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A couple of beginner questions

PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 9:46 am
by OldRodKS
Just started using ISBoxer and I've run into a couple of questions. I'm playing Everquest with just a 2-box for now, hoping to add a 3rd once I get used to using the software

1 - I have two monitors, with one account on each monitor. When I click on a button on the monitor that is not currently focused, I have to click twice - once to switch focus to that window and again to actually click the button. I don't have to do that when I'm not using ISBoxer. Is that a setting somewhere that's causing that?

2 - The video layout window is acting strangely for me. if I select "avoid task bar" then the window fills the area above the taskbar, but there's a black border around the bottom and right side of the screen and my UI text is somewhat scrunched up. If I don't select "avoid task bar", then the window takes up the full screen and the UI looks fine, but the bottom of my Everquest window (where the chat line is for my chat windows) is behind the task bar. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for any help! :)

Re: A couple of beginner questions

PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 10:56 pm
by bob
1. You could try changing this option.

2. You may need to fiddle with the game resolution settings so they match the actual window size. It sounds a bit like the game is not resizing properly. Sometimes it has even been necessary to resort to editing the eqclient-charname.ini files to get it to work. Or you may just need to change your Windows Taskbar so it is set to Auto Hide.

Re: A couple of beginner questions

PostPosted: Wed Apr 28, 2021 5:57 am
by OldRodKS
OK, thank you. I'll check that out

Re: A couple of beginner questions

PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2021 2:23 pm
by hiswitzend

I had this issue too, although i had 2 working characters, i have copied the UI.<CHARNAME>_<SERVER>.INI from the working one on to each of my characters that didnt work. Now all are working