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Assigning A Role to a Merc

Moderator: MiRai


Hippy Slayer

Posts: 35

Joined: Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:05 am

Post Wed Apr 21, 2021 6:03 pm

Assigning A Role to a Merc

Greetings all.. :L)

Returning from a few years break, and having trouble in assigning the Main Tank role to my merc. In the past, I was able to manually assign the role, then do a group role list and get the merc true name with the hidden numbers to make them different from each other. Now it doesn't show those numbers, and every time I try to assign the MT role to my merc by any means, other than from the group window is ignored, no error message either. I've even use a potion of amnesia to set a specific name for my merc, but that doesn't allow an ISBoxer command, or even an EQ social (macro) button will assign the role, however, works on all Player controlled characters.


Posts: 8

Joined: Tue Jul 23, 2019 8:03 pm

Post Mon Apr 26, 2021 4:15 am

Re: Assigning A Role to a Merc

this isnt a isboxer problem but idid go see if i could help you and i can get the command to set your merc but there is a workaround
/grouproles roleset save "Name" -- Saves the current group's role set
save the set you aare goign to use can use any name
/grouproles roleset load "Name" -- Loads a previously saved group role set
then you can have isboxer send this one and it will set the roles for you , i confiremed it workes on mercs even my war's merc with spaces in its name. i dont know when they broke that command for mercs i dont usually use them you might try submiting a bug report on it in darkpaws fourms

Hippy Slayer

Posts: 35

Joined: Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:05 am

Post Mon Apr 26, 2021 10:36 pm

Re: Assigning A Role to a Merc

Thank you Slatil. I hadn't thought of doing that. :)

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