Post Tue Jul 08, 2014 10:57 pm

Share your configurations please


I am currently 4 boxing in Sastasha and my mages are getting wiped because I cant get heals off in time to my DPS. I only have a straight key broadcast to heal my Tank [Target window is my Healer's]. I usually swap to my healer's window to heal the mages. I could use Medica but then the aggro generated is so huge that even a Flash from my tank can't take the aggro back.

Also, I always have to press Alt-A before DPSing. Is there a way to auto assit and broadcast at the same time?

I would love it if someone who is 4 boxing FF14 could share their configuration here.

My Party Makeup: Gladiator, Thaumaturge, Thaumaturge, Conjuror [in that order]