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Can't select nVidia driver definition in-game

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Post Sat Jul 11, 2015 8:53 pm

Can't select nVidia driver definition in-game

From what I'm reading, it seems like this is an odd problem which should never really happen.

Ok, pretty simple setup. I've got two game windows set up at the same time in Eve. I call it Dual Fleet, and I use Isboxer pretty much as a clean, fast, Alt-TAB. Suddenly, I started things up one day, and my frame rate was in the single digits. Well, I'm pretty sure I've found the problem - when you're in-game and you select 'Settings' followed by 'Display and Graphics' (the first tab), you don't get presented the option to select either one of my (SLI GTX) video cards from the pulldown which reads 'Display Adapter'. I have only these two choices: Microsoft Basic Render Driver 1 and Microsoft Basic Render Driver 2.

nVidia driver selections are present when I "manually" start the game from the \bin file .exe (C:\Games\Eve Online\bin\evefile.exe). nVidia driver selections reappear when I use the launcher instead of the binary .exe file. The only time I don't have an nVidia driver selection is when I send Isboxer to start the game by means of the \bin .exe file (C:\Games\Eve Online\bin\evefile.exe). In other words, Isboxer is the only "variable" left. Any insight?


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Post Sat Aug 01, 2015 10:34 am

Re: Can't select nVidia driver definition in-game

Look, can't I even get an "I have no idea" from some of you experts? Even that much would be, ya know, helpful.

I held out until I converted this PC to Win10 with the idea in mind that this operation would make extensive system changes both in the OS and with nVidia drivers. Still nothing.


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Post Sat Aug 01, 2015 11:06 am

Re: Can't select nVidia driver definition in-game

Sorry, I don't know what happened 3 weeks ago that this was missed, but you don't have to wait 3 weeks to bump your thread and link it in the chat room either ;)

ISBoxer locks down the GPU to what is selected on your Window Layout. I don't know where "Microsoft Basic Render Driver" comes from exactly but here's what I turned up on Google...
http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/wind ... 796?auth=1

You may be able to just disable it.


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Post Sat Aug 01, 2015 12:21 pm

Re: Can't select nVidia driver definition in-game

I figured it might be worthwhile just to see if the Win10 upgrade handled the problem. No matter - you gave me what I needed. Bamfixed! Turned out to be a bad GTX 470, but I had two linked in SLI anyway. They're getting old - time to update.

Thx for your help, Lax!

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