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Huge FPS drops in crowded areas

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Tue Jun 22, 2021 11:22 am

Huge FPS drops in crowded areas

Hi guys,

I really need your expertise. I bought a brand new computer recently, totally overkill for EQ that's obvious (5600X/RX6800xt/32Go Ram etc.).
It is mostly running super smoothly even with 6 characters logged in simultaneously, with generally a good 60/120FPS with all max graphics on in most of the situations including heavy raids.
Nevertheless, in some crowded areas, when facing huge groups of characters gathered, or facing some areas in zones with water or dense particles, I get huge FPS drops to like 10FPS which makes the whole gaming experience extremely annoying, and even frustrating.
I have tried to play around with pretty much all the options and advanced options (lowering or maxing it) and it does not change anything. The only thing i have been able to figure out is that if i put either Far Clip Plane or Actor Clip Plane below 10%, everything goes perfectly smooth again and above 100 FPS.
But of course, I havent bought a new PC to play with 10% Clip plane, so I suspect some parameter is screwing everything up.

A couple of additional informations :
- This happens both with or without MQ2 on
- This happens both with or without +5 bots instances
- I have set CPU affinity properly to use all cores on all instances (either via MQ2 or Windows Task Manager)
- When i face the crowd and get lag, the Windows Task Manager indicated that this process is "Highly consuming energy" even if CPU/GPU is not above 5%, which is surprising
- My GPU and Windows drivers are up to date

I just downloaded ISBoxer trial version hoping it could get things better, but any additional hints will be more than welcome.

Thanks !


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Post Thu Jun 24, 2021 1:13 am

Re: Huge FPS drops in crowded areas

A bit of a google provides some recommendations for graphics settings when multiboxing. https://almarsguides.com/eq/gettingstar ... ceYourLag/

There are a few other sites which mention a number of settings you might want to look at. Another factor which is not mentioned is the resolution. If running higher rez (like 4k), then that will have a large impact.

The game is old, and thus the graphics engine is old. Throwing new hardware can sometimes improve performance of inefficient code, but sometimes that inefficiency just wont be improved.


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Post Mon Nov 15, 2021 12:22 pm

Re: Huge FPS drops in crowded areas

I box 54 toons in eq spread across four computers.
What really helps hiding all toons all pets and all mercs.
Also dont show PC names. these are toggles in the options menu.
I occasionally turn those things on for one of the toons if Im not raiding something. But when i cant have any lag.
Alt O > General Tab
Hide Players All
Hide Pets All
Hide Mercs All
Alt O> Display UNCHECK
ShowPC Names
ShowPet Names
Show Pet Owner Names
Show Merc Owner Names
New Armor Off

Set particles for all types
Near Clip Near
Density Low
On For Me + NPC
Opacity 20ish percent

All toons save for your pullers should have far clip plane around fifty percent.
Under advanced display set actor clip plane to fifty ish percent on non pullers and main toon.

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