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Basic question from a newcomer

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Post Wed Aug 02, 2017 12:54 pm

Basic question from a newcomer

I am not very computer literate. These boards are sort of a nightmare for someone like me. Any help would be appreciated.


I just started the trial period. I went through the set-up wizard for Everquest. I set it up for five accounts.

My main problem is the broadcasting issue. I am not quite sure how this works in conjunction with key-mapping or combat/non-combat situations. I have been able to figure out how to auto-follow and assist by making hot-buttons and putting them into slot 9 and 0 on all toons. Neat but is a problem (read below).

I also have macros on the '1' button across the toons (I was running 5 instances on a single computer windowed before this...I would highlight hit 1, highlight hit 1 etc. to fight) and so I can now target with my main, hit 9 and hit 1 from my main window and my team fights.

I am sure I am not using the tool the way it was intended. However, my real problem is that at any time I hit 1 through = on my main, everyone acts. I do not know how to turn some of these off situationally or if that is the solution.

I tried buying something from a merchant and put 1 in the items slot and boom my team attacked the merchant!

I really do not want anything fancy, and I see the appeal of say hitting 6 and everyone mounts up or sits to med. But I don't want these things happening every time I hit that key even in dialogue or tells.

Can someone explain the mechanics or something? It is possible I am very close to making this work but do not know it!



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Post Wed Aug 02, 2017 4:00 pm

Re: Basic question from a newcomer

So Your questions are all answered on the WIKI, but I've quoted it here for you.
Understanding Key Maps vs Repeater

First, Key Maps are intended to generally be on, and Repeater is intended to generally be off.

Key Maps are powered by various Hotkeys, which when activated do something that you specifically want, like cast a spell. The only time Key Maps need to be off is if you intend to use those Hotkeys for other things instead, like to type in your password, or chat in the game.

Repeater is a simple broadcast of exactly the buttons you push, and the way you move your mouse. The only time Repeater needs to be on is if you intend for every button you push and every movement of your mouse to be broadcast to the other windows, like to type in your password on all windows at once, or accept or complete a quest, and so on. It is possible to use Repeater more generally by assigning a white or black list, but this is not recommended –- a Key Map can instead be created with all of the keys and key combinations needed, using the Mapped Key Wizard (see "Quickly add many broadcasting hotkeys" section below).

If you begin to move, and your characters run off in different directions, it is because you are broadcasting your movement keys!

Simply, if you don't want everyone to act upon keystrokes, turn of both Repeater(Broadcast) and Key Maps, so then nothing is sent to the other toons.
Most of the time for EQ, Repeater will be disabled and Key maps will be enabled. During situations where you dont want things broadcast anywhere, both will be disabled. For those times when you have all toons interacting with the same NPC or the same 2d element (like in game menus/dialogs) then you will probably have repeater enabled (possible at the same time as Key Maps, because this will normally be for getting the mouse broadcast more than anything).

With assisted multiboxing, you will end up with new keys for turning on and off the ability to sent stuff to other toons. You can use the toggle buttons for this, or you can use the Hotkey (defaults are SHIFT+ALT+R and SHIFT+ALT+M, although I tend to change these in my setups to be something much easier to use). After trying it for a bit you may find that certain things work better than others in terms of keys that are used for general hotkeys to trigger mapped keys, vs those that you use frequently for other things (like trades), so moving away from have them as hotkeys can simplify the play style.


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Post Wed Aug 02, 2017 5:55 pm

Re: Basic question from a newcomer

Thanks for the help! I had actually read that wiki, but without your explanation I did not have the context to understand it.

I will research how to use the toggle buttons. I think that will solve my problems nicely.

Again, thanks!

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