really don't want this until I get my team to the same spot. What would I turn off to allow each character individual movement

And bars. Do I set these up to be the abilitys I want done in each window? For example and what I am currently testing with is a warden and my rk, I want the rk to do damage most the time but when a heal is needed I want to be able to heal from the warden box do I make a bar in the warden box that sends a key press to the healer box?


Oh my signal display is 1920x1080 and that's what I would kind of like my windows at in isboxer and then just swap via keypresses

Re: Learning before purchase

PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 10:45 am
by Kaische
Papabard wrote:Ok have a few questions as I am on my 7 day freeby and want to get the most out of it so I can decide to purchase which so far it looks like I will.

Welcome :)

Papabard wrote:1 - I sometimes play my lotro without boxing and notice that it messes up my ui's for each of my characters. I would like to remain in fullscreen and simply put the other team members in the background or have it not mess with my character settings in the ui. I see this might be possible with virtual files and wonder if that and the same for key maps is where I would look. So that when I am not boxing my keys are the way they are for solo play and same for ui.

In LOTRO you can use the command /ui save FILENAME to save a specific ui layout and later use /ui load FILENAME to load the ui layout. This way you can store one layout for lets say a resolution 1680x960 and one other for 1920x1080. Or in our case one for multiboxing and one for solo play.

Papabard wrote:Next when I have innerspace up I notice if I move in one window I also move in the other. I really don't want this until I get my team to the same spot. What would I turn off to allow each character individual movement

Press Shift+Alt+R to enable/disable Repeater. This should be OFF during normal gameplay and you should use the hotkey Alt+F to let your other character follow you. Repeater is only
used while accepting quests and some other rare cases.

Papabard wrote:And bars. Do I set these up to be the abilitys I want done in each window? For example and what I am currently testing with is a warden and my rk, I want the rk to do damage most the time but when a heal is needed I want to be able to heal from the warden box do I make a bar in the warden box that sends a key press to the healer box?

The Quick Setup Wizard creates a Menu for you (the green overlay) which will mimic each keypress to all other characters. So if you drag a runekeeper skill to quickslot 8 and press the hotkey 8 while on the warden the runekeeper skill fires. If you want to learn more about Menus take a look at this video.

For the healing part i suggest you take a look in this thread.

Re: Learning before purchase

PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 1:33 pm
by Papabard
ok that answers a bit of my questions. I guess I'm going to have to take some time to watch the various videos.

Maybe someone can get in a vent channel with me and walk me through the first setup of a couple keys/buttons for this.