Problems with IS Boxer Eve Launcher
Running into a bit of a problem. Since Monday, I haven't been able to use ISBEL. I get the attached error. I have reinstalled everything including the OS (Not Because of Eve) but the error still persists. I've tried reading the forums to find something similar but they seem to go back to 2016 and windows 7 although I may have missed something. I have the following:
Windows 10 Version 2004 with all updates
32 GB Ram
I7 5820 on Asus Rampage V
If I launch Eve online alone, works fine. If I try with just an IS Boxer configuration without launcher get the login disappearing but nothing happening. I installed launcher back in May because of this problem and everything was working well until Monday. On Monday I got the attached error when trying to start characters. Since the re-install, I get this same error even trying to add an account to ISBEL.
Any help would be appreciated.