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Eve Mining, Simple Setup Guide.

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:20 am

Eve Mining, Simple Setup Guide.

Hello, i am really new to Isboxer, but i have come up with a simple setup that i believe can help anyone lookig to mine. I will use my Own configuration as the main example as this is Highly expandable.

The set up is Based on Teams of 4, with one or more Boosters. 5 Characters per team.

Orca Booster (if you have the foreman implant this is Awesome) sitting on sun and flying in one direction. can also be in a POS.

4 miners per team, one for each of the main ore type in your systems. In Amarr, we have Kernite, Scordite, Pyrox, and Veldspar.

I Run with 2 Teams, so this is how i will explain.

Team 1 has a set of bookmarks 200KM off of every belt (explanation on how to do this later). Name the folder something like 1-(system). In that folder, have a collection of bookmarks for each belt, and one for the Station or corperat hangar array you use. it should look something like this.


Naming it this way keep things aligned, and keeps the drop down menue at the top of your right click list, so it can be use by all toons.

If you have multiple teams in the same system, give the teams different bookmarks so they do not go to the same belt.

The Bookmarks should be 200Km off for a number of reasons.

1) This allows Direct re-Warp to specific roids for each toon, eliminating Wasteful travel times.
2) Allows Scouting of the belts without getting caught on roids, just in case something has already been mined out.
3) Easier separation of teams if all in the same belt.

Slot one, the controller, should be your most efficient miner, as this toon will decide your docking times.

When all miners have an Identical layout, overviews are set up to allow one miner per roid, and you have the team in position, you are ready to go out and make isk.

I do this with both retrievers and mackinaws, mackinaws working Best. T2 Strip miners are also the best, and as each toon is mining a specific roid, you can fill the cargo with only one type of crystals.

When you land on the bookmarks, you can select the closet roid on the overview of all accounts, and warp to them. no need to wait for the approach, the warp takes seconds and you are in the midst.

In the belts, holding control and locking the top 6 roids is what i find best. you can only lock 4, however it works well incase you move around, then select the closest and approach it. start your cycles, one laser per rock, and wait.

To avoid out of syncs, and increase efficiency, you can turn off your lasers every 60 seconds. then re-select the first roid, fire, second roid, and fire again. this is extremely beneficial for a few reasons as well.

1) keeps all toons in sync. One laser can re-fire when the other runs out of roid, and you have to manually fix the sync.
2) Removes Cycle waste. Roids have a limited amount in them, if they only need a 30 second cycle, you waste only 30 seconds, while before you would have wasted 90.
3) Piss off laser crosser s. if someone is mining your roids, doing this can deplete them before they do, wasting their cycles instead of yours.

When the holds are full, you aim all the cameras directly UP, and double click in space. this moves you above the roids, and you can see any problems of being cought before you try and warp. then align to station, warp and dock using the bookmarks, you select all ore, drop it, and do it all over again.

This is where i have gotten from using this program basicly for 3 days, when before i did this manually. it was a Giant pain in the ass, and this has litterally Doubled my income, and finally allows me to chat with my corp mates, when i pause the repeater. turn it back on, reset lasers, and turn it off again to talk. this program is AMAZING


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Post Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:21 am

Re: Eve Mining, Simple Setup Guide.

I will Post a screenshot if i ever get that to work, but if anyone has any questions, Please ask away!


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Post Fri Jan 04, 2013 1:35 pm

Re: Eve Mining, Simple Setup Guide.

Have you tried having one toon specifically for ore movement so that your miners dont have to dock? Should raise your efficiency.


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Post Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:01 pm

Re: Eve Mining, Simple Setup Guide.

I have, but i havent figured out action groups, or how to control one account separate from the others.

mainly, when im controling the miners, how do i NOT move the shipper?


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Post Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:59 pm

Re: Eve Mining, Simple Setup Guide.

learning how to setup action groups would fix that... Sadly, Im not articulate enough to explain how to create the groupings. Still learning isboxer's potential.


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Post Sat Jan 05, 2013 7:11 am

Re: Eve Mining, Simple Setup Guide.



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Post Sun Jan 06, 2013 4:47 am

Re: Eve Mining, Simple Setup Guide.

Geeze, you really do have some of the best customer service around, haha. thank you, this helped alot. making more money by the day.


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Post Wed Jan 09, 2013 8:49 am

Re: Eve Mining, Simple Setup Guide.

Have you got it to work?

In-case you haven't you could consider using Click Bars for the sync part. Possibly Video FX to wether a roid is gone or not?


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Post Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:29 am

Re: Eve Mining, Simple Setup Guide.

So i have it all Figured out, and i finally got my DXnothing screen working, so now i have it all set up perfect.

basically now, i just broadcast to the miners, and i have a second teams set up so that they can be controlled separately, as i can leave them in station if the belts are empty or something.

the orca is an easy hot-key swap to on my speed pad, so i can nab everything and run. now that i feel comfortable, and all my ships have some light tank and T2 drones, i think ima pack up and move this setup to my alliances nullsec home.

Love this product lax, bought a 3 month sub, telling everyone i know with mining alts to get their hands on it.


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Post Mon Feb 25, 2013 12:49 pm

Re: Eve Mining, Simple Setup Guide.

How do you set up your overview in a way that prevents miners from hitting the same rock?

I've been using 5 identical miners with an orca that I just run off another machine.
(As it happens, my new laptop out-preforms my desktop so I multibox on my laptop and run the orca off ether my old laptop or my desktop.)

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