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EQ ISBoxer only 5fps

PostPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 11:55 am
by paulheraty
Hi all,

I've been running 3x EQ clients for ages and just alt-tabbing between them, and figured trying ISboxer would have that easier. So I bought a year's sub yesterday and installed it.

Following the wizard, I now have it set up, but my FPS is at around 5fps for all clients - unplayable. I;ve installed open hardware monitor and it's showing the GPU to be the bottleneck at 99-100%. My CPUs are all around 30-50%.

I'm running on an Alienware M17xR4 with am Nvidea GeForce GTX 675M graphics card. I've tried following the HowTo tweak fps guide, but see no improvements. System also has 12GB ram, and intel i7 CPU.

At first, ISboxer was starting up the EQ clients using integrated Intel graphics, and I thought that was the problem. But I fxed that, and I'm still seeing terrible fps using the discrete Nvidea card.

Any ideas please?


Re: EQ ISBoxer only 5fps

PostPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 2:53 pm
by paulheraty
I've tried running EQ2 and DDO also, starting thru ISboxer. Both using only a single instance only run at ~8fps with GPU showing 50% load and CPU at around the same across all cores.

As mentioned before, I can run 3 instances of EQ outside of ISboxer just fine with no fps lag.

Re: EQ ISBoxer only 5fps

PostPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 3:19 pm
by lax
When you launch the game through ISBoxer, the ini files are virtualized -- so that the graphics settings may be different than when you play without ISBoxer. Have you checked the settings within the game, launched by ISBoxer, to see that they are not on the highest quality settings?

I would also say to check the game's FPS limiter settings, but if your GPU is maxed out I'm not sure that's the problem.

Since you're using a laptop with NVIDIA optimus, I would also suggest to check for a video driver update at This corrects most graphics-related issues with ISBoxer on these machines

Re: EQ ISBoxer only 5fps

PostPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 3:39 pm
by paulheraty
First off, thanks for the reply.

I have tried turning down all the settings, and that gets me to about 8-10fps. I think there is something more fundamentally wrong. This is a high perf gaming machine, and can easily run the games at max settings outside of ISboxer.

I'm downloading the latest Nvidea driver now - will try that.
