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Post Sat Oct 01, 2016 7:09 pm

new users


I followed this tutorial, which is what your website links to in order to set this up for eve.

I think there are two things wrong. my dual monitor setup isn't registering correctly and this video doesn't explain how to set this up correctly, and the launcher is bugging out.
Selected graphics no swap, full screen per the video...

I went through and created 9 regions (I think that is wrong but that is what he said to do) Then I have 9 slots. 7 characters, and 2 that you need to add per the tutorial.

When i load up, it loads my characters, but it doesn't interact, they are all loading full screen.
When I size the windows down, they are not interactive
I can't get the software to allow me to display on my 2nd monitor

I believe the tutorial is out of date. The setup documentation that I've been referred to just leads me down more random paths.
I was told then I needed to use isboxer eve launcher, which won't load for me until i have isboxer42. isboxer42 isn't released yet.

Can someone please walk me through the setup process with some type of accurate set of instructions or documentation?

I'll give this a few days for responses, but as a new user I'm not very impressed. Setup is never always perfect, and i expected to do some digging, but this looks like right now its not compatible with my game, and the documentation is completely out of date.


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Post Sun Oct 02, 2016 3:12 pm

Re: new users

OK, I'm not sure why this is proving so troublesome. It would probably help for you to list out the actions you are performing, in the order you are doing them so they can be replicated; then the process can be adjusted and made easier for the next person (and possibly yourself). It also worth pointing out that there were some recent changes in EVE Online made by CCP, which have made the multiboxing launch process a bit more "interesting", and is almost certainly the cause of your issues (even if it doesn't seem like it) . Unfortunately CCP don't consult Lavishsoft on these kinds of things so we can make sure it works nicely for multiboxing, so we have to live with it, or work out the needed steps to still be able to multibox this game. For new EVE multiboxers the launching process is yet another thing to contend with and dealing with it in a decent manner adds more config work to begin with.

Do you need the ISBoxer EVE Launcher? No; but the standard EVE launcher is a bit sucky when it comes to multiboxing and the setup process for it, while in theory is easier, you end up having to manage it during the launch process (i.e. you need to close it down to launch each character), and it is just not a very nice process. So the ISBoxer EVE Launcher was born to help with this. When you look at it initially, it can be a little confusing as to which buttons to press. To my eye as it has options which are relevant to certain use choices, and a new multiboxer wont necessarily know what choice they want to make because they haven't yet got the experience to make that choice.

That all said. This is the process I followed and if you follow it, you should get to a working state. It seems long, it's not really, I was just capturing each thing along the way. If it's not written here, chances are I didn't do it or didn't click it.

This assumes you have downloaded and installed Inner Space/ISBoxer. ISBoxer 42 (you should know if you have it, but you can check the title bar of the ISBoxer Toolkit when you run it, or the Help About menu) is not necessary, but does has some features you might like to use e.g. Video FX layouts, in certain situations e.g. Optimus graphics laptops (see troubleshooting below).

  1. Exit Inner Space if it is running, (right click the icon in the system tray, select Exit).
  2. Download the EVE Online Launcher from Lavish (temporary - get it here, and download the ZIP file)
    get it here - scroll down to the instructions for the zip download link, the Clone/Download button is for the source code.
  3. Extract the exe file of the ISBoxerEveLauncher.exe and put it in my Inner Space install folder (mine is C:\Program Files (x86)\InnerSpace).
  4. Right click on the ISBoxerEveLauncher.exe, select create shortcut. It wanted to put it on my desktop, I was okay with this.
  5. Right click on the ISBoxerEveLauncher.exe, select Properties, Compatibility tab, tick the Run as Administrator option.
  6. Find the shortcut on the desktop, double click it. It might UAC check if you have that enabled.
  7. Tick the "x64" option.
  8. Tick the "Save passwords (securely)" option, enter a master password.
  9. Select Add Account, enter in the account name/password (you can ignore the Profile drop down), repeat for all accounts (there may be 2FA or Captchas involved)
  10. Highlight all the accounts in the list.
  11. Hit "Create Inner Space Game Profile(s)" (bottom right)
  12. Leave the defaults, Hit Go.
  13. Don't minimize the launcher, just leave it running and go on to the next step (if you minimize the launcher then it will ask for the Master Password when each game launches).
  14. Run Inner Space, and then right click the icon in the system tray, at the top there should be an ISBoxer EVE Launcher (if you left the Game name as default when creating Game profiles), and under that should be several entries for ISBEL - {ACCOUNTNAMES}. I don't run these, this is a visual inspection. You could run them if you wanted, for testing purposes to verify that the game loads as expected from the profile - note that loading the game profile from here loads it under Inner Space only, and not under ISBoxer (which is a program that runs on Inner Space too).
  15. Run ISBoxer Toolkit if not already running (the icon on the desktop is ISBoxer Suite).
  16. If you have existing character sets in ISBoxer that you are wanting to work with, you will need to now update the Game/Game Profile for each of the Characters in ISBoxer. See https://gfycat.com/PoliteQuaintHedgehog. You will want to select the ISBoxer EVE Launcher game, and the applicable ISBEL account profile for each of the characters. You can then skip the instructions 17-24 (start at 25).
  17. Run the Quick Setup Wizard (from the Wizards menu if it does not automatically run).
  18. Select the Game from the drop down (EVE Online).
  19. Enter the character names on the right, leave the "Configure based on game" to EVE Online, set the Inner Space launch "Game" and "Game Profile" dropdowns to "ISBoxer EVE Launcher" and the appropriate ISBEL - {ACCOUNTNAME} entry for this character. Hit the Add Character to Team, repeat for each character in this team.
  20. Hit Next, Name my Team.
  21. Hit Next, Choose my Window Layout. If you are using ISboxer 42, and need a VideoFX Layout, set the Use Video FX option to true (its on the lower right). This will reset the layout selection when you do this, remember to select a Layout.
  22. Hit Next, Choose my background/foreground FPS settings at the top there, verify that the dropdown at the bottom is set to "Select all CPUs with every window..." (note: there are some values after this, hence the ..., and they relate to the number of characters, your CPU and FPS settings). This is the last item in the drop down if you expand it.
  23. On the last page, I choose the configuration style in the drop down at the top. The default for EVE is non broadcasting (due to various rule changes). You can override this if you prefer, however I'd normally stick with the default. Set any hotkeys for items, if you have an EU keyboard, tick the I have an "Alt Gr key". Hit Finish. n.b. I am using ISBoxer 42 so your finish page might be slightly different if you are using ISBoxer 41, it wont be that different though - if in doubt, don't change anything, just hit Finish.
  24. By default, ISBoxer disables broadcasting for EVE (because it has very limited allowed use in EVE). If you want to use broadcasting in EVE in the limited places that it is allowed, and you set a hotkey for broadcasting in the previous step, then you will probably be wanting to enable it. In the top left pane of ISBoxer Toolkit, under Character Sets, select your Character Set (this is the team name you set earlier). In the lower right, under the General tab, untick the "Disable capabilities to control multiple windows simultaneously..." option (its down the bottom).
  25. On the File menu, select Export to Inner Space.
  26. Minimize ISBoxer Toolkit (nb. it is not required to be open to run your team, you can exit it; but you may want to update your profile as you go, or fix up anything that isn't correct).
  27. Right click the Inner Space icon in the system tray, select ISBoxer Character Sets -> YourTeamName.
  28. Let EVE load up. Depending on a few things along the way, the ISBoxer EVE Launcher might at this point ask you to enter your master password. It shouldn't do if you have an open instance minimized (e.g. the one from earlier) that is running as Administrator (which it should be if you did all the earlier steps).
NB. I did actually do each of these steps as I wrote them and ended up with a working team setup, so it should work for you too.

For future operation after initial setup you:
  1. Boot computer
  2. Run InnerSpace
  3. Run ISBEL (as Admin if you have not set the property on a shortcut)
  4. Launch Character Set from InnerSpace menu

From your IRC, and the video you linked (I had to search for a long while to find where that particular one was linked - kinda surprised you chose that particular one; it's not like it is the only EVE setup video, nor is it screaming out to be "the one" to use), then I suspect you might be trying to configure VideoFX. If you creating a dashboard are probably better off getting your team launching before later adding a DXNothing Character to the character set, and setting up VideoFX on the set. If you are just trying to use VideoFX layouts (i.e. a VideoFX setup which simulates the normal window layouts), you can select this option in the ISBoxer 42 Window Layout Wizard, or in the section of the Quick Setup Wizard where you select your Window Layout.

Troubleshooting - while I think of it.
  • If your EVE loads up, and ALL the screens are black, then you will need to use the Window Layout Wizard and set a 3D Render size that is at minimum 1024x768 (this is 4:3, you may want a 16:9 setting. 1280x720 might work).
  • If your EVE loads up, and the smaller screens are black, and you are not using a Video FX layout, then you will probably need to set EVE to load in DX9.
  • If you are running on a laptop with an Optimus setup (Nvidia graphics and Intel graphics) and Win10, then you may need to set in the NVidia Control Panel, under Manage 3D settings, for either the Global Settings to the "High performance NVIDIA processor", or you can set a specific Program Settings that are specific to EVE (point to the same exefile.exe that will be loaded for EVE, e.g. bin64 folder if needed).
  • If you've done the above and still having FPS issues, then it may be that you need an external monitor to be the Primary Windows display.
  • If you've done the above and still having FPS issues, or black windows, you will probably need to use a Video FX layout.
  • If your games don't size correctly, and you are using Win10 with a 4K monitor, check to make sure Windows Display Scaling is set to 100%. Other Windows versions are less prone to magically adjusting scaling by themselves, although you might need to check. Other reasons might be because you have the game set to Fullscreen, rather than a Windowed option (whether Windowed of Windowed Fullscreen).
  • Other things I can't think of right now might occur. Create a post or check in on the ISBoxer Discord.

The documentation this is collated from is available from:

ISBoxer Toolkit User Interface and basics -> http://isboxer.com/wiki/User_Manual

Extra info on VideoFX
http://isboxer.com/wiki/FAQ#Why_does_my ... quality.3F

Video FX - Not So Basic - http://youtu.be/73ATj87XXd4
Video FX - VFX Actions - http://youtu.be/PYu54gmkgWA
Video FX - Other Window Source - http://youtu.be/0-RteUf516o
Video FX - VFX Layouts - http://youtu.be/Hntr1IE1Xgc
ISBoxer Tips 08 - Adding dxNothing - http://youtu.be/4VhAXqAbxjQ

Woah, this post has changed as I re-edited it to add more and more info to it. I find I write em, review em, post em, and then have an oh shit moment, and re-edit em several times fixing up layout, syntax, grammar, spelling, or just plain old screw-ups. I try to call them out when I do so, but this one has turned into a bit of an instruction manual as well as a reply to OP, so I say stuff it, it is what it is.

17/Aug/2020 Updated steps as they no longer matched the current version of ISBEL
13/Feb/2021 Added step about existing character sets
Last edited by bob on Fri Feb 09, 2024 10:47 am, edited 17 times in total.
Reason: updated instructions


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Post Mon Oct 03, 2016 9:04 pm

Re: new users

So when I get to the step 15, visual inspection or seeing where i'm right clicking the innerspace icon the top item is add game. Nothing is on the innerspace section for isboxerevelauncher....

resolved, bob is the man.


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Post Sun Jan 21, 2018 2:16 pm

Re: new users

Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but I'm having issues.

I had previously gotten The EVE Online Launcher for ISBoxer to work, but it's failing now. I haven't fired up the program in several months, and when I tried it today nothing happened. I assumed that something had changed (new update, etc.) so I deleted all the file folders, restarted my machine, downloaded the EVE Online Launcher for ISBoxer and Inner Space/ISBoxer and reinstalled everything, following your directions above. Everything looks exactly as you describe it above, and it looks like I remember it, but when I get to step 27, the mouse turns into the spinny, loading icon (Windows 10) for a few seconds (2-3), and then.....nothing. The Launcher doesn't load, the game doesn't start up, nothing.

Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Nevermind! There is a known issue in a newer thread (maybe I should read first!). I reverted to an older build and it works. New thread: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=8995


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Vibrant Videographer

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Post Sun Jan 21, 2018 7:50 pm

Re: new users

velrahnkoon wrote:Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but I'm having issues.

Is it too much to ask to just create a new thread then?


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