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Lee Von

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Post Sun Dec 06, 2015 11:30 pm


Hey guys,

Just a heads up if any of you are planning of multiboxing Devilian. The community relations managers has confirmed that multiboxing is allowed.

Hey all, confirmed with the team on this topic. As with out other games, multiboxing is acceptable as long as the user is in control of all characters. If they are botting, it is against our terms of service. If you see someone who appears to be botting, please make sure to report them at support.trionworlds.com so we can investigate.

http://forums.deviliangame.com/showthre ... not-happen.


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Vibrant Videographer

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Post Sun Dec 06, 2015 11:45 pm

Re: Devilian

Hey, those were my characters. :)

And that's fantastic news that it's officially allowed!


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Post Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:20 pm

Re: Devilian

MiRai wrote:Hey, those were my characters. :)

And that's fantastic news that it's officially allowed!

Is Devilian going to be added to ISBoxer?


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Post Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:59 pm

Re: Devilian

Tricitum wrote:Is Devilian going to be added to ISBoxer?

Yes, though "not already being added to ISBoxer" does not prevent you from using ISBoxer with Devilian!


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Post Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:49 pm

Re: Devilian

Hello and thanks for this great piece of software. It has brought countless hours of fun for me in Diablo 3. I have now moved on to Devilian.

It was tricky for me at first and I have finally got it all set to go.

However, I had an issue which I thought I fixed : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4PFGq ... sp=sharing

I changed the game to 'full screen mode'. Amazing, it worked. Played for hours and had a blast. Went on with my day to come home to the broadcasting not working period. I see my mouse cursor moving on all three clients, but nothing I was doing on the main client was actually registering on the other clients other than the cursor. I could not even toggle broadcast off or on at all. Nothing was responding.

After a while of tinkering, I decided to open the game without isboxer. Proceeded to turn it back to 'full screen windowed'.

Fired up isboxer again with all three clients. Window scaling issue again. Swapped back to 'full screen mode'. Voila, broadcasting works again.

However, I believe there HAS to be a better way. This is currently what I have to do to get it all going :

Before I log out, set the game clients back to 'full screen windowed mode'.

Start up inner space. Load each profile individually. Since the game requires me to use glyph, I have to launch one client thru glyph, then exit. Open the 2nd profile, log out of last account and log into my second account; launch. Same goes for the third.

Once in, I have to then proceed to change all three clients back to 'full screen mode'.

Then I must remember to change it back to 'full screen windowed mode' before I log out for the night otherwise I have to add in an extra step.

I know, #firstworldproblems, but I mean please, if anyone can teach me how to make my life easier. Would be much appreciated. TY!


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Post Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:06 pm

Re: Devilian

Well, for starters you can virtualise the Glyph files if you haven't already.

You can use the Virtual File Wizard for this, select Other as the game you are virtualising.
Type in the file name GlyphClient.cfg
Choose the characters you need this done for, Finish.
Repeat for files ClientOption.xml, Autojoin.xml and Chattingoption.xml

Make sure you set Glyph to Exit automatically on game launch. It is real slow though, so in your Character Set in ISBoxer you can set the Delay between character launches to 12 seconds (you computer might be faster, but this seemed to be right for me).

The above should make it a little easier (although potentially slower) to start up.

Other than that, if you still get the resolution issue, then it may be just an issue with the game, that either needs to be patched (because perhaps the game is ignoring the setting), or there is something that needs to be updated in Inner Space.

ps. If you are running any display scaling in Windows, disable that (i.e. set it back to 100%).


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Post Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:17 pm

Re: Devilian

Thanks for the reply.

I don't see the option for the files ClientOption.xml, Autojoin.xml and Chattingoption.xml. Apologies, as I am only familiar with mutliboxing D3 and that game hardly needed any setting up so I am still a complete noob.

I set up three instances of glyph and pointed innerspace to launch separate glyphs so the exiting shouldn't be an issue if I can get it to save my account info which with just the glyphclient.cfg it isn't doing for me :T

As for the game resolution, I am not so sure it is the game (everything is as it was with d3 with d3 still working just fine. Windows scaling is set to 100%). I see Mirai posting videos on this game working well and never mentions having any issues himself. I tried asking him, but never got a response which is why I am posting here. If a single client crashes on me, it is enraging as I have to do the entire process again. Sigh :(

Thanks again.


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Post Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:29 pm

Re: Devilian

This is a quick reply, but...

For Devilian mouse broadcasting you should probably be virtualizing ClientOption.xml (bob has already given instructions on how to virtualize a file). Second, you should be running Windowed mode (not windowed fullscreen, or fullscreen) which is also shown as <m_windowMode>0</m_windowMode> in the XML file. Third, you should be setting the X,Y screen size in each of the newly virtualized ClientOption.xml files to match what the regions of your Window Layout are rendering at (shown as <m_screenX> and <m_screenY> in the XML file).

I don't know where you asked me specifically, but if that was you in the IRC chat last night then it was figured out (and then assumed that everyone who was in chat saw the message). If you asked me in YouTube comments, then that's probably why I didn't respond--because YouTube comments are not for major support-related issues.


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Post Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:59 pm

Re: Devilian

Yes, I did use youtube. I didn't mean to sound rude, just mentioning it. But ty for responding. Much appreciated.


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Post Fri Dec 11, 2015 9:29 pm

Re: Devilian

Okay, so I went into the xml file and changed the x and y accordingly to my window layout settings. While playing on the main client (only logged in to two to test), it looks fine :

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4PFGq ... sp=sharing

When I window swap this is what happens :

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4PFGq ... sp=sharing

What else can I do here? Thanks.

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