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Lvl 30+ Minstrel DPS spam suggestions

Moderator: MiRai



Posts: 54

Joined: Thu Sep 22, 2011 11:34 pm

Post Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:28 am

Lvl 30+ Minstrel DPS spam suggestions


Here's my concept, My team (maintank, 1 mini, 4 hunters) is already set-up to where when I spam "Key 1" my hunters and tank rotates 3 skills, all timed to avoid hitting cool downs and when I hit Key 1+ALT It triggers a "killshot" (penetrating shot for my hunters) so I spam key 1, 3 or 4 times (skills build focus)and then hit Alt+1 to trigger the killshot . I repeat that pattern until a change of tactics is needed. My tank simply rotates ward, shield-swipe, vexing blow and cutting sweep as its killshot. I mouse-click any reactive's that are appropriate. Spamming key 2 does the same thing for the hunters and tank, but also includes the healer who rotates through 3 skills that deal a little damage but are mostly for the buffs ( 2 minor balads and a perfect ) with the killshot being coda of vigor. All his heals are set up on my G-keys where I can heal: self, all, main, and each hunter individually

I want key 3 to be my all out guns blazing offensive spam which will include hunters using oils, the tank in OP and the mini in warspeech. Key 4 will be for when my offensive spam brings too much heat and i have to drop out of warspeech and return to sword and board tanking. potions and ahh-snap skills will be available through modifier keys

Im seeking suggestions on which 3 + 1 killshot skills i should be looking at for a lvl 30 mini in warspeech?

Ordinarily I might ask my question in the only other forum I occasionally post to: (besides facebook lol) The LotRO Fourms. But I rarely see a post about multi-boxing there and when I do, its met with a lot of resistance. However, I am hesitant to ask here too because I never see any posts that get too deep into class specific topics and game play strategies. Its more about the configuration and software - which is totally understandable, So If there is a more appropriated place to talk about this (and get help) I would appreciate the link.



Posts: 222

Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2011 2:27 am

Post Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:01 am

Re: Lvl 30+ Minstrel DPS spam suggestions

To answer your second question first, I'd like to see more discussions on strategies here as well, and if I ever finish my new setup I would start posting them. I'm curious if you leave time between your specials to allow an auto-attack to happen or if you keep the skill queue full? I've read the DPS goes up dramatically, but haven't tested it myself.

For your first question, I don't think the mini has any good DPS spells at 30. I'd suggest turning on 'Song of Aid' (group buff, 10s channel, 5m cooldown) which is going to burn power.

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