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Mutiboxing Aion NCSOFT

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 2:14 am
by gnetcham
Has anyone had probs with mutiboxing and getin banned in AION level 25 atm with my team and wanted to see if anyone else had issues with it,
I know NCSOFT lets u have 2 clients open without other programs so why not 5? lol
Everyday I get your a botter reported , but 90% of the guys just ask me what iam doing and why?

I have a ticket in myself askin for a GMs call on boxing still waiting for it , got 1 email aread saying there sending up the food chain to get a answer.

Thanks for anyone who gives some feed back =)

Re: Mutiboxing Aion NCSOFT

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 3:31 am
by Alge

Re: Mutiboxing Aion NCSOFT

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 3:13 pm
by gnetcham
just got a email back from gms

Response Via Email (Chris)

08/15/2012 12:13 PM
Hey there.

It is not against the rules to run multiple accounts simultaneously, but it is against the rules to use third-party programs to automate gameplay. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.

Kindest regards,

Specialist Game Master Wizardex
Game Surveillance Unit
NCSoft -

Seems like there fine with mutiboxing after all =P still tryin to get info one what they conseder "automate gameplay" I asked if its more then a 1 to 1 ratio of keys pressed and no reply back yet.


Response Via Email (Nickolaus)

08/16/2012 11:44 AM


Thank you for your response.

As ISBoxer® is a piece of software that enables control of 1-to-many, this would qualify as game play assisted by software other than the game client, which is not allowed by section 8 of the User Agreement.

Not going to stop me from playin till they ban me lol

Re: Mutiboxing Aion NCSOFT

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 3:52 pm
by lax
It probably means the same thing it means for every other game and game publisher.

They don't want you to operate something that adapts and responds to the game environment for you (a bot). They want you to be adapting and responding to the game environment yourself. ISBoxer is incapable of adapting and responding to the game environment.

ISBoxer also cannot signal the game at a time other than when you are manually controlling inputs, i.e. there is no delayed or repetitive action (often referred to as automation, e.g. autofire). However, MiRai tells me that Aion includes a delay command as part of its in-game macro system.

Regardless of which definition they apply, ISBoxer is not capable of doing either.

Re: Mutiboxing Aion NCSOFT

PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 9:33 pm
by gnetcham
Update this is the last and finaly email from these guys lol


Controlling multiple characters the way ISBoxer allows still gives the player an unequal advantage compared to all of the other players who are only running 1 character - you can focus fire on enemies much easier, run instances for gear without having to party with other players and share loot, and so on and so forth. The point of the game is to play a character and group with others - MMO games are about social play. If everyone was using ISBoxer-style programs, the game would be full of single players, each running their own groups, and a grossly distorted economy and game play style.

So, you asked if ISBoxer is allowed - I pointed out that it very likely falls under several of the points under Section 8 of the User Agreement, and as such, may wind up being an actionable offense. I highly recommend against using it with our service.

Game Surveillance Unit