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Update 9, Against the Shadow

PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 5:14 pm
by FuryOfNature
Calling out two items from Update 9, Against the Shadow, which you may find helpful:,_Against_the_Shadow,_Official

* Attempting to use an item or NPC which is outside usage distance will now trigger autonomous movement into range This will work for mounted or dismounted players.There is a new game option which can be used to toggle this functionality called Move To Use, which you will find on the Misc section of the UI Settings Option page.

* Players can now map a new action key to Follow Selection. This works exactly the same as /follow. The new mapping is present on the Key Mapping portion of the Options Panel, under the Miscellaneous header.

The second item will free up a quickbar slot on my characters, which currently holds a keyboard shortcut for a /follow macro.