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Client Crashes on Launch with ISboxer Only

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Post Fri Mar 18, 2016 2:23 am

Client Crashes on Launch with ISboxer Only

I'm having a problem on which is setting me back a lot. Keep in mind, my friend is having the same problem on his Laptop too since him and I both reinstalled it.

I'm multiboxing 8 accounts on a AWS g2.2xlarge EC2. I have the server set-up to work with the Multi computer feature to ISBoxer. I had everything working and running how I thought it would, until the server got terminated. I re-created the server, and now for some reason Trove gives me a crash error only saying "Send to Trion" right after clicking play. ISBoxer doesn't have any errors on the console. To get the client to open after clicking "play" on Glyph, I have to spam the play button(same as my friend on the Laptop) which is a 5% chance it will launch, 95% error's. Glyph/Trove launches how it should without ISboxer, but launching it with ISBoxer this happens.

I've restarted from the bottom 4 times now, configuring the g2.2xlarge EC2 again. DirectX, .NET Framework, Windows Update is all up to date. My limit is now capped trying to get this to work. I know this works, with everything running how it is, because it was working but now it's not.


Help would be greatly appreciated..


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Post Fri Mar 18, 2016 3:52 am

Re: Client Crashes on Launch with ISboxer Only


InnerSpace normally needs to run as an Admin process
11. InnerSpace.exe - Process ID: 3948 (D:\Program Files (x86)\InnerSpace\InnerSpace.exe) [Admin:NO] [x86]

And if you want to get a diagnostic for crashes that allows viewing of all running processes, so does the toolkit. Running the toolkit as a standard user will usually cause problems by preventing you from exporting to a secured folder, which your install location may not be, but the default program files folder usually is.
12. ISBoxer Toolkit.exe - Process ID: 1560 (D:\Program Files (x86)\InnerSpace\ISBoxer Toolkit.exe) [Admin:NO] [x86] [41.15.0105.1] [Lavish Software, LLC] [ISBoxer Toolkit]

Other than that, there is nothing too obvious. Most people around here don't use InnerSpace on AWS/Azure VPS setups because, well, we don't have any installed in our homes (residence), and it would tend to breach the the personal licence, although I have no insight to any agreements you have with Lavishsoft.com. Most probably don't use Windows Server 2012 either.

It does appear to be loading an Nvidia D3D driver. It also happens to be loading v364.51. There have been some niggly issues that have been cropping up after v359.06, so it might be worth backing off to the aforementioned version, or even back to v355.65, which is the latest version that does not suffer from the "idle power bug" on an X99 platform (not that I know which platform your g2.2xlarge is running on).


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Post Fri Mar 18, 2016 4:42 am

Re: Client Crashes on Launch with ISboxer Only

Interesting.... The admin window pops up, but it's not really running in Admin for other programs as well. I'm going to have to look more into that and see what I did wrong. Once I get that fix, I'll test it to see. If not, I'll downgrade the driver and see if that fixes it.

I'll also get in contact with Lavishsoft, I didn't know this was against the licence... silly I must say but it is what it is.



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Post Fri Mar 18, 2016 6:14 am

Re: Client Crashes on Launch with ISboxer Only

Still crashing. v.v I don't know what's going on. It was working perfectly before.



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Post Fri Mar 18, 2016 6:25 am

Re: Client Crashes on Launch with ISboxer Only

Me neither. The diagnostic for crashes is a simple enough affair, which doesn't provide much insight to the crash itself but rather what it running on the computer. Lets us pick out the obvious.

Do you have access to the actual crash report? Presumably the "Send to Trion" must be sending something, and these kinds of things are usually stored in a log file somewhere, which should be accessible before you hit the send button. A bit of searching might be required to find it though if they don't provide a handy hint/link on screen to the data.


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Post Fri Mar 18, 2016 7:10 am

Re: Client Crashes on Launch with ISboxer Only

Not that acutall Crash Report. "Yay Trion... ".

Okay, so it took some time,I found Glyph "AppData\Local\Glyph\Logs" on which shows what it's doing with Glyph, but there is no Trove logs at all.

Launch #1: Went thru without an error : http://pastebin.com/GeQZF3PY
Launch #2: Went thru without an error : http://pastebin.com/iLHfER9Q
Launch #3: Went thru without an error : http://pastebin.com/gRTfbyM1
Launch #4: Went thru without an error (Relaunching slot #1 after manually closing it) : http://pastebin.com/qZPuwWte

Closed everything, reopened InnerSpace and launch the set to launch #1: Took 8+ "Play" clicks to get it to launch without an error.
: http://pastebin.com/BZxF6NKh

I hope that helps..


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Post Fri Mar 18, 2016 7:27 am

Re: Client Crashes on Launch with ISboxer Only

Your last one is just repeating the file verification process over and over, so maybe it is not completing that before you hit play again? Nothing else jumps out. It may also be worth having a look at what files are opened by the Glyphclient and Glyphclientcrashhandler to see if there are any other potential places to find info. I normally use Process Explorer and/or Process Monitor to track these down.

What length delay do you have for Glyph to shut down between clients? Locally I need 10 - 12 seconds for it to completely shut down before the next client can launch, otherwise I get crossover issues between the Glyphclient instances and the previous Glyphclientcrashhandler instances.


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Post Fri Mar 18, 2016 7:35 am

Re: Client Crashes on Launch with ISboxer Only

I'm just going to call it a end deal. v.v
No return atm for the amount I put into it, not cheap once you're over 36 hours trying to figure it out.

"Your last one is just repeating the file verification process over and over"

Because the Trove Client spits out the Error, only way to get the client to launch is to spam click the play button.

"What length delay do you have for Glyph to shut down between clients?"

I have them set to 8 seconds, but that wouldn't be the case here. I can launch Trove without ISboxer just find, 5 seconds apart from closing glyph re-opening it. Just launching the game with ISboxer make it crash. I've notices the Virtual files, if I delete them all in the Local/Roaming higher chance of it launching but goes back to spam clicking play after the first successful launch.

Gonna see if my friend will chim in with what he knows/tested once he's online. Maybe we'll figure it out.


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Post Sat Mar 19, 2016 9:58 pm

Re: Client Crashes on Launch with ISboxer Only

I got it working on Windows Server 2008. (Windows Vista)
Just something about Windows 8.1 makes Trove crash when launched thru InnerSpace.

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