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Update to inner space 7204, enabling broadcasting crashes

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Sat Sep 16, 2023 11:27 am

Update to inner space 7204, enabling broadcasting crashes

Inner Space prompted me to update to version 7204 (LIVE)

I run 3 different physical systems. I updated to 7204 on all 3 and restarted Inner Space.

Once updated, if you turn on key broadcasting to send keys to the other 2 systems, the everquest window on each PC would then freeze up and take no input and then inner space would crash.

I rebooted and tried a few times but received the same behavior each time.

Rolling back to 7111 returned it to a working state.

Wasn't sure if this was best place to post, I saw a message in another forum stating to keep issues within the specific games forum.


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Post Sun Sep 17, 2023 3:11 pm

Re: Update to inner space 7204, enabling broadcasting crashes

I am having a similar issue, for me it was enabling broadcasting (alt+ shift + R by default) or even just pressing any combination involving CTRL or ALT would completely lock my client up, it seemed like the input it was taking assumed that CTRL or ALT were stuck indefinitely.

Talking with guildees and friends, I believe others are experiencing similar issues with this build as well.

Rolling back to #7111 also fixed the issue for me. For any of those looking on how to do that, I ran the command in windows as follows (include the quotations):

"%programdata%\Lavish Software\utils\lavishbuild" install innerspace live "1.19 build 7111"


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Post Sun Sep 17, 2023 3:15 pm

Re: Update to inner space 7204, enabling broadcasting crashes

Development build 7206 may resolve the crash issue. To install the development build, right click Inner Space and select Patcher, click the "Development" tab, click "Check for Updates" if needed, and then "Install Now" to actually install it.

Please don't respond on other threads that the "fix" is to install the prior build via command-line, this tends to detract from troubleshooting, providing help and support.


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Post Sun Sep 17, 2023 3:22 pm

Re: Update to inner space 7204, enabling broadcasting crashes

My apologies! was only trying to help

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