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LoTRO Sound Bug when Switching Displays

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Tue Jul 15, 2014 6:28 pm

LoTRO Sound Bug when Switching Displays

In LoTRO specifically, when exiting the program from any other than the Account 1 log in display....usually...the sound is muted when NOT using ISBoxer/Innerspace to load the game.

Example being logging a solo play for crafting and what not. None of the Speakers are muted and sound does play from anything BUT the LoTRO game. To resolve this I have to close down LoTRO then run one of the Character Sets from ISBoxer to have the sound in game function again. Then logging out again from Account 1.

When muting the background virtual displays can you define what you are actually muting because it does not seem to be the computer speaker as mentioned on the forums.



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Post Tue Jul 15, 2014 6:33 pm

Re: LoTRO Sound Bug when Switching Displays

You need to find the per-application volume settings, which is in the Volume Mixer, as mentioned here on the forums and in the FAQ (http://isboxer.com/wiki/FAQ#Why_is_my_game_muted_and_I_can.27t_hear_anything.3F). Not the master volume which is "the speaker" icon, but if you open it up and click Mixer (or right click and select Open Volume Mixer), then you should find the per-application volume and muting. This is what ISBoxer is muting.


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Post Tue Jul 15, 2014 6:53 pm

Re: LoTRO Sound Bug when Switching Displays

Thank you lax. Appreciated. I still do not see the LoTRO reference but I will poke in there the next time this happens.


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