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Problem w. Key Map, keyboard shortcuts, and Overview

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Post Tue Mar 08, 2011 7:36 am

Problem w. Key Map, keyboard shortcuts, and Overview

There are new keyboard shortcuts introduced to EVE in the latest expansion they work in a specific way, involving the Overview window and focus: http://www.eveonline.com/devblog.asp?a=blog&bid=862

I can't get key broadcasting working - I think there's a problem with how keymaps/repeater work combined with Overview window focus and the new shortcuts.

It's possible to use just keys to select a target and interact with it: For instance ALT+RIGHT selects the overview window and ALT+UP/DOWN allows you to scroll through targets then 'D' allows you to dock with a selected station/activate a jump gate/etc

Running a single game and launching via innerspace this works fine. ALT+RIGHT, ALT+DOWN (to select station/gate), D to dock/jump.

Launching a character set with a key map for D has a different effect. I select the station with the keys but when I press the D key a message 'click target to dock' appears. This message is displayed because the Overview window does not have focus. What seems to be happening is that the KeyMap/repeater code causes the Overview window in the EVE client to lose focus before the client receives the key.

I have tried with both key maps and repeater profile, setting game to foreground, using fullscreen workaround, but nothing works.

For multiboxing with EVE it's really important to be able to use the keyboard shortcuts rather than just the mouse repeater.
Last edited by robingbrown on Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:30 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Post Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:15 am

Re: Bug w. Key Map / Repeater, keyboard shortcuts, and Overview

This is actually the first I've heard of anyone having a problem with keyboard broadcasting in EVE, and I'm not sure I understand enough about this Overview window to help you solve this particular issue. I'll see what I can figure out


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Post Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:02 am

Re: Bug w. Key Map / Repeater, keyboard shortcuts, and Overview

Hello Lax

I'm assuming you've played a little EVE? Enough to be familiar with the basics.Here's how to duplicate it:

Create a character set with 2 chars running EVE plus keymaps/repeater etc and fire it up.

Login and form a fleet (right click on a pilot and select 'Form Fleet With')


The focus window is on the right side and shows a list of nearby objects/ships/etc. There is always at least one stargate in each system so we'll work with that.

Right click on the stargate and select 'Warp Fleet' and wait to arrive

Using keys only press ALT+RIGHT to get focus to the Overview window

Then press ALT+UP or ALT+DOWN to highlight the gate - you should end up with it highlighted on both pilots

Press D to activate the stargate

You should, assuming it's not just me, get a message on both clients saying 'Click target to dock/activate gate' (or similar)

Now repeat the exercise with a single EVE client loaded via Innerspace but without keymaps, etc

Oh and thanks for the snappy reply.


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Post Tue Mar 08, 2011 12:17 pm

Re: Bug w. Key Map / Repeater, keyboard shortcuts, and Overview

Okay I'm talking to some other EVE players, and here's what I'm told.

[12:09] <stealthy> Lax: EVE has to have a window with 'focus' for it to receive any keyboard shortcuts
[12:09] <stealthy> as of a few patches ago that was put into play to fix eve's shitty shortcut system
[12:09] <stealthy> I don't know of any way to focus a window other than actually clicking on it
[12:10] <Sedra> also Lax, I think your user is at error. He links the blog that explains exactly wich way works & does not work for the shortcuts. I dont know exactly what his problem is but it sounds like he doesnt have the overview in focus
[12:10] <Lax> ok so just by opening the overview window with keyboard, he isnt focusing the window
[12:10] <Sedra> I was multiboxing 16 clients last night & all shortcuts & overview maintenaince was perfect
[12:10] <stealthy> exactly Sedra
[12:10] <Sedra> first time user too
[12:10] <Lax> thank you, that does explain it
[12:10] <stealthy> np Lax
[12:10] <stealthy> it -has- to be clicke don

I haven't personally tested it with or without ISBoxer yet, but I think I can check it out tonight if needed


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Post Tue Mar 08, 2011 1:10 pm

Re: Bug w. Key Map / Repeater, keyboard shortcuts, and Overview

' first time user too'
Nice bit of condescension there... I've been playing EVE for four years and using ISBoxer for one.

' but it sounds like he doesnt have the overview in focus'
This is kind of the point I'm making, I'm bringing the overview into focus with the keys but when I press D it goes out of focus.

'all shortcuts & overview maintenaince was perfect'
Assuming it's not a bug what Sedra doesn't say is how it needs to be setup to work properly because obviously I've got something wrong as mine is intermittent and faulty.

I've just tested this again to make sure I'm not imagining it - I can replicate the problem with ease.


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Post Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:31 am

Re: Problem w. Key Map, keyboard shortcuts, and Overview

Solution found thanks to help from Lax and Stealthy.

It turned out to be a very simple setting, the 'Hold' option needed to be 'On' in order for the keypresses to get passed properly.

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