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Is multiboxing on Devilian allowed?

Moderator: MiRai



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Post Thu Mar 17, 2016 2:18 pm

Is multiboxing on Devilian allowed?

I want to multibox with ISBoxer on Devilian. I'm seeing people say it's allowed, and others saying it's not. I just need a straight answer.

MiRai says:

Trion confirmed that multiboxing is allowed.

However, I saw this on the forums:

Hello everyone. This is a topic that we've discussed on livestream, and while multiboxing is allowed, it's important to define what is and is not acceptable through our terms of use. Here's a link to our terms of use for reference.

Having multiple accounts logged in from a single IP address or registered user is allowed, but each account must be able to act independently of one another and must be controlled without the use of any third party software. In our terms of use, automation software and unauthorized third party software use is prohibited. Using a program or setup to allow yourself to manipulate multiple characters with a single click or press of the button is prohibited.

If you need to report automated gameplay or botting, please send a detailed report (character names, server, location, activity) to support.trionworlds.com or support@trionworlds.com.

So is multiboxing with ISBoxer allowed for Devilian or not?


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Post Thu Mar 17, 2016 3:16 pm

Re: Is multiboxing on Devilian allowed?

I think Trion's definition of multiboxing is simply running multiple instances from the same IP. And that is allowed.

To my understanding using software to control multiple instances, a subset of our definition or multiboxing, is not allowed.


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Post Thu Mar 17, 2016 3:16 pm

Re: Is multiboxing on Devilian allowed?

As this is not the game publishers forums, then we can provide no official response that will have any sway with Trion.

ISBoxer multiboxing works with Devilian, and as they said themselves, they do allow it (multiboxing that is).

They later clarified their rules about the method of controlling the characters, and it would appear to rule out using additional tools such as ISBoxer for control of the characters. You still could potentially use other ISBoxer features, but if this is the only game you are interested in multiboxing, then only you can determine whether it is worth it to you.

Mind you, if you take their statement at face value, they have also ruled out mouse drivers, so if you want to take a strict interpretation, you will find it very difficult to play the game.


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Post Fri Mar 18, 2016 10:31 am

Re: Is multiboxing on Devilian allowed?

Do you know of any other games similar to Diablo III, Path of Exile and Devilian that allow multiboxing with ISBoxer then?


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Post Fri Mar 18, 2016 12:12 pm

Re: Is multiboxing on Devilian allowed?

Trove and ROTMG come to mind. They don't look as pretty though.

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