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My help to the community: 6boxing lvl 75

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Post Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:57 am

Re: My help to the community: 6boxing lvl 75

I'm multiboxing myself, got 8 lifetime accounts and atm I got 7 accounts with 75's on it. My normal group atm are:
champ, captain, hunter, minstrel, loremaster and runekeeper

my trouble is using the groups skills in a good way, a lot of thinking through is probably required, but I'll share my thoughts and with your inputs I guess we can get a good plan. I'm atm doing the old 65s to practice, but I have also succesfully been taking over outposts in ettenmoors and done a few bosses in DoF (delving of fror) in ettens. Good thing about ettens is you can fail without the repair-costs...

trouble with this group is my champ is a good dps, but a bad tank so I might have to swap him and the limfrafn pet for the lm does not like attacking anything so might have to replace him with a burg to get more conjunctions.

Another issue after the latest update for lotro is the follow... when the leader stops... almost all the time the rest of the group decides to run past and in some cases they start to run in circles around him... before the patch they stopped 3 steps behind which was a lot better. Anyone else experienced this and found a better solution for it ? (Mine atm is run towards target, then as the group comes towards my main I make em jump to stop them from running through me.


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Post Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:15 am

Re: My help to the community: 6boxing lvl 75

Hei AmazingBender

I guess you noticed, the problem with the running in circles has been patched :)

I think your main problem really is the champion. I'd swap him for a guardian or replace another one. I recently did hardmode sg with guardian, captain, minstrel, burglar, hunter and runekeeper.
When playing the other group (warden, hunter, runekeeper, minstrel, loremaster und champion) is use the bear as a pet. It doesn't die quickly.

Is it allowed to hunt at ettenmoors? I didn't go there yet. I don't want to harass other players.

About the group skill setups: Very hard to explain in a forum what I all did :mrgreen:
Let's try, but you anyway cannot copy it 'cos it developed with my way of playing the game. I already posted a few hints how I play. And as you can see in my .xml file, I use a g15 keyboard.

1. Prefight or at startup --> buffs (using about 3 keys to buff my group with pressing them several times (steps in isboxer))
2. Start of fight: y --> ranged skill with warden/guardian (javelin or bow), rest of group makes debuffs
3. Then normally follows a combinations of pressing: q, e, r, x, c and I unlock char specials with shift+a, shift+s, shift+d, shift+1, shift+2, shift+3 --> of course every char does something and I often use several steps with the other chars so they won't activate a skill which is on cooldown.
4. Some keys are reserved for certain actions
--> e.g. Stuns are activated from f or shift+f, sometimes in rotation, so not every chars stuns at the same time.
--> Taunt skills or on pet-chars aggro loose are acivated with alt+q, alt+w or alt+e
--> The g7, g8 and g9 keys I only use when in healing mode with the minstrel (yes, I can activate it with a key)
--> If I need a potion: alt+a, alt+s, ctrl+1 ... ctrl+4 --> disadvantage: every char takes the potion
--> End of fight abilities: § --> e.g. champion or captain
--> conjuctions --> put them on the numbers keyboard, e.g. num 9 is 3 green 3 blue. I press it 3 times, 1st action to select guardian/wardens target, 2nd action 3 chars press green and 3rd action 3 chars press blue. It works out around 95% of the time. I also programed a few streets which is quite fun and works way better than in normal groups.

Well, atm I'm doing the Moria Inis, build up my group with lv75 weapons, but I'm a bit low on money. I don't see how to get high end equip multiboxing atm 'cos there is only one 6man instance in ROI and this one is really tough. But anyway there is always something to do. Just today I tried the watcher, but failed. Probably I'll go to Nurz Gashu once for fun ;)

So, hope I could help you. I'll check back in a few days.


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Post Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:21 am

Re: My help to the community: 6boxing lvl 75

oh and by the way: again I forgot to make pictures of my bars. will do it, promise :)


Posts: 14

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Post Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:03 am

Re: My help to the community: 6boxing lvl 75

Here are the bars of my guardian group:
Xeribulos.PNG (655.04 KiB) Viewed 8085 times
Myhna.PNG (457.45 KiB) Viewed 8085 times
Othrandor.PNG (640.36 KiB) Viewed 8085 times


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Post Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:05 am

Re: My help to the community: 6boxing lvl 75

These 3 I play on my first computer


Posts: 14

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Post Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:09 am

Re: My help to the community: 6boxing lvl 75

These 3 are played on the second machine:
Anniloda.PNG (491.2 KiB) Viewed 8084 times
Mythane.PNG (468.98 KiB) Viewed 8084 times
Methanor.PNG (414.31 KiB) Viewed 8084 times


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Post Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:11 am

Re: My help to the community: 6boxing lvl 75

One bar on the second machine is on the side, but it contains only travel, weapon change etc.
If you compare the pictures with my .xml file, you certainly can find out some stuff ;) enjoy!


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Post Sat Feb 18, 2012 10:32 am

Re: My help to the community: 6boxing lvl 75

thx :-), great stuff - I don't know if its any popular to go into ettens with a conga-line, but I normally only do it in the morning when there is no-one else around. I guess as long as you're not ganking stuff it should be ok anyways though. Now I just need to get my head along on the differences in your setup and mine since I use one computer to run all six instances :-D

I've also successfully duoed with champ and captain skirmishes at tier 2 lvl 75, and I'm slowly building up the gear on my alts, but you are right, I need a proper tank in front, so I have started levelling one up.

I tried Fangorn tier 1 today, got one troll down, but the kiting tactic when not in a group obviously does not work :-D. The isengard six-man foundry would be fun to try boxing, I might give it a go on tier 1, but there the eye-trouble is gonna be a pain I think.. I know though 2 peeps in my kin did the trash and first boss with 2 captains only... So should be able to box first two bosses at least :-)

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