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Loading issues

PostPosted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 12:59 am
by djein
I originally thought it was latency but after ALOT of testing I have come to the conclusion something in isboxer is causing this issue. When running up to an npc whether it is a town vendor or a fate spawn it takes an excessive amount of time to visually show up. I can run a screen away and have issue with an NPC in that area popping waiting 10 seconds then run back a single screen and have the previous NPC not show up for 10+ seconds. This is just running ONE insance of ffxiv through isboxer. When i run the game by itself with no isboxer there is no load times for NPC to show up and everything is instant. Also load screens seem to be significantly faster when only running ffxiv. I have tested this on two different computers and have the same issue. I really hope its just a simple solution that i'm doing something wrong..some sort of caching perhaps? Either way the problem eludes me and it feels very significant so I hope we can come to resolution.

edit: If i run 4 instances of the game usually only one of the four windows has the npc loading problem. The other 3 pop just fine.

Re: Loading issues

PostPosted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 7:17 am
by lax
edit: If i run 4 instances of the game usually only one of the four windows has the npc loading problem. The other 3 pop just fine.

I'm not sure what ISBoxer would have to do with this issue, unless it is something in FFXIV configuration that is perhaps saved differently for one but not the others?

Re: Loading issues

PostPosted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 2:27 pm
by djein
Thats why i find it so absurdly strange...I've never had a similar issue with isboxer. I have a top of the line computer and i'm only running a single instance of the game to test. And yet its clear as day when isboxer is running ffxiv the delays are pretty big. When the game is run by its own launcher its smooth with no delays. When i run all 4 clients with isboxer the problem usually only replicates into one of them. An example is a fate spawns with a single boss enemy i run all 4 characters up to it. Three of the four immediately see the target and i start attacking but i notice the 4th hasn't loaded and needs to wait a pretty extreme amount of time 10-15 seconds just to even see it. My only hope that someone else on these forums is having a similar issue so we can figure out how to solve the problem. Its just so weird!

Re: Loading issues

PostPosted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 3:05 pm
by gnetcham
Ill look at it when iam running today really hasn't been a issue, I know sence the last update with ffxiv there has been a lot of server lag guys jumping around or "blinking".

Re: Loading issues

PostPosted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 6:04 pm
by djein
Try running to a marketplace and looking at the market NPC...then running a little further down the marketplace at another NPC. Then run back and see how long it takes them to spawn.

Re: Loading issues

PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 8:18 am
by Biggcarl
djein wrote:Try running to a marketplace and looking at the market NPC...then running a little further down the marketplace at another NPC. Then run back and see how long it takes them to spawn.

instantly i've never seen this problem. and i run 4 box. what is your fps in game?

Re: Loading issues

PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 1:01 pm
by djein
60fps on main 30fps on other instances. If i was lagging it should affect all instances but my 250mb/s connection seems to be holding up well. Also i'm a canadian and the servers are in canada (lol so nice) I honestly feel like this is some sort of reading/cache issue since i can run such a short distance and then back again and have to wait for them to reload. This is most likely a "Me" issue..i'm trying to narrow it down.

Re: Loading issues

PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 6:40 pm
by gnetcham
I tried to do the same issue your having and haven't seen it happen as of yet