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Skirmishes and multi boxing.

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Post Sat Dec 05, 2009 10:25 pm

Skirmishes and multi boxing.

So, I usually don't play pet classes, so this normally hasn't been an issue. However, now that we all essentially get a pet in skirmishes I ran into a little problem that limits my ability to heal with the slave(s). I basically have my keys setup to F1 (target group member 1, heal group member 1). Each step has the F1 key in it to target group member 1. I have several keys set up to target each individual group member. The problem is, when I hit F1 twice it targets the pet instead of the member. So my question is have any of you solved this issue? I tried putting escape at the beginning of the step, but it sometimes cancels an action (like a heal with a long induction.) I am thinking to try putting the escape at the end of each step. But I think this will have the same result. =/

I am out of ideas though.


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Post Sun Dec 06, 2009 12:13 am

Re: Skirmishes and multi boxing.

I don't play LOTRO so I can't test this, but if you need to work around it you could try targeting another player first instead of Esc? (F2?)


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Post Sun Dec 06, 2009 4:17 pm

Re: Skirmishes and multi boxing.

That is actually a great idea. If targeting myself. I could just say F2,F1, usabilityX. if targeting another player just target self first F1,F2,usabilityX.

I will test this. it seems like it would work. I will let ya know.


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Post Sun Dec 06, 2009 6:04 pm

Re: Skirmishes and multi boxing.

Okay, after doing some further testing of this. I had it set up like this.

F1 (targets self)
F2 (target to be healed)
Cast heal ability.

Okay here is what happens.
It targets healer, then targets heal target then casts the ability. However, I think it goes so fast that the heal will heal self instead of desired target resulting in bad things happening. Is there any way to put a pause in there someplace? I tried to use escape to cancel casting on self but that didnt' work as I believe it is progressing so fast that it just doesn't catch the escape during the heal process.

At any rate, I guess I won't be multi boxing skirmishes until we can figure something else out.

Thanks for the suggestion Lax.


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Post Sun Dec 06, 2009 8:10 pm

Re: Skirmishes and multi boxing.

Unfortunately no you can't add a delay, as this may violate many ToS/EULA and we don't want that. The best you can do is use multiple Steps. If it works with the Hold option off, and you can do it in 2 steps, then you could set the execute option for the Mapped Key to "pressed OR released" and then you will press the button once, and both steps will happen with a delay between the first and second -- this might be the best case scenario, so try it first. If it does need Hold, then you can keep it enabled and hit it twice instead


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Post Sun Dec 06, 2009 10:07 pm

Re: Skirmishes and multi boxing.

Cool, I will try this. I found that today while having only F1 (or F2) as the first step and the heal in the second step it would still try to heal the healer and not the desired target.

I understand we don't want to break the EULA/TOS, so lets not go there. =-) I will try your suggestion with the hold option, I'm not entirely sure how this will work. But, I will try it.



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Post Mon Dec 07, 2009 12:21 am

Re: Skirmishes and multi boxing.

Okay, so after testing it several times today. I was able to use your multiple step suggesetion and it works like a charm.

Thanks Lax for your support in this issue. I suppose it was simpler than I made it.


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Post Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:17 pm

Re: Skirmishes and multi boxing.


Skirmish-related question: What are you supposed to do versus Emmisaries of War and their immunity to all damage? Drag them to the next wave until it wears off? Can the immunity be bypassed in some way?


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Post Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:35 pm

Re: Skirmishes and multi boxing.

It depends on the emissary I think. I remember fighting one with the shield issue as well, often a red/orange circle would appear on the ground that when the emissary was pulled inside it the shields would drop allowing us to dps him. Eventually the circle goes away fro a bit then appears someplace else at random.

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